Treatment of tea tree oil.
In any self-respecting woman should be in the medicine cabinet tea tree oil. This miraculous oil help cure thrush, colds, fungus and acne. It can be used and small children.
In Australia, the tea tree oil is very effective, it certainly is in every medicine cabinet. It has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent antiseptic. It is used in massage and inhalation formulations for colds, angina, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, flu. With the help of this oil reduces body temperature, yet it has a healing effect, strengthens the immune system, neutralizes poisons insect bites, treats infections and burns of the skin eczema, herpes, chicken pox.
Reduces heat
Tea with tea tree oil per 200 ml of warm liquid take 3 drops of oil.
Rubbing the skin
From sweating mix and rub 1 drop of rosemary oil, 2 drops of sage oil and 5 drops of tea tree oil.
Oil burner
It helps with asthma attacks and bronchial asthma. Take 1 drop of rose oil, 1 drop of lemon balm oil, 1 drop of tea tree oil.
Hair products
Enrich Shampoo, if add the 10 drops 1 time use. Also add to the air conditioning, it will help those who have dandruff.
Lotion for the treatment of acne
Take 60 ml of rose water, 25 ml of tincture of sage, 15 drops of tea tree oil.
Lotion for oily and porous skin
In half a glass of warm water droplets rastvorim12 tea oil lotion and wipe clean face.
Herpes using a mixture of five ml of soybean oil and five drops of tea oil.
Carried out as follows, for this purpose in fresh tea drip 5 drops of tea tree oil and a cup will lay hands, then exhale, keep your hands and inhale the resulting steam, so repeat 5 times. Then do 10 nasal exhalation and inhalation.