Pearls of teachers who do not climb into his pocket for a word
Certainly one of the most vivid impressions of the study is to communicate with teachers. Witty lectures, seasoned with jokes and barbs, much more interesting to listen to, and the material is digested much better.
With the warmth of remembering his student years, Website has collected statements best teachers, laid out in a network of grateful students.
Students' time, not in order to learn, I do remember. We jurisprudence has 3 states:
1. De jure
2. De facto
3. De-beater Test the logic of it all. Except for those who have not got. Couples in English - it's like group sex, can not be late! If late, the student comes and closes the door behind him. Five-second silence, then:
- Excuse me, but there you have not seen our porter? The second semester you have learned at the entrance to the auditorium to close the door behind him. I am appalled by their own pedagogical talent.
Science - a great thing. There are so many bredyatiny accumulated over 2000 years ... We take this point on board the plane, is pulled through the center of inversion and go there. Then I can not show the finger at the board not crawls. I do not like to conduct classes in Latin, after a long break. In the eyes of the students can be read clearly thought, "Man, who are you all?!» You see, here, a triangular? This square bone. We in Russia because historically, that the severity of the laws is offset by not having their performance. This is about building faculty can not smoke - so no cost, students and teachers. That would be like in the Middle Ages, head hit - on a stake in a number of supply to others feared. ( After a short pause em>) My'd been there first.
Do not like the presentation. It is necessary to turn off the light. And with the light of students decay and the last glimmer of consciousness. Learn the theory, and then you have all papers evidence at the level of "Wah, my mother swear!» The mayor forgot the magazine.
- All who do not stand up! - How will solve?
- Maybe use formula?
- Best to use chalk board and preferably a little brain. Therefore, it is useful to you in life. Or is not useful, I do not know.
I remember a seminar on the theoretical mechanics, as much as I was getting ready, I could not solve one problem. In the end I came to the conclusion that there are acts evil spirits, and began to give her students at home. What is written here, to understand no one can, because it is unclear. - Now I draw on the blackboard being.
* draws a circle em> *:
- That every time I draw being and every time I think, it seems it is on the existence or not? We are not mere mortals, we are philologists. I feel like an employee of the corporation "Diamonds of Russia "because you certainly diamonds, as the Department of Physics at you did not leave any scratches. I am asked: what you need to know on the exam? The answer is short: everything!
A little gems from the teachers:
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