The sad consequences of recruiting at MSU - Read it all!
From a conversation with a university teacher: “100 points for the exam is through chur”.
First-year students of journalism wrote a test dictation in Russian. Did they confirm the assessments they received?
We write installation dictations to identify the level of knowledge of freshmen every year. Usually, 3-4 people do not cope with them. But the results of the 2009 reception were monstrous. Of the 229 freshmen on the text page, 8 made fewer errors and only 18%. The remaining 82%, including 15 stobachniks of the exam, made an average of 24-25 errors. Almost every word has 3-4 errors that distort its meaning beyond recognition. It is simply impossible to understand many words. In fact, these are not words, but their conditional reproduction.
What do you think, for example, is a knight? Dig. Or, say, pocient (patient), udussa (successful), edvechi (doctors), nez nayu (I don't know), genius, through-chur, sprout... And all these are pearls of students from the strong 101st and 102nd groups of the newspaper department. So to speak, the elite. 10% of the words they write are not. These are more rock signs than a letter. You know, I've been giving dictations for 20 years, but I've never seen this before. I keep all the dictations as evidence. In fact, this year we recruited aliens.
Did you really have such a weak set?
The fact is that it is formally strong: the average score in the Russian language is 83. That is, not just a “five”, but a “superfive”, since an excellent score in Russian this year began with 65 points. And this is very bad, because when the guys fail the first session, we will be told: "You got a super product." And now the guys can not reproduce simple Russian words. How did you manage to make super-excellent doubles?! By the way, this year, thanks to the exam, the winners of the Olympiads and gold medalists could not enter the full-time department: they all study at the evening. Not many Muscovites. However, it is still a sin to complain. We managed to cut off some of the most hopeless students with the help of a creative competition. But what got, say, the philfax, it's scary even to think. This is a national disaster!
- What's the reason?
- To some extent in the "Albanian" Internet language. However, the main problem is the EGE. According to freshmen, the last three years at school, they did not read books and did not write dictations with essays – all the time they only trained to insert missed letters and check boxes. As a result, they do not know how not only to write, but also to read: a request to read a short excerpt from the book confuses them. There are huge gaps in basic knowledge. For example, a complete lack of ideas about the historical process: they say that the university was founded in the past, the twentieth century, but under the Empress Catherine.
As a result of the dictation, a meeting of the faculty scientific council was held. We are working on emergency measures for the educational program. Of course, we will do what we can, but we must understand that it is increasingly difficult to compensate for the gaps with age, and untrained children will surely emerge. And there are no hours for these classes in our curriculum. So I'm afraid someone will have to be expelled, although the guys are not morons, but victims of serious pedagogical neglect.
- Can you lose a lot?
I do not rule out that every fifth freshman. The EGE has destroyed our education. This is an unconscionable fraud on a national scale. A brutal, inhuman experiment that has been carried out on normal healthy children, and we will pay for it in full measure. After all, people who can neither write nor speak go to all specialties: doctors, nuclear physicists. And that's not the worst part. Children don’t understand the meaning of each other’s writing. This means that we are going to lose adequate communication, without which society cannot exist. We faced something terrible. And this is not the edge of the abyss: we are already at the bottom. By the way, the guys themselves understand that it is bad, they want to learn, are ready to run for additional classes. With some, for example, we wrote a dictation in the form of a love note. The girls made 15 mistakes and started crying.
How to Destroy Language
If you want to destroy a people, destroy their language. Language is a means of expressing national thinking. Behind every word in the human brain stands an image. And especially in Russian speech, which is the carrier of Russian identity. By killing Russian speech, the current “race elites” are killing Russianness. They give rise to an ugly volapuk – the “Russian language”.
The next stage of the degradation of the Russian language and its transformation into a “Russian mova” is saturation with criminal words. Now even the highest officials of the tricolor state, most of whom have never trampled the zone, are pouring them. And it's incredibly disfiguring and impoverishing our great speech.
I hate the word “hit” in its current sense. Read Russian classics: Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy. Does Ivan Petrovich like to visit Vasily Fedorovich “hit”? That is, not to come to visit, but to appear on a string of jeeps, shooting into the air from all the barrels.
After all, there is a darkness of excellent Great-Russian words and expressions, synonyms for “hitting” – a scuffle, an attack, a challenge, a hoop, a rolling barrel. Each case has its own.
And the monstrous word "divorce"? Cheating, shaming, fooling, cheating - there is a whole arsenal of words of normal speech. All this “phenization” of the great Russian language is a gross crime.
I am struck by the ease with which Russians today lose the words of their native speech. Like bad parrots, they pick up and repeat the current pidgin rashen. Lord, resist this colonization, this destruction of your national identity! Compared to the times of the USSR, there was a wild linguistic regression.
