Oil wraps for hair - a real miracle!
Esli tresses in need of food, wrap the hair oil are real salvation, especially during the summer heat. Masks with the use of various oils are often called "warm masks" because after application head wrapped with polyethylene, on top of which is also wound towel (scarf) or wear knitted cap to increase the effect. Such masks must be kept for at least 20 minutes, ideally for about 1 hour, after which the hair becomes more silky, shiny and strong. The main thing to remember that oil is usually washed away the paint, so oil wraps better to do before staining.
Which oil is best to choose?
First of all, you need to focus on the effect of the oil.
For example:
• Olive oil can restore hair structure by enveloping each hairs protective film;
• almond oil gently on the skin of the head, making the curls more shiny and elastic; • palm oil contributes to the roots;
• burdock oil makes the hair soft and shiny at the same time strengthening their roots.
Recipes oil wraps
• to restore damaged hair 3 tablespoons any base oil mixed with honey, lemon juice and brandy, taken in the amount of 1 tbsp .;
• for dry hair is enough to take 4 tablespoons Oil-base and mix them with the egg yolk;
• for normal hair useful mask of castor and olive oil mixed with shampoo (all ingredients are added in the amount of 1 tablespoon);
• for brittle hair can be a good way mask from avocado oil, olive, taken in the amount of 3 tbsp .;
• If you have problems of hair loss mix egg yolk, 1 tablespoon brandy, vitamin D, lemon juice and honey and 1, 5 tablespoons castor oil.
How to cook the oil mixture?
There are a few basic rules of preparation and use of masks. Firstly, after mixing the ingredients mask a little heated by the water bath. Secondly, the mask is better applied to the individual strands, from the roots and ending tips. Thirdly, on the roots of oily and normal hair mask to apply it is not necessary, but limiting its distribution along the curls. Fourth, the mask should be used no more than couple times a week, after 12 procedures should take a break for a month or two.
After the oil wraps the hair should be thoroughly rinsed, which are well suited for deep cleansing shampoo that due to the content of active ingredients are best removed by a film of oil from the scalp and hair themselves.