Energy Healing:
For this practice, you only need to communicate with their own energy, and honesty to yourself. You can learn more about themselves, even without possessing the gift of clairvoyance.
The main types of destructive formations in the aura:
- The energy outflow (or even call them energy "holes") - "vulnerable" places in the aura through which vital energy goes, manpower.
Reason: energofagi (what "sucks" energy, it can be internal programs of the ego or the influence of people who hold our attention) and hronofagi (that owns our time, for example, dependence on the Internet, many phone calls, too long sleep , overeating, etc.).
Diagnosis: a sense of loss of strength, apathy, depression and the like.
We must ask ourselves the question: what happened BEFORE you experienced this state (to find their own personal or energofagi hronofagi) and either eliminate it from your life, or to minimize or replaced with something more positive and build.
- Energy unit. This place accumulation of energy, a place of stagnation (when there is no possibility of energy to flow freely through the energy channels). The main cause tumors.
The reason: stress, anxiety, resentment, rejection of people and situations (energy "repulsion"), denial, greed, sloth, condemnation, and the like.
We must ask ourselves the question: what makes me stress that I can not take (including, and in itself) that I blame (and, therefore, strengthens the world, which means that the energy stops flowing in its natural path) and etc.
Find the cause, you need to start working with the practice of taking, forgiveness, letting go, relaxation (relaxation exercises), etc.
Wish you happiness!