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20 strange psychological reasons why people fall in love

The site reminds of love there are no trifles! Probably, the matter is not in the destiny. Mutual attraction, connecting people by bonds of love, there is sometimes quite suddenly, and its causes are not so obvious.

So, maybe someone fell in love with you, or someone you are in love because ...

1. You really, really like h3> Decades of research show that kind of cliché "opposites attract" is quite untenable.

«Partners, which are very similar, and above all - as individuals are similar, most likely every day will feel the same. And it can greatly facilitate mutual understanding of the partners ».

Gian Gonzaga, senior author of the study couples who met on eHarmony


2. You look like one of the parents of his partner h3> Psychologist David Perrettiz University of St Andrews and his colleagues found that a lot of nice people who have hair and eye color is the same as the parents of the person experiencing sympathy.

And the age range of these attractive people - the same as it gave people feel sympathy with his parents at the time of his birth.

«We found that women born" old "parents (age was 30 years) is not very attracts the young. Much more they are attracted to mature men person. This is different from women born "young" parents (parental age less than 30 years). And the men preferred women face, both externally and age similar to their mothers' faces, with only long-term relationship ».


3. You are correct smell h3> According to a study conducted by the University of Southern California, women during ovulation prefer to smell T-shirts worn by men with high testosterone levels. This is combined with another instinct having a hormonal nature: women during ovulation prefer men with a strong jaw line.

4. You like "open" posture h3>

Hands thrust into the pockets and mixed shoulders send around a signal that they have no interest h4> Experts in body language unanimous that posture says a lot more than words. Hands thrust into the pockets of his shoulders and mixed signal is sent to others that you are not interested. But if a man says to "open" arms and is thus in "open" position - a clear allusion to the fact that it is available for communication. Such people are not so many, and they tend to attract more attention. And the attention to falling in love - one step.

5. Your voice above (or vice versa - lower) than normal h3> Your voice signals your interest. When women are attracted to someone, their voices become lower. A man's voice on the contrary, are getting higher.

6. You stared at each other in the eyes for at least two minutes h3> In an experiment at the University of Massachusetts psychologist Joanne Kellerman attended by 72 undergraduate, who were strangers to one another. She asked them to pair up and look into each other's eyes for 2 minutes.

«Later, they said that they have a sense of passionate love or affection for another person, suggesting that long periods of eye contact may well connect you with someone else, and even to awaken in you a love for the person you will never previously met ».

Scientific American


7. You are tall h3> The study, which involved 594 people, showed that taller men continue to attract more female attention than the average and stunted. High growth is associated with physical strength, strength of character and prosperity, even if it all - only an impression. Our brain is easily fooled when it comes to potential partners for reproduction.

8. You do together something exciting h3>

Men met the woman after walking on a high suspension bridge, called her, Unlike men, passed over a low bridge h4> In 1974, by Donald Dutton and Arthur Aron wanted to find out whether there is a connection between the drive and sense of danger. They asked the subjects men to go either high suspension bridge, or the low and hard. Then it went out to the female experimenter asked a series of questions and then leave your phone - "just in case».

Men who met the woman after walking on a high suspension bridge, called her, unlike men, have passed the low bridge. This phenomenon psychologists call "attribution error excitation." That is the highest bridge has created a sense of excitement because of the anxiety, but men mistakenly believed that the excitement arose from the desire of a woman.

That is why the joint breaching various exciting things - such as cycling or riding a "roller coaster" - for many can become a first date.

9. You literally "heated" meeting h3> psychologist John Bargh of Yale University conducted an experiment in which subjects had to hold in their hands the cup with warm or cold drinks. At the same time they had to assess the personality of the other person, and understand whether this person is "warm" or "cold».

Subjects who kept warm drinks, evaluated the personality of people as "warm" as the reason the test has already started to think in this direction.

If you are on a date Treat someone coffee, not cream, people will treat you warmly.

10. Do you live close h3> It is important to not only be close to someone emotionally - you still need to strive to get closer physically.

These experiments, conducted at MIT, show that the closer the students' rooms, the closer their relationships were.

