I - your body, and I appeal to you!

Today, billions of Tel united in a desire to convey to people the important information.
"Dear Hosts! We all go through life from birth to the end of your stay on planet Earth.
We would like you to listen to what we want to convey to you today!
Every body - a whole planet, which owns you!
This planet is brilliantly arranged. It has a huge internal resources and capabilities.
Unfortunately, for the most part, you have forgotten that the health, beauty and efficiency of the body depends on you. Rather from your thoughts. For us in the direction you specify exactly thoughts. And now you are more likely to control the body on autopilot.
Of course, we continue every day to perform their functions. Even when you are asleep, we continue to carry out a huge and important work in your body. Millions of your cells Body serve you faithfully, every minute, every day, every year ...
We have formulated a list of requests for you. We would be pleased if you take into account our wishes.
I am your body ... and I turn to you.
1) Do I look the way you think of me. Please think of me that I am beautiful, and I will be such.
2) When you think about the disease and try to pick them in me - I have to adjust to your thoughts, and I'm starting to get sick.
3) When you have a lot of time is devoted to the thoughts that cause you negative emotions, I am also starting to get sick. Because precious life force goes into these ideas.
4) When you think thoughts that cause joy - I literally blossom and young in his eyes.
5) What are reserves and possibilities are very high. Just believe in me ... I have the ability to regenerate, I'm able to restore lost organs. I can recover, even if your doctor has diagnosed me incurable. Just help me with his desire and belief in my ability.
6) I am so arranged that can easily operate a thousand years and more. Why did you have in 35-40 years, and even before you start thinking about aging? You Old me your thoughts. For in your society hovers contagious program that is almost 100 years limit.
7) When you're going to eat something, even if sometimes ask me what I need? If you learn to hear me, I always answer you. And it will be you and I only benefit. You eat the food on autopilot or having read the next clever books.
8) Once again I want to touch beauty. Please do not stuffed me with all sorts of pills, silicone, Botox, acrylics, gels, etc. I can be beautiful and without all this. Just help me. And I'm happy to take the necessary forms for you.
9) I love to walk in the fresh air. To swim. I like to run. Dance. Like massage. Love. Activities that bring you joy.
The computer and the TV sit all day ... not really.
10) I really believe you, and if eating a piece of cake, do you think that potolsteesh, I realize your idea ... and thick.
11) I love you very much. And I'd like to hear words of thanks and words of love from you. At least sometimes.
But if you do not do this, I will still love you unconditionally.
I, your body, your universe. And you're also part of the vast universe.
Thank you, all is well.
Thank you for listening to me.
Thank you, I exist because you wish. And I'm so, how do you wish to see me. Let's help each other.
Your body.