Practice every minute:

To do this, select some usual thing that you perceive as a means to an end. Fully concentrate their attention on it - let it become the very end. For example, when you go up the stairs - whether at home, at work, - concentrate on every step, every movement, every breaths. Fully present.
When you wash your hands, pay attention to your feelings: Listen as the water flows, feel the water, feel the movements of the hands, inhale the smell of soap ...
Sitting in the car and slammed the door, take a little break and concentrate on your breathing. Realize silent but powerful sense of presence.
If you want to learn, you have successfully coped with the exercise or not, pay attention to the degree of inner peace - it is the most reliable indicator.
Learn not to identify ourselves with the mind - this is an important step on the path to enlightenment. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger.
Perhaps one day you will find that in a head-sounding voice makes you ulybku- just like building faces a tomboy. This is a sure sign that you stopped too seriously the contents of the mind, since your sense of "I" is no longer dependent on him.