10 facts about us, in that then you will not believe

We humans are so complex that most of the processes in the brain occur without our conscious intervention. Psychologist Susan Ueynshenk (Susan Weinschenk) examines the behavior and characteristics of our writing, why we are doing so, and not otherwise.
< Website I have decided all to understand and put together for you 10 amazing facts about how the brain works.
1. Infinitely google makes us dopamine
To be honest, you can just ignore the letter? And it happened that you zaguglit answer to the question, and 30 minutes later realized that the reading has a different story? It's dopamine.
Dopamine is not only responsible for the pleasure of eating and sex. He awakens in us the desire to seek a solution that increases the excitement of the process of the search. From the point of view of evolution is very important - so dopamine leads us to explore the world and survive in it. He also is responsible for the "sense of reward" - we are proud of themselves when done.
The Internet has given us an opportunity to find a solution almost instantly. You want to know how your friends are there - one click and you're already on Facebook. In one click increases the level of dopamine; we are pleased to click and do anything about it, we can not.
Twitter even more pleasant thanks to the 140 symbols: the less information is supplied at a time, the greater the level of dopamine.
Another dopamine system encourages unpredictability: we know that we get a letter, but do not know when. The same case - a foretaste of praise for a job or waiting for results on the slot machine.
However, from the information overload we get tired. So in the endless cycle of dopamine hardly would get.
2. We can keep in mind the 3-4 things at a time h3> For the time (about 20 seconds), you can keep in mind only 3-4 things. Then, they will disappear from memory, if not to repeat them again and again.
Imagine you you stir something in a pot and at the same time talking on the phone. You dictate the number, which urgently needs to call back, but there is no place to write - an old phone and a pen in the other room. It is necessary to remember.
Room is divided into 4 parts: 712-569-45-32. < In this form, you and repeat it to myself again put in the memory unit 4 new 20 seconds. If you dictated it as 7-1 -2-5-6-9-4-5-3-2, each digit individually, remember the sequence would be more difficult. It is even harder to read.
It is convenient to work with the bookmarks in your browser, 3-4, 3-4 to the menu on the site. If it is necessary to work with large amounts of information, it is best to combine groups of 3-4. Then it is easier to keep attention.
3. We want to have a choice, but tsepeneya when the selection is too large h3> In any supermarket so many goods because people need a huge selection. At least that's what we are thinking about ourselves. In fact, we are paralyzed with indecision, if the selection is too large.
The store staged a tasting: put on the table 6 jars of jam and asked everyone to try. And then put on the table 24 cans.
When the jars were 6, 60 people out of 100 (it is clear that there were more, but the number 100 graphically) stopped and tried, 18 people decided to buy the jam. When the jars became four times and stopped only 40 people out of 100, and only two have made the purchase.
But why we demand a great choice? This again dopamine - information search is addictive. We stop to look, only if completely sure of the answer. Less cans - less than the search area - it is easier to decide and buy.
By the way, in both cases, people have tried all sorts of 3-4.
4. We can not ignore food, sex and danger. In any way h3> You may have noticed that by accident people always go slowly, even if the road is clear, no obstacles. What's so interesting about someone else's misfortune? We even run the risk of seeing something horrible, because of which will not be able to sleep then.
Blame "reptilian brain».
We have three kinds of brain:
«The human brain" - is responsible for awareness, logic and reasoning. We think that we are led exactly it. «mammalian brain" - processes emotions. «reptilian brain" - cares about survival. Her work - scan the environment and answer the questions: "Can I eat it? To do with this man have sex with? It can kill me? ». Food, sex and the risk associated with survival. Millions of years ago, the brain only know and care. We inherited it.
No matter how much we try to consciously ignore food, sex and danger. We do not necessarily eat chocolate cake, does not necessarily begin to flirt with a beautiful girl and does not necessarily try to get away from her boyfriend hefty - but we do all that we observe.