Immediate children view on March 8 ... They are his words will not come back!
Well, that's Otshumeli March 8, but many of us and there are many issues that we have in store for next year. What is March 8? What, finally, it is necessary to give to women on March 8? What does it mean to act like a knight? What a man can give a feast of flowers? All these questions no answer is better than all the young participants a favorite category "from below" TV "Evening Urgant". These young talents his words will not come back ... They will give a very unexpected answers to the most difficult questions!
Sincerity, optimism and childlike warm the soul. Buddy called Acne - just a storehouse of wisdom! The boy smyshlen not for years. Sure, kid iron logic and firm belief! Dialogue about "4 flower for Baskov" just killed me on the spot!
Oh, those kids! They say the mouth of babes the truth. Personally, I finally convinced this! That's where we, adults need to draw inspiration - from the kids! If your friends are still scratching their heads over these eternal philosophical questions - show them this remarkable release of the TV program "Evening Urgant».
Sincerity, optimism and childlike warm the soul. Buddy called Acne - just a storehouse of wisdom! The boy smyshlen not for years. Sure, kid iron logic and firm belief! Dialogue about "4 flower for Baskov" just killed me on the spot!
Oh, those kids! They say the mouth of babes the truth. Personally, I finally convinced this! That's where we, adults need to draw inspiration - from the kids! If your friends are still scratching their heads over these eternal philosophical questions - show them this remarkable release of the TV program "Evening Urgant».
Here is the Hell on Earth. Terrible Lake Natron, a living after which there will be none!
These women have changed the world! 15 great quotes grand ladies who are still relevant today.