Remove the neck yoke.

To permanently get rid of tension in the shoulders and neck, follow these recommendations
The feeling of discomfort and stiffness in the shoulders and neck is familiar to everyone who works at a computer. Meanwhile, constant tension in this area leads to poor blood supply to the brain, which in turn can cause migraines and vision impairment. Regular practice of yoga helps to relax and stretch the trapezoidal muscles, but if they are so tight that even to the touch hard as a stone, often during training this area is only further strained. It is this excessive tension that will help to avoid the exercise of this complex. You will learn to lengthen the trapezoidal muscles and lower them down to the waist after the shoulder blades. And having mastered this movement in the described asanas, you can perform it in other poses during independent practice. This work frees the back surface of the neck, returning it to its natural bending and ensuring good blood circulation. The result will not be long in coming: you will get rid of headaches, migraines and even osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. At the end of the class, do not forget to perform Shavasana (Dead Man’s Pose): put some weight on your shoulders and spread your arms a little wider than usual. This option is also ideal for those who have neck problems.
1. Tadasana with a shoulder belt
Mountain pose, variation
Connect the two straps (the length of one may not be enough) and put on the shoulders. Put the free ends in the loop behind your back. Hands pull the belt down, lowering the trapezoids. In this position, perform Tadasana. Don't bend your lower back. You will feel the neck elongated and released. This exercise can be repeated several times a day and performed in a sitting position.
2. gomukhasana
Cow's Head Pose
Standing in Tadasan, get your left hand behind your back and move your palm closer to your right shoulder blade. Take your left shoulder back. Then stretch your right hand upwards and fully unfold it from the inside outwards, the palm looking back. Bend your right hand at your elbow and clutch your fingers behind your back into the lock. Try to do this so that the thumbs are attached to the little fingers, the index fingers to the ringless, and the middle fingers to each other. If the fingers do not touch, use the belt.
3. Uttanasana with palms on support
Intensive Extension Position
Spread your feet to the width of your pelvis, wrap the upper thighs inside and bend over while bending at your hip joints. Place your hands on the support. The back is straight. Pressing your palms on the support, turn the upper parts of the hands from the inside out, take the shoulder blades to the waist, and apply the sternum forward: so the trapezoids will lengthen.
4. Uttanasana with elbows on support
The Inverted Staff Pose
Come a little closer to the support and bend over again, placing your elbows on it. Put your hands together, elbows on the width of your shoulders. Pressing your palms against each other, turn the upper parts of your hands from the inside out. Take the shoulder blades to the waist, stretch the sternum forward. In this variation, the neck can be completely relaxed by dropping the head down.
5. Preparation for Adho Mukha Shwanasana
Dog's face down.
Stand facing the wall, at a distance of 30-40 cm from the plinth, the feet on the width of the pelvis, parallel to each other. Put your hands on the wall as if you were going to perform Adho Mukha Shwanasana. Put your forehead down on the wall. Work with your hands in the same way as in the pose of the Dog Morde Down: press the inside of the palm against the wall, turn the upper parts of the hands from the inside out, lower the shoulder blades to the waist, lengthening the neck and pushing the sternum forward. Having mastered all these actions, you can reproduce them in Adho Mukha Shwanasan.
6 Marichiasana I
Pose dedicated to the Sage Marichi
Sit in Dandasana on a support - a brick or a blanket folded several times. Bend your left leg in your knee, put your foot on the floor as close to your pelvis as possible. Grab the tibia, straighten the spine. Extend your left hand upwards and weave it around your left knee. Take your right hand back and grab your right wrist with your left hand. Directing the grip of the hands down, stretch the spine. On exhalation, turn completely to the right. This action will help to open the chest and free the neck. Lean forward. Pressing the left shoulder on the left shin, stretch along the right leg.
7. Marichiasana III
Pose dedicated to the Sage Marichi, III
From Marichiasana I, return to Dandasana, then bend your right leg. Get your left elbow behind your right knee and your right hand behind your back and turn right, pushing your left shoulder off your right knee. On exhalation, wrap your left hand inside, braid it with your right leg and grab the right hand with your left hand. If you cannot connect your hands, use a belt. Repeat the other way.
8. Sarvangasana in a chair
Shoulder stand, variation
To stretch trapezoids, Sarvangasana is better done with a chair. Remove the shoulders from the head, bend the top of the back, pull in the shoulder blades. Body weight should be on the shoulders.
9. Ardha Halasana
Plow pose, variation
Before fully relaxing in the pose, clutch your thumbs behind your back and stretch your arms out, taking your shoulders away from your head just as you would before a regular Halasana. With this movement, you will maximize the length of the neck and trapezoids. Then bend your hands to a right angle and “drop” on either side of your head. You should feel that body weight falls on the shoulders and partly on the hips, but not on the neck.
10. Seta Bandha Sarvangasana
Bridge pose on the pillar
In this variation, the bridge postures should be parallel to the floor: you can rest your feet against the wall or place them on the support of a suitable height. Clutch your fingers into the lock behind the brick. Repelling the shoulders from the floor, bend the upper back as much as possible. Direct the trapezoids and shoulder blades to the waist. If the shoulders do not reach the floor, put blankets. Taking the shoulders back and freeing the trapezoids, untie your fingers and stretch your arms along the body with your palms up. Don’t forget to stretch your legs well. Wrap your hips inside and guide them to the floor.