HOW TO FILL House of Angels:

The energy of your home depends on you. No one can change it without your permission. If our aura is weakened or damaged due to the fact that you have shared his power with anyone, take immediate steps to strengthen it. It is necessary to eat well, actively engaged in auto-training, make the right decisions, to represent in images, what you want and communicate with the angels of various ranks.
Whenever you think or say about angels, the archangel of any teacher in your aura permeates the energy that makes it even lighter.
Having a strong and pure aura, you'll attract the people; They will support your decisions and plans.
How to clean your house:
To make your home attractive to angels, you first need to release it from the rubbish. Make cleaning. Vacuum and clean the whole house. If necessary, change the interior.
Open the windows to get rid of the old energy and let a new one. It is very important to do if you're with someone or quarreled someone rude.
Clean the area with the help of incense, putting it in every corner of the house. Let all the rooms are hanging bells and cymbals; they must destroy the old hard power.
Check the shelves, get rid of all the junk and books with low vibration - from them comes the bad energy.
Plants with small leaves, such as ferns, destroy all the negative education.
Encourage the silver violet flame and imagine how it fills your home.
How to fill your home with light:
Buy or borrow books from friends who exude light. Pictures on the walls, too, emit a certain energy.
Beautiful pictures of landscapes and types of sea, light, or holy men, cheerful children and pets fill the space with light.
Angels love color, so in your home should be bright curtains, bedspreads and carpets. Fill in the space of a variety of colors.
Arrange the altar, put some candles, crystals, beautiful objects, images or statues of saints and Ascended Masters.
An angel will surely impress your daily prayer uttered in this corner when a lit candle.
Meditate, pray and dance in space, full of light and joy.
Favorite sounds of Angels:
Angels attracts classical music and beautiful works of a new era ", written in the name of peace and harmony. They also like the sound of glass and Tibetan bowls.
Angels love to laugh. Let your house will always be joyful friends and relatives, and then the angels be sure to visit you. Sing the most beautiful and spiritual songs, and your home will become even more attractive to the messengers of light. Humming names of the Lord, or the sounds of the mantra "of" and "and" Let the singing brings you happiness.
Conversations about spiritual matters and the good remarks about other people, too mellifluous angels.
Meditation, inviting angels into your home:
1. Ensure that the chosen location for meditation you will not be disturbed.
2. If possible, strengthen energy places with flowers, candles, incense, angel of music that you like, and beautiful objects or books.
3. Sit or lie down with your back straight.
4. Imagine that you are rooted: the roots coming from your feet, connects you to the earth.
5. Relax and abstracts from the outside world. Look around you and bless all things and all the inhabitants of your house.
6. Close your eyes and imagine how your house is filled with beautiful golden light.
7. Ask a beam of light came down from the ultimate beginning on the ground, filled with your home. Mentally imagine this picture.
8. Invite the angels to his house.
9. Believe that they are close to you, listen to your instincts.
10. Thank them for their visit and promised that he would store energy and light, which they surrounded us.