Why do you need Dad?

No, really: why you need Dad? Mom cooks. Clears the same mother. Clean the house - my mother. Because it is not men's business - cleaning.
And another mother goes shopping. Rather, he rides in his car. Because the Pope after the New Year right away, and he was good without them. You can skip a glass at a party, and still drive home: mom will drive.
Crane in the kitchen Mom fix faster than Dad, because only she knows the phone a good plumbing.
And my mother also earns money. Because it is - a good accountant.
Why do we need the pope? Why do we need a dad? On the other hand, and what will it be, our dad? Let's see.
People are more like mom - little daughters and sons? Well, well, do not cheat, saying that all children are the same. That pope, usually more like daughters. They want sons and daughters love. That is because the mystery of nature ...
UTY-bye, little. Mom will correct your scarf, shoes wear. In chmoknet cheek. Because sonny. Favorite. The Waterboy ...
Daughters will become independent. Already thirteen years, they - the girls. A thirteen year old boy - still a child. As he was not cherish?
Kindergarten. Or not, at first - yaselki. Who educates children? Women. No, they are good. Smart. Perhaps good. With pedobrazovaniem. But they - women. A boy needs a male example.
School. Men, ay! Where are you? Well, maybe fizruk. Yet? Who else? Well, if at least one-fifth of teachers - men. But ... the question is the same: someone to be?
On the pope. Who was brought up in the same kindergarten. In the same school. That may all grew up without a father. We've made so: without a father - think of it ... But without a mother - an orphan ...
"Poor things!" - Exclaims sarcastically mother.
However, the really poor things - I confirm. Poor guys. Because denied his role in life. His function. Its range. Displaces. Replaced by a more powerful appearance - a woman.
And some women can understand: to wait for the sea weather? To live it is necessary here and now, and you will arrive at frigate Arthur Gray with scarlet sails - it is half the grandmother said.
Well, if he is the father something. How much do him good? How much time he spends with his son?
In the morning - it works. In the evening - rest on the couch with a bottle of beer. Before a TV screen. Either in front of a computer monitor. Or are the options? If in these cases appears as the son of an active character - then, perhaps, it's good. If not, when the Pope speaks with the child? When it affects the example? When taught to be a man? Perhaps only through the TV ...
And really, guys, it turns out - with the layouts die out like dinosaurs. Unnecessary. I understand that not all of these, there are still heroes ... But if povymiraet majority, and heroes will not last long. With melancholy hang himself ...
Okay, okay, a joke. I exaggerate. Very little. But the situation is really like something needs to be changed. Because, you know, I did not want to hear from the mother of the child is essentially a terrible question: "Mom, why do we need the pope?»
So what to do? Being close to him. With son. With daughters. From the very early years.
Not just to help or to bring money home. The child does not see how you earn them. But well see how you are lying on the couch, while my mother cleans the kitchen potatoes.
The conclusion is that you need to work at home. And no less than the workplace.
How? Taking over some household chores. The most labor-intensive. Do not frown, which, they say, no man this thing.
Removal of debris. Knocking out of carpets and rugs. Vacuum cleaning. Washing dishes. Mom cooks, we - my.
Lessons with his son. Or - my daughter. Mother - of math, she said good. Dad - for biology and geography. He often goes on business trips ...
Education - not the prerogative of the mother. Only together. In unison, they say. And do not let his wife make us scared for a child: do not listen to my mother, call dad with a belt. The Pope and without the belt enough arguments. It is more reasonable, fair and less amenable to the emotions. Therefore, as "razrulit" - there is only the Pope.
We are looking for your exclusive. Only your own - one where my mother would not we compete. For example, a joint rybalochka on the lake on Saturdays. With the whole family. This will only be able to organize the Pope.
Or commuting to kindergarten on my father's neck - believe me, even zhirnenky Vovk envy your kid, wistfully looking out the window of my father's "Lexus».
Generally kindergarten son should drive the Pope. The status changes when the kids saw that the boy came to his father. Because his father - a guarantor of security. Archetypal. Because the man.
And walking with his son in the bath - it's God himself commanded.
And again, not afraid to "insure" mom. Stay at work? Nothing soup and dad cook. And yet some - my father's!
My mother does not sleep a third night with the baby? Everything, all the Pope. Nothing fancy, Take to handle and carry. While not fall asleep again. Just then daddy is easier: the child is not full of fluff ...
In general, men are losing a lot, the sides of tiny suckers: they are not as fragile, these tots. And be sure that my mother also speculated why is he screaming, or where did this strange rash. Here we are on an equal footing. Against us, the men, just as prejudices and our spiritual laziness.
And finally. Dear Mom! It depends on you, what will be your husband.
And further. Dear Pope! It depends on you, how would you treat your wife.
Yes, I almost forgot: the main thing that we should remember that we - men. Yes, guys?