Working with the internal dialogue (voice) and finding the "here and now"

1. Listen, as you say in the company. If you can - Record your own voice. You will be surprised and perhaps disappointed with the way it sounds. The more your self is different from your real personality, the stronger you will be reluctance to recognize your voice their own.
2. Read aloud the verses that you know and listen to yourself. Do not get involved in reading, do not try to read louder, clearer and more expressive. Read as you get, read and listen to, repeat, until you feel the integration of speech and hearing.
3. Read the poem by the same inner speech - "in the mind." Now you should already be easy to hear their own inner speech. Reading a book or a newspaper listen to how its internal speech. This practice can improve your memory, due to increased contact with the material.
4. Try to listen to your inner voice thinking. If this is a concern, or stupor, start it like this: "Now I listen to myself. I do not know what to think. I'll try to do a thought experiment, "here and now". Yes, it sounds just as if I was doing it out loud. And now I forgot stopped listening ... "Celebrate your inner voice modulation: what his emotional tone? He sounds like a child? He blurts out meticulously all implied after the value is clear. Try to induce a state of inner silence.
If you can feel the functional unity of speaking and listening, your thinking will become more expressive. At the same time a part of your thinking, which does not express anything, like spinning the motor at idle, slowly begin to fade. Increasingly letting you in a state of "here and now».
5. Try to keep inner silence, refrain from inner speech. At the same time remain aware. This will be a state of "here and now". At first it is possible to only a few seconds. To start well at least tell the difference between the inner silence and inner speaking. Allow them to change each other. A good way - to coordinate it with breathing. Breathe - Stop speech, breath - speaking the. If you are alone, it is useful to be spoken out loud, in a whisper.
6. Listen to the inner voice and try to interpret it: the rhythm, tone, 'driving phrases. " Who are you talking about? For what purpose? Niggles or grumble? Flatter? You do not turn the phrase as if hiding something - you know what? Try to impress? Or do you like the way the words flow, clinging to one another? Does your inner speech constant audience? Try to change the tone and the sound source.
4 Signs that your soul has a spiritual experiences from previous incarnations: