One of my favorite things - planning "of the day with the angels." It does not require money, and the results do not disappoint me ever.
You may decide to spend a day in nature (please bring sandwiches), visit friends or a large shopping center.
There is only one requirement: Before tell yourself:
"Today I'm going to spend the day with the angels. This means that I am open to everything that the universe tells me about angels, and I can help others. "
Remember, everything that happens to you in this day, arranged specifically to teach you something, or simply to entertain. The adventure begins! Be kind to the counter.
If people speak to you, look them straight in the eye. But this does not mean that you should otpravitsya.v dysfunctional quarter and mingle with local punks. In all it is necessary to know when to stop.
If you are today, "buyer", you tell yourself that you will only look angelic things. You will find that spend less money and track down what you really need.
Ask the angels guide you in the "right" store, or library if you are looking for a particular book or reference material.
Returning home, jot down the most significant events of the day (if you want, but this is optional - LS).
Spend time for reflection and pampering. During meditation visually imagine your angel as a guide to help you find answers to unsolved "surveys about your experience.
In fact, there are many ways to spend a "day with an angel." You can start each day as "an angel." You will be surprised how much more harmoniously, you'll feel great and these feelings will accompany you every day.