Features of a romantic relationship with a married man
There are women who always fall in love with domestic tyrants, and there are those who fall in love with men walking. Some failed relationships are replaced by others. But there is one special category of unhappy women: they fall in love with married men, at best just unfree. And this is not a curse or an evil fate, because every woman is the author of her fate and consciously makes a choice.
An affair with a married man A man is a very complicated type of relationship. This is not a union of two free people, because, as a rule, other people are involved in such relationships: children, spouses, relatives. Editorial "Site" Psychologists will tell you what to do if you fall in love with a married man.
“A married man is the same man, only with disabilities,” women like to joke. The article is about women who have feelings for a married man and hope to take him away from his wife in order to build personal happiness. This does not apply to girls who meet with already busy men only for material benefits, or situations where a man himself hides information about the existence of a family.
As a rule, women who choose married men have a number of features. Similar experiences, history, pain points and behaviors. Often the basis of sympathy for married men lies some personal problems. We choose to be or not to be in a relationship, in which and with whom. Yes, sometimes it can happen bypassing consciousness, but only up to the age of 25. So all psychologists advise you to find the reason in yourself.
Reasons for Love for a Married Man
A married man can be loved, but it is unlikely to bring happiness. A long-known truth: they go not to someone, but from someone. So do not waste your beautiful years of life with empty hopes. Everyone has their own destiny, but it is important to pay attention to introspection every day. You have to dig in a little bit.
Think about what is happening in your life, what you feel and what caused this condition. As they say, a man should be loved, but a little more. Everyone has their own destiny, but we know that all women deserve happiness.
We advise you to read 20 quotes by Erich Fromm about the issues that bother a person.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about women's romances with married men. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
An affair with a married man A man is a very complicated type of relationship. This is not a union of two free people, because, as a rule, other people are involved in such relationships: children, spouses, relatives. Editorial "Site" Psychologists will tell you what to do if you fall in love with a married man.
“A married man is the same man, only with disabilities,” women like to joke. The article is about women who have feelings for a married man and hope to take him away from his wife in order to build personal happiness. This does not apply to girls who meet with already busy men only for material benefits, or situations where a man himself hides information about the existence of a family.
As a rule, women who choose married men have a number of features. Similar experiences, history, pain points and behaviors. Often the basis of sympathy for married men lies some personal problems. We choose to be or not to be in a relationship, in which and with whom. Yes, sometimes it can happen bypassing consciousness, but only up to the age of 25. So all psychologists advise you to find the reason in yourself.
Reasons for Love for a Married Man
- Childhood psychological trauma
To love a married man is to be a secondary woman in a relationship. The chances that such a relationship will lead to the development of a serious relationship and marriage are minimal, dreams that a man will leave his wife are naive. On a subconscious level, such a woman does not imagine that it can be different. She doesn’t know she deserves to be the first and only one. For her, love is pain and suffering. Perhaps a woman learned this as a child: a walking father or a constantly dissatisfied and demanding mother so influenced her female fate. She was a burden to her parents. From childhood, the girl postponed that love must be earned, wait, endure, be content with little. Sad childhood experience and crippled self-esteem is in the history of each such girl.
DepositPhotos - Denial of responsibility
Such women are sure that they do not choose married men. Like, he suggested it himself or just fell in love: “I love a married man – and that’s it!” That’s the fate!, “He suggested it himself, and I did not refuse.” They don’t want to admit that it was their choice. Not accepting responsibility for your choices is at the heart of the vicious circle of relationships with these men, and this must be understood. To solve the problem, you need to focus on yourself, not the man. It's not him who's so bad, but you, if you accept the courtship of a married man, you want to destroy someone else's family. These are not the jokes of fate, but your actions. Think about yourself and why you need a beautiful adult woman to play these games when you can be happy in a relationship with a free man. He may be comfortable sitting on two chairs, but you're not furniture.
DepositPhotos - Habit of waiting
Another feature that occurs in such women is absolute passivity in relationships. They are always waiting for him to call, leave his family. They wait and suffer on weekends and holidays. It’s like a way of life – they can’t do it otherwise. Many years of waiting that could be spent on yourself, on development, on travel, on anything but waiting. That's why such a woman is unhappy. With little hope for happiness, she is ready to wait. A married man is not the cause of her suffering, but the effect. She thinks that a man will leave his wife, take her as his wife and start a wonderful life. But this is convenient self-deception, nothing more. This attitude is also often rooted in childhood.
A married man can be loved, but it is unlikely to bring happiness. A long-known truth: they go not to someone, but from someone. So do not waste your beautiful years of life with empty hopes. Everyone has their own destiny, but it is important to pay attention to introspection every day. You have to dig in a little bit.
Think about what is happening in your life, what you feel and what caused this condition. As they say, a man should be loved, but a little more. Everyone has their own destiny, but we know that all women deserve happiness.
We advise you to read 20 quotes by Erich Fromm about the issues that bother a person.
Tell us in the comments how you feel about women's romances with married men. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.