Very effective diet!

Day 1:
Breakfast - 1 hard boiled egg + 1 yogurt (up to 2, 5% fat)
lunch - vegetable salad
Dinner - 1 cup of yogurt + any fruit
Day 2:
breakfast - a sandwich of rye bread and slices of cheese + a glass of milk
lunch - vegetable salad
Dinner - 1 cup of yogurt + any fruit
Day 3:
Breakfast - yogurt 1 +1 boiled egg
Lunch - vegetable soup
Dinner - a cup of yogurt
Day 4:
breakfast - a glass of milk + 1 yogurt
Lunch - 2 cooked (baked) potato + vegetable salad
Dinner - a cup of yogurt + any fruit
Day 5:
Breakfast - any fruit in reasonable quantities
Lunch - vegetable soup
Dinner - a cup of yogurt
Day 6:
Breakfast - 1 hard boiled egg + 1 yogurt
Lunch - salad
Dinner - a cup of yogurt + any fruit
Day 7:
Breakfast - a cup of yogurt + any fruit
Lunch - vegetable soup
Dinner - 1 egg + yogurt
In the summer, you can substitute vegetable soup okroshka, but not at the same time adding to the potatoes.
12 LUNG snack THAT supply you for the day
Do you want to remove belly fat? I still do not do exercises?