Raw foodists mode.

Raw food has suddenly become not just fashionable chip, and the way of life of tens of thousands of people.
There specialty restaurants, pubs, even St. Petersburg can offer raw foodists principles appropriate to their treats. Is it difficult to live a person adheres to the power