I now understand how quickly normal Latin was lost from the ruins of the Roman Empire.
Today’s young people on the Internet can be calculated instantly: by cutting errors, by “Volyapiukovsky” spelling of words: “from where” instead of where, or “for what” instead of why. If you see this, it is clear – writing years of birth from the second half of the 1980s and beyond. Illiteracy is egregious. “No” is written separately everywhere. “Not tasty” instead of “untasteful”, “not for nothing” instead of “not for nothing”. They do not know the difference between “during” and “during.” About all these "developments", "sorry", "Zigan", "girl", "tasteful" even do not want to talk.
It is impossible to read books today: error is error. Literacy is destroyed – and completely. The sense of language is completely lost. Well, how many times have they explained to fools: “Unhappy” is unlucky, because Talan is happiness, luck. You can not talk about a talented person “unbestalled” – he is talented, capable. And in the same way, “poor” is not the one who flies into misfortune, but a brisk, nimble one. It's useless, at least a stake on your head. By the way, it's teshi, not scales. Kol, as you know, is hewn-teshut with an ax, sharpening its lower end. Therefore, I read books of the Russian-Soviet years with great pleasure: there is a normal language. The degradation of the present books hastens the destruction of the great and the mighty. This is a symptom of the regression of Russians as a people.
But what is remarkable is that in parallel with the degradation of the Russian language there is a degradation of Russian translators. The culture of knowledge of foreign languages is lost.
Everyone says, here is John Coleman’s book, The Three Hundred Committee. I'm just mad: you can't be so fucking illiterate! There were no such names for Anglo-Saxons. This is John Coleman. The prevalence of "hesitation" is depressing.
If this is the logic of writing foreign names, the author of Hamlet will be William Schaxpeare, not William Shakespeare. Stalin, Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill met in Yalta. Or Tshurzhill? Or Charchill? Well, not Churchill. Not Roosevelt, but Rosewell. And recently died a famous American pop singer Michael Jaxon. And in “Fantomas” played not Jean Marais, and Jean Marais. The first airplane was built by the Wright brothers. Thank God Buchanan didn't write the book about the Three Hundred Committee. Or they'd put it on the cover: "Bukhanan." Or Buchanan. Or Bachanan.
If the Soviet literary translator was a person of the highest culture and great outlook, who knew several languages, and Russian - especially, then the white-blue-red tolmach is a semi-literate student who knows nothing but bad English. And with the outlook of a graduate school for the mentally handicapped.
Translated books published in the Russian Federation, it is impossible to read without a pencil - you need to correct blunders on each page. Here are some pearls. The Prime Minister of Japan in World War II was Toyo. Finn, what? No, it's a cretin-translator that changed the name Tojo (in English transcription - Tojo). The president of Czechoslovakia on the eve of its capture by the Germans was a certain Hacha, not Hacha.
So imagine a hard Caucasian in a hat-aerodrome. Just the “Russian” hack does not know history, and he has no time to look into the directory. The pages are followed by the great Chinese commander San Tsu (I did not immediately understand what Sun Tzu meant), the submarine Xia (Xia) and other pearls. In the pages of another novel, the Frenchman is maniacally called Nicholas, although this name is read – Nicolas. Maybe you’ll write “Cabernet” instead of “Cabernet” and “Tissot” instead of “Tissot”?
The “Russian” media here also differ in parochial drowsiness. Well, there's no Deloitte and Touche, there's Deloitte and Touche. There's no Roland Garros tennis tournament, there's Roland Garro because the "c" at the end is not readable. Roland Garro was a great tennis player as well as a World War I pilot. And if you christened him in "Garrosa", then the famous orchestra was conducted by Paul Moriat, captain Costau dived into the ocean, and France produces cars "Renault" (Paul Mauriat, Cousteau and Renault, respectively). I once heard sports commentators persistently refer to a French tennis player as Raux. So they read his last name, Raux. The fact that he was actually Roh didn't come into their heads.
I threw out Zefirov's books, where he paints the glorious pilots of the Third Reich. It's impossible to read them. The destroyer "Ivanhoe" (Ivanhoe) - this is how he read Ivanhoe. The surnames of the Germans are turned godlessly: Stahl - instead of Steel, Pohlmann - instead of Polman, Makhlke - instead of Malke. And all this stuff was missed by all the proofreaders and editors of the publishing house. Well, a record of ignorance. He also sent Hoagland’s book, NASA’s Secret Mission. It was as if a Nigerian who had recently learned Russian was translating: I had never seen such clumsy sentences.
