7 SYMPTOMS lack of vitamins and how to fill
So, if you notice that:
1. Do you often go numb hands or feet, feeling of weakness in the legs, frequent palpitations, memory has deteriorated. This indicates a lack of vitamin B1 or thiamine. Help remedy the lack of corn, rye bread, beans, spinach, brewer's yeast, carrots.
2. Drop the vision, the eyes tire quickly, on tooth enamel cracks appear. You need vitamin D. It is produced under the influence of ultraviolet light. But he found in certain foods such as vegetable oils, enriched with vitamins, cod liver oil, flounder, mackerel, egg yolks.
3. You were more likely to catch a cold, you pulled hard blues, weakness, neuralgia. This suggests a lack of pantothenic acid or vitamin B3. Try to include in your diet plenty of green peas, beef liver, red beans.
4. The skin became pale, acquired a yellowish tint, gums began to bleed, severe weight loss, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The blame for this lack of folic acid or vitamin Sun. She has rich cauliflower, parsley, broccoli, pork and beef kidney, white sauerkraut and fresh cabbage.
5. become stronger hair to fall out, the skin became dry, frequent dizziness, drowsiness, confusion. This suggests that your body needs vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. The shortage can be replenished by eating peas, unprocessed rice, beans.
6. The skin of the face and hands began to peel off, there were spider veins, in the morning you feel pain in the legs and severe lethargy. What you are missing a routine riboflavanoidov. They include beets, cranberry, cranberries, pomegranates, plums, berries, rose hips, carrots.
7. You become sick more often infectious diseases, sleep poorly, have noticed in some areas "goosebumps." Need ascorbic acid, its rich sea buckthorn, sauerkraut, black currants, cranberries, rosehips, peppers, citrus fruits.