And it happens because between them was more "passive interaction", for example, short meetings, as they passed by each other in the hallway of the hostel. Such moments seriously contributed to their rapprochement. This phenomenon is known as "the effect of simple effects." And it consists in the fact that the friendly relations between the people play a great role in enhancing mutual attraction.

11. You live in a beautiful house h3>

Men with luxury apartments seemed participating experiment more attractive h4> We've all heard that women are attracted to men with a good car. But men seem more attractive when taking pictures in a luxury apartment. In a study conducted by the University of Cardiff, the man was photographed in a relaxed pose in a luxury, "high-status" apartment, and the second photo was taken in an apartment, talking about the "middle status" of its owner.

Men with luxury apartments experiment participants seemed more attractive. The researchers decided that the illusion associated with the status of property rights greatly influenced the appeal and, consequently, the situation surrounding the man matters.

12. Do you have a dog h3> In an experiment conducted at the University of Michigan, a woman reading small stories about men. And every time in the history of a man appeared holding a dog, a woman was assessed such a man to be more attractive in the long term. This is because ownership of the dog signals the inclination to permanent relations. And yet it makes you seem more relaxed, approachable and happy.

13. He (or she) does not like you when you first meet h3> The people most likely to be attracted to someone who at first could not find them attractive, and thus provoke them much stronger than those who initially showed sympathy.

This was clearly demonstrated in a study conducted in 1972. Jerome and Robert Tognoli Keysnerom.

Participants in the experiment "accidentally" heard the experimenter spoke about them in either a positive or a negative way. In the end it turned out that the subjects were more like the experimenter initially gave them a negative rating (which later became positive). This shows that people find reviews of a more valuable if they are accompanied by subsequent victory over someone.

14. You agree to the pace of his walk with the pace partner h3> In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, studied walking speed. The researchers found that men reduce their walking pace so that it matches the women's rate, provided that the woman they love. But friends who have not had for each other special romantic feeling, the pace of his walk is not coordinated.

15. Your partner is a little less or about the same beautiful h3> In a study conducted in 1996, the year of each test evaluated for physical attractiveness, and then sent on a date with the other subjects, who were appointed at random.

Then the subjects were asked to describe how they are satisfied by these travelers. More attractive subjects were harsher in their judgment, even if the appeal of both parties dating is almost on the same level. That is the better looking one or the other person is, the less satisfaction from seeing it received.

But this rule applies only to the really attractive to people. As for the rest, we, according to the hypothesis of scientists, we love those who as attractive as we are.

16. You introduced yourself Botox h3>

Women who have undergone injection of Botox, a man found more attractive and healthy h4> In the European study, associated with the appearance of the face and attractiveness, the researchers sought to determine whether Botox can help women to find partners.

Women who have undergone botox injection, men find more attractive and healthy. The more procedures were women, especially attractive, young and healthy they felt.

17. You smile a lot h3> In two experiments, the researchers examined the association of Switzerland between happiness and attractiveness. They found that the assessment of someone's attractiveness others depends on how often the face of the man a smile. In fact, a happy face even able to offset some unattractive.

18. You do music h3> Researchers from France have found that music lessons are directly related to the selection. In the experiment, a young man holding a box of a guitar or a sports bag, asked for numbers from 300 random women on the street. If the hands of the young man was a case of guitar, the majority of women were willing to give him my phone number.

19. You wear a red h3> In one study conducted in Slovakia, women prefer red clothes, were more successful in a variety of scenarios, flirting. This success of the researchers associated with the transmission of signals, as women use red to attract potential partners.

In addition, women also attracted to men in red, according to Huffington Post, as this color is a sign of status.

20. You have to face a certain type of vegetation h3> In an experiment conducted in Australia, researchers found that women feel a person with a thick beard more attractive in comparison with the clean-shaven faces, people with beard and individuals with mild bristles.

In addition, the researchers also found that facial hair is related to the perception of the reproductive function. The more hair on the face were men, especially its masculine considered woman, particularly if it is currently in the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. It seems that beards are associated with health and with a good ability to raise offspring.

via www.businessinsider.com/weird-psychological-reasons-people-fall-in-love-2015-2?op=1