But the pearl finished me off: the icon "Our Lady of Guadeloupe." Man, this is an icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Notre Damm Guadeloupe is the original. "Notre-Dame" literally - "our lady", but I still in the English school No. 35 of the hero city of Odessa, teaching the basics of translation, explained that this is the French nickname of the Virgin. And even told the story of a hack translator who, taking the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” (“Notre-Dame de Paris”), translated the title as “Our Lady from Paris”.
Oh, my God, who do our universities graduate? Full of nuts? And we, the Russian-Soviet, against their background - just gymnasiums of old times. When I went to the store, I almost died of laughter. On the counter was a German wine "Milk of a beloved woman" - if you believe the price tag. Damn, idiots, it's the "Milk of the Virgin" (Libenfraumilch)! The Germans, although the people are peculiar, have not yet thought of milking women.
The stupidity of today’s translators and media people is on every corner. The old gray-haired man who rules Monaco is called a prince. His daughter is a pop singer, Princess of Monaco. They are not princes or princesses, they are princes and princesses, for the word prince is not only a prince, but also a prince. Monaco is a principality.
You see a movie about Dracula – you hear about the “Prince of Transylvania” or “Prince of this world”, although the word king is everywhere translated as “king”. I am told of the kings of ancient Persia, of ancient Greece, of Vedic India. In the Russian tradition, they are kings. And kings appear only in the Middle Ages and then among the Germanic and Romance peoples, and among the Celts in the East. There were no kings in Russia. But I almost fell down when I met the expression “Ancient Rus”. Ancient, ugly, ancient!
Also interesting: 9 reasons to get a second higher education
Education in Finland is the best in the world. How do they do that?
What does all this say? That the destruction of the Russian language in the Russian Federation led to the destruction of the common linguistic culture, to the death of the excellent school of Russian translation, which was famous for both the Russian Empire and the USSR, and that, as a result, leads to the death of culture and knowledge itself!
This suggests that everything is being destroyed in the Russian Federation – not only science, industry, education, infrastructure and housing and communal services, but also our great Indo-European language itself. This suggests that schools and universities of the country began massively stamping marriage - ignorant and ignorant, semi-literate "narrowly specialized" stupid people.
Author: Marina Lemutkina
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: www.mk.ru/social/education/article/2009/11/02/3786-100-ballov-za-ege-eto-cherez-chyur.html
First-year students of journalism wrote a test dictation in Russian. Did they confirm the assessments they received?
We write installation dictations to identify the level of knowledge of freshmen every year. Usually, 3-4 people do not cope with them. But the results of the 2009 reception were monstrous. Of the 229 freshmen on the text page, 8 made fewer errors and only 18%. The remaining 82%, including 15 stobachniks of the exam, made an average of 24-25 errors. Almost every word has 3-4 errors that distort its meaning beyond recognition. It is simply impossible to understand many words. In fact, these are not words, but their conditional reproduction.
What do you think, for example, is a knight? Dig. Or, say, pocient (patient), udussa (successful), edvechi (doctors), nez nayu (I don't know), genius, through-chur, sprout... And all these are pearls of students from the strong 101st and 102nd groups of the newspaper department. So to speak, the elite. 10% of the words they write are not. These are more rock signs than a letter. You know, I've been giving dictations for 20 years, but I've never seen this before. I keep all the dictations as evidence. In fact, this year we recruited aliens.

Did you really have such a weak set?
The fact is that it is formally strong: the average score in the Russian language is 83. That is, not just a “five”, but a “superfive”, since an excellent score in Russian this year began with 65 points. And this is very bad, because when the guys fail the first session, we will be told: "You got a super product." And now the guys can not reproduce simple Russian words. How did you manage to make super-excellent doubles?! By the way, this year, thanks to the exam, the winners of the Olympiads and gold medalists could not enter the full-time department: they all study at the evening. Not many Muscovites. However, it is still a sin to complain. We managed to cut off some of the most hopeless students with the help of a creative competition. But what got, say, the philfax, it's scary even to think. This is a national disaster!
- What's the reason?
- To some extent in the "Albanian" Internet language. However, the main problem is the EGE. According to freshmen, the last three years at school, they did not read books and did not write dictations with essays – all the time they only trained to insert missed letters and check boxes. As a result, they do not know how not only to write, but also to read: a request to read a short excerpt from the book confuses them. There are huge gaps in basic knowledge. For example, a complete lack of ideas about the historical process: they say that the university was founded in the past, the twentieth century, but under the Empress Catherine.
