All of us are born pure and bright, strong and powerful.

We all hear all of us are born pure and bright, strong and powerful. All of us at heart have the unimaginable possibilities and abilities. But the power of his Spirit, we accept the kind of karma, which are born. This load is a heavy burden. It's easy to break down, forgotten, lost, involved in a variety of roles, fears and archetypes. This cargo, or rather its gradual awareness and overcome - nurtures our spirits even more, the spirit evolves, and the soul acquires new features and capabilities. It is for this we are here.
Unfortunately or fortunately, all the actions that people make in the hope to improve their lives - do not have a strong influence on them. Because most people cling to the outside, and want to change again outside. They want to live beautifully and richly others to see it. It does not work on himself.
Inside them as it was damp and dark, and left. Internally, these people are always dissatisfied and unhappy, they are still not doing what they really expensive and a pleasure.
Unhappy at heart people how can fill real happiness of others? It is easier to pretend that we are happy, beautiful smile and dress nicely. Making great efforts to ensure that we apparently were ideal.
But at heart, really? Soul groans and cries, and the technique of positive thinking does not allow us to lose heart and cry, we do not allow yourself to look into its abyss and see there is a lot of pain and fear. We are afraid to face with all its forgotten and clamped episodes of life, afraid to once again plunge into childhood trauma, afraid to cry out in pain and experience fear, abandonment, loneliness, and other variants of heartache. But it is inevitable in the way of work on oneself. It takes a lot of courage to jump into the unknown, to stop pretending and find yourself present. At first look, and then one day find.
If a person has set itself specific goals in the way of work on myself - it is unshakable, and the whole universe would be helping him. Objectives are not material, and the objectives are honest to yourself, arrayed mind automatically after recognizing himself of his fears and weaknesses.
Become above himself, no more than anyone, and it is above himself, above his weaknesses, fears and prejudices. The biggest win of his life - a victory over himself!
"On the Way to the Stars." Kama Rave.