Green smoothies. Variations.

✔ Spinach + + kiwi banana
Very refreshing smoothies that long energy. Spinach replenish the body with vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that it is perfectly cleanses the body of harmful substances.
Add the spinach one banana and kiwi. First, you will add an incredible taste of the drink, and secondly, get a very hearty and delicious breakfast.
✔ Avocado + cucumber + Apple + ginger
It is not just a drink, and a full dinner. Due to the high content of monounsaturated fats in avocados this different nutritional smoothies. Avocado its properties can compete with the products of animal origin.
Add the avocado and cucumber apple to give freshness and a few slices of ginger to give an incredible flavor. This drink will protect your immune system. Besides a few hours you really forget about hunger.

✔ Apple + avocado + green salad + kiwi
The drink of apple, avocado and kiwi surprisingly well can supplement fresh lettuce leaves. When a very low calorie (salad among the ten most health food), it has the properties of recovery metabolism and cleanse the body. And there are a lot of iron.

✔ Cucumber + parsley
Excellent light drink for the evening. Cucumber 90% water, so thanks to this property, this smoothie is perfect for use in hot weather. And if you add a few sprigs of parsley, you get a wonderful combination of fresh and good.
The unique properties of parsley are rich in its chemical composition. In 100 grams of the plant contains two daily allowance of vitamin C and carotene, which is sometimes so lacking in hot weather.

✔ Avocado + cabbage + spinach
It is believed that this more than any other smoothies helps cleanse the body. Cabbage contains easily digestible protein, sugar and high in fiber. In conjunction with the nourishing avocado and less useful spinach gives a very nutritious drink.

✔ Apple + Cucumber Lime +
Lime not only contributes to the conclusion of toxic substances from our body, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves overall health, improves mood.
Smoothies lime combined with cucumber and apple - very refreshing and invigorating drink. Perfect for an early breakfast.

✔ Pepper + lemon juice
At first glance, it is quite an unusual combination. However, many happy seasoned salads, which include pepper, lemon juice. It turns out pretty satisfying and easy.
Contained in green pepper B vitamins help to combat stress, soothe, improve memory. If you feel chronic fatigue, this smoothie is what you need.

✔ Broccoli + Apple + lime
Overestimate the beneficial properties of broccoli impossible. This cabbage high protein content, which makes it indispensable for vegetarians. Moreover, broccoli is great substitute for meat when in hot weather does not want to eat junk food.
Broccoli - a wonderful dietary product, which displays the body of heavy metals. In combination with an apple and lime to obtain a very interesting drink that you can drink in the evening.

✔ Kiwi + cucumber + pineapple + lemon
The combination of the usual vegetables and sweet fruit - the key to a tasty result. Contained in a pineapple bioactive substances confer its unique healing properties: it stimulates digestion, promotes weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.
Pineapple raises blood levels of serotonin, the sensation of hunger as well as displays the excess fluid. Combined with lemon, cucumber and kiwi vitamin you get a real charge.

✔ Celery + apple
Perhaps the most common green smoothies. Celery - an excellent tonic product. It is believed that celery is good toxins. He nizkokalorien has soothing properties, and it can be very useful for large loads and heat. Drink celery and apple is perfect for both breakfast and supper.