As a result of the dictation, a meeting of the faculty scientific council was held. We are working on emergency measures for the educational program. Of course, we will do what we can, but we must understand that it is increasingly difficult to compensate for the gaps with age, and untrained children will surely emerge. And there are no hours for these classes in our curriculum. So I'm afraid someone will have to be expelled, although the guys are not morons, but victims of serious pedagogical neglect.
- Can you lose a lot?
I do not rule out that every fifth freshman. The EGE has destroyed our education. This is an unconscionable fraud on a national scale. A brutal, inhuman experiment that has been carried out on normal healthy children, and we will pay for it in full measure. After all, people who can neither write nor speak go to all specialties: doctors, nuclear physicists. And that's not the worst part. Children don’t understand the meaning of each other’s writing. This means that we are going to lose adequate communication, without which society cannot exist. We faced something terrible. And this is not the edge of the abyss: we are already at the bottom. By the way, the guys themselves understand that it is bad, they want to learn, are ready to run for additional classes. With some, for example, we wrote a dictation in the form of a love note. The girls made 15 mistakes and started crying.
How to Destroy Language
If you want to destroy a people, destroy their language. Language is a means of expressing national thinking. Behind every word in the human brain stands an image. And especially in Russian speech, which is the carrier of Russian identity. By killing Russian speech, the current “race elites” are killing Russianness. They give rise to an ugly volapuk – the “Russian language”.
The next stage of the degradation of the Russian language and its transformation into a “Russian mova” is saturation with criminal words. Now even the highest officials of the tricolor state, most of whom have never trampled the zone, are pouring them. And it's incredibly disfiguring and impoverishing our great speech.
I hate the word “hit” in its current sense. Read Russian classics: Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy. Does Ivan Petrovich like to visit Vasily Fedorovich “hit”? That is, not to come to visit, but to appear on a string of jeeps, shooting into the air from all the barrels.
After all, there is a darkness of excellent Great-Russian words and expressions, synonyms for “hitting” – a scuffle, an attack, a challenge, a hoop, a rolling barrel. Each case has its own.
And the monstrous word "divorce"? Cheating, shaming, fooling, cheating - there is a whole arsenal of words of normal speech. All this “phenization” of the great Russian language is a gross crime.
I am struck by the ease with which Russians today lose the words of their native speech. Like bad parrots, they pick up and repeat the current pidgin rashen. Lord, resist this colonization, this destruction of your national identity! Compared to the times of the USSR, there was a wild linguistic regression.
I now understand how quickly normal Latin was lost from the ruins of the Roman Empire.
Today’s young people on the Internet can be calculated instantly: by cutting errors, by “Volyapiukovsky” spelling of words: “from where” instead of where, or “for what” instead of why. If you see this, it is clear – writing years of birth from the second half of the 1980s and beyond. Illiteracy is egregious. “No” is written separately everywhere. “Not tasty” instead of “untasteful”, “not for nothing” instead of “not for nothing”. They do not know the difference between “during” and “during.” About all these "developments", "sorry", "Zigan", "girl", "tasteful" even do not want to talk.
It is impossible to read books today: error is error. Literacy is destroyed – and completely. The sense of language is completely lost. Well, how many times have they explained to fools: “Unhappy” is unlucky, because Talan is happiness, luck. You can not talk about a talented person “unbestalled” – he is talented, capable. And in the same way, “poor” is not the one who flies into misfortune, but a brisk, nimble one. It's useless, at least a stake on your head. By the way, it's teshi, not scales. Kol, as you know, is hewn-teshut with an ax, sharpening its lower end. Therefore, I read books of the Russian-Soviet years with great pleasure: there is a normal language. The degradation of the present books hastens the destruction of the great and the mighty. This is a symptom of the regression of Russians as a people.
But what is remarkable is that in parallel with the degradation of the Russian language there is a degradation of Russian translators. The culture of knowledge of foreign languages is lost.
Everyone says, here is John Coleman’s book, The Three Hundred Committee. I'm just mad: you can't be so fucking illiterate! There were no such names for Anglo-Saxons. This is John Coleman. The prevalence of "hesitation" is depressing.
If this is the logic of writing foreign names, the author of Hamlet will be William Schaxpeare, not William Shakespeare. Stalin, Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill met in Yalta. Or Tshurzhill? Or Charchill? Well, not Churchill. Not Roosevelt, but Rosewell. And recently died a famous American pop singer Michael Jaxon. And in “Fantomas” played not Jean Marais, and Jean Marais. The first airplane was built by the Wright brothers. Thank God Buchanan didn't write the book about the Three Hundred Committee. Or they'd put it on the cover: "Bukhanan." Or Buchanan. Or Bachanan.
