Way to deal with the negatives:

It is well known that the environmental pollution - the great misfortune of mankind. But this evil is external, but the main problem is the internal negative. To it all boils down, because we live in a competitive world where everyone wants to be noticed and rewarded, everyone wants to win. In today's society negative everywhere, and it is almost impossible to avoid.
Negative pours on us from all sides, but its main breeding grounds are the media and anti-advertising, the so-called black PR. In the same row are gossip, rumors and various realiti- and talk show: "You are the weakest link. Farewell". What can we say about the millions of chat rooms, forums and discussions on the Internet, reading to feel stained with dirt?
But if you can not watch TV, the Internet - to disable the communication of his life will not pull out. And we do not even notice how much negativity slip into our everyday speech: we complain about the weather (mother in law, mortgage, politicians, bureaucrats, weeds in the country), and listen to the same complaint in response. We are used to judge and blame others. But thoughts are material.
But the situation nebezvyhodnaya. More precisely, even two outputs. You can refer to positive psychology, to pass within it a special course of therapy to help cope with stress. And you can "cure" yourself with a medicine called optimism. Optimism is both a powerful motivator, and protection from fears and experiences, he will cheer up and help out.
If one of optimism is not enough, to help him may come a few simple spiritual practices. Here are some tips.
1. Approves the Council.
Approval of the opposite of denial - it's very simple, yet very powerful weapon against negative. Start each day by listing three things that you like or that you like. It is important to delete the words "not" and "no." And at the end of the day think of three good events of the day, and write them down.
TIP 2. Surround yourself with positive people.
Pay attention to the brightest of optimists in your environment and try to better communicate with them. Without noticing, you will gradually become infected their zest for life and faith in a better.
TIP 3. Most go back to pleasant memories.
Every time you feel like a black hand negativity pulls you down, think about something pleasant: you have a child ride with, or your wedding day - anything that will cause you to be distracted and smile. The soil of good memories endlessly fruitful seasons.
TIP 4: Look for good.
In every unpleasant event can find the bright side. At first it may be difficult, but over time has become easier. Read the "Pollyanna"? She is in her eleven years was able to rejoice crutches as a birthday present, while dreaming of a doll. She was glad that they do not need it! The ability to find a source of joy in bad events makes people happier.
TIP 5. Thanks.
Learn to thank life for what it gives you. Strive for more - it's good, but it is equally important to appreciate what is already there. Being thankful is not good to take for granted - is the foundation of the fortress, which does not break any negativity.