Prana Tube:

In many esoteric teachings mentioned tube prana, which is a central channel that runs through all the subtle body from the head to his crotch below (above and below). This multi-dimensional channel is called differently: Divine axis (from the Pleiadians - Book Amora Quan Yin), the core channel / core energy (Peggy Phoenix Dubro, author of the technique of balancing the electromagnetic field), pipe prana (Drunvalo Melchizedek - "Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life" and others).
Prana tube is formed immediately in the fertilized egg, after the merger of two protoyader (male and female) and start dividing. At the time of formation of the first eight cells there already exists a central axis oriented along the magnetic poles of the planet, which then, in further cell division and its transformation into a torus, is converted into the receiver of prana. Inside the tube into which the energy of the Earth and the cosmos, all the organs begin to form.
So prana tube plays a crucial role in the life of any creature. It ensures the supply of different types of energy to generate energy and the physical body and the energetic interaction between the chakras. After the birth of the world, the first time a child uses both air and pranic breathing (through the fontanelle - the upper opening of the pranic tube). Then the air (external) breath comes to the fore, and the activity of prana tube is reduced.
Activating the prana tube is extremely important for spiritual development. Thanks to the revival of the functions of prana tube, again you start to get the energy of the Earth and the Cosmos, who use for their transformation (spiritual and physical).
Quality prana heterogeneous and depend on the level / measurement, from which it comes. For our evolution we need all kinds of prana.
Tube prana should ideally go through all your energy volume (auric egg that surrounds your physical body at a distance of 60 cm, at least, on all sides, including the top and bottom), and then connect to the center of the Earth with any cosmic level (as can be higher).
Activating the prana tube occurs in different ways. The simplest, which offers civilization Hathor is inhaling prana / life force through the crown of the head and through the root chakra and filling it pranic tube. Constant feeling of a tube of prana in your body to and through continuous streams of energy that come through you from the cosmos and the Earth gives you a sense of stability, strength and balance.
Through this tube made your stable relationship with the Earth and the cosmos, and thus formed a stable communication channel with your higher aspects, as well as the consciousness of the Earth and the universe. The two are constantly moving, countervailing stream of consciousness passing through the tube prana naturally purify your chakras, fill them with vital energy necessary for the study of all your programs on each chakra. Again, prana - the energy of the Divine consciousness manifested energy in the denser dimensions. Therefore, prana breathing, you breathe the very energy and consciousness of the Divine Source.
In practice, the focus of your consciousness within the tube prana (core channel) helps you keep your balance / harmony in everyday life.