If the Soviet literary translator was a person of the highest culture and great outlook, who knew several languages, and Russian - especially, then the white-blue-red tolmach is a semi-literate student who knows nothing but bad English. And with the outlook of a graduate school for the mentally handicapped.
Translated books published in the Russian Federation, it is impossible to read without a pencil - you need to correct blunders on each page. Here are some pearls. The Prime Minister of Japan in World War II was Toyo. Finn, what? No, it's a cretin-translator that changed the name Tojo (in English transcription - Tojo). The president of Czechoslovakia on the eve of its capture by the Germans was a certain Hacha, not Hacha.
So imagine a hard Caucasian in a hat-aerodrome. Just the “Russian” hack does not know history, and he has no time to look into the directory. The pages are followed by the great Chinese commander San Tsu (I did not immediately understand what Sun Tzu meant), the submarine Xia (Xia) and other pearls. In the pages of another novel, the Frenchman is maniacally called Nicholas, although this name is read – Nicolas. Maybe you’ll write “Cabernet” instead of “Cabernet” and “Tissot” instead of “Tissot”?
The “Russian” media here also differ in parochial drowsiness. Well, there's no Deloitte and Touche, there's Deloitte and Touche. There's no Roland Garros tennis tournament, there's Roland Garro because the "c" at the end is not readable. Roland Garro was a great tennis player as well as a World War I pilot. And if you christened him in "Garrosa", then the famous orchestra was conducted by Paul Moriat, captain Costau dived into the ocean, and France produces cars "Renault" (Paul Mauriat, Cousteau and Renault, respectively). I once heard sports commentators persistently refer to a French tennis player as Raux. So they read his last name, Raux. The fact that he was actually Roh didn't come into their heads.
I threw out Zefirov's books, where he paints the glorious pilots of the Third Reich. It's impossible to read them. The destroyer "Ivanhoe" (Ivanhoe) - this is how he read Ivanhoe. The surnames of the Germans are turned godlessly: Stahl - instead of Steel, Pohlmann - instead of Polman, Makhlke - instead of Malke. And all this stuff was missed by all the proofreaders and editors of the publishing house. Well, a record of ignorance. He also sent Hoagland’s book, NASA’s Secret Mission. It was as if a Nigerian who had recently learned Russian was translating: I had never seen such clumsy sentences.
But the pearl finished me off: the icon "Our Lady of Guadeloupe." Man, this is an icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Notre Damm Guadeloupe is the original. "Notre-Dame" literally - "our lady", but I still in the English school No. 35 of the hero city of Odessa, teaching the basics of translation, explained that this is the French nickname of the Virgin. And even told the story of a hack translator who, taking the novel “Notre Dame de Paris” (“Notre-Dame de Paris”), translated the title as “Our Lady from Paris”.
Oh, my God, who do our universities graduate? Full of nuts? And we, the Russian-Soviet, against their background - just gymnasiums of old times. When I went to the store, I almost died of laughter. On the counter was a German wine "Milk of a beloved woman" - if you believe the price tag. Damn, idiots, it's the "Milk of the Virgin" (Libenfraumilch)! The Germans, although the people are peculiar, have not yet thought of milking women.
The stupidity of today’s translators and media people is on every corner. The old gray-haired man who rules Monaco is called a prince. His daughter is a pop singer, Princess of Monaco. They are not princes or princesses, they are princes and princesses, for the word prince is not only a prince, but also a prince. Monaco is a principality.
You see a movie about Dracula – you hear about the “Prince of Transylvania” or “Prince of this world”, although the word king is everywhere translated as “king”. I am told of the kings of ancient Persia, of ancient Greece, of Vedic India. In the Russian tradition, they are kings. And kings appear only in the Middle Ages and then among the Germanic and Romance peoples, and among the Celts in the East. There were no kings in Russia. But I almost fell down when I met the expression “Ancient Rus”. Ancient, ugly, ancient!
Also interesting: 9 reasons to get a second higher education
Education in Finland is the best in the world. How do they do that?
What does all this say? That the destruction of the Russian language in the Russian Federation led to the destruction of the common linguistic culture, to the death of the excellent school of Russian translation, which was famous for both the Russian Empire and the USSR, and that, as a result, leads to the death of culture and knowledge itself!
This suggests that everything is being destroyed in the Russian Federation – not only science, industry, education, infrastructure and housing and communal services, but also our great Indo-European language itself. This suggests that schools and universities of the country began massively stamping marriage - ignorant and ignorant, semi-literate "narrowly specialized" stupid people.
Author: Marina Lemutkina
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.mk.ru/social/education/article/2009/11/02/3786-100-ballov-za-ege-eto-cherez-chyur.html