Want to live long and be healthy - Learn about the point of longevity.

You can start with each new moon to rotate their body clock back, naturally rejuvenating your body - that is considered to be in the East.
Nothing special about it does not need!
* Put a hand on his knee.
* Under the fourth finger, you will feel a hole between the bones of the legs. This will be your point of longevity.
Option 1.
This point must be warmed up with warm hair dryer for 1-3 minutes until a little redness, importantly, do not get a thermal burn. On each leg to warm up these points during the first 7 days of the new moon for 1-3 minutes.
Very strong increases immunity, a person becomes healthy and viable!
This process is rooted in the distant past.
Option 2.
Massaging Tsu-san-li best before lunch, clockwise circular motion 9 times alternately on each foot, and so for 10 minutes. This massage has a stimulating effect. Massage afternoon and counterclockwise - calming effect. At the end of the massage you can feel the lightness in the body. During the massage, sometimes felt a painful tingling in the front of the head, in the legs and shoulder blades.

SIX Healing Sounds
"SSSSSSSSS" - Sound easy
It is used for colds, feelings of sadness and grief.
Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Raise your hands in front of him, turning his hands to himself. At eye level, turn the palms outward, while continuing to raise their hands. At the end of the movement palm as if make a push up, rounded elbows, fingers pointing at each other, the teeth are closed, but not tightly, her lips slightly parted. Slowly exhale air through his teeth with a long sound of "sssssssss." Feel this sound lungs are filled with energy and exempt from all evil. Full breath. Dropping his hands, hold them at the level of light and imagine that they are filled with bright white light.
"CHYUUUUUUUUUU" - the kidney sound
Used in fear, fatigue, dizziness, ringing in the ears, pain in the back.
Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Keep your legs together. Bend your knees and clasp hands, joining the fingers into the lock, and bend the back. At the same time, lift the head so that the gaze is directed forward, and tighten your arm muscles. Feel the tension in the back. Round the lips as if blowing out a candle and make a slow exhale with the sound of "chyuuuuuuuu." At the same time pull your belly. Fully finished exhale, legs apart, and place your palms on your lower back. Imagine that the kidneys are saturated blue light going all the discomfort, if they were.
It is used in the sense of anger and frustration.
Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Arms to the side, palms up. Slowly raise your hands to the top of the head, eyes following their movement. Now weave your fingers and turn your palms to the ceiling, as if pushing out the air. Slightly tilted to the left. Shire Open your eyes and slowly exhale the sound "shshshshshsh." Feel like getting your energy cleanses the liver. Finished exhaling, bring your hands to the liver. Imagine that emanates from them the green light.
"HHHAAAAAUU" - heart sounds
It is used for heart disease, angina, herpes, nervousness Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Take the same position as in the previous exercise. Only need to lean slightly to the right. Open your mouth as if about to yawn, says slowly exhale the sound "hhhaaaaauu." Finished exhaling, bring both hands to his heart, sending him the red light, love and joy.
"HHHUUUUUU" - the sound of stomach and spleen
It is used for digestive disorders, nausea.
Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Place the middle finger to the left under the breastbone. Look up, and gently push your fingers while making the sound of breath and saying "hhhuuuuuuuu" that must come from within. Feel the vibrating vocal folds. The stomach and spleen begin to work better. Now bring your hands to those bodies and imagine that they are filled with amber.
"HHHIIIIIIII" - the sound of triple warmer
It is used for insomnia, inner tension.
Triple Heater is called a conditional body of the hot parts (brain, heart, lungs), warm side (liver, kidney, stomach, pancreas, spleen) and the cold part (large and small intestine, bladder, genitals).
Technique of performance: take a deep breath. Sit back in the chair, hold hands to her face. Doing exhale, say the sound is barely audible "hhhiiiiiii" is slightly retracted thorax, then the solar plexus, and finally the lower abdomen. Hands at this time moves slowly along the body down, as if directing the energy from head to feet. Finished exhaling, focus attention on the digestive tract.
Practice is recommended to do every day before going to bed to relax the body and provide a good night's sleep.
You can spend more time on any particular organ, if you feel any problem in it or related emotions. If you do not have time to do the entire practice, practice only Sound Light and Sound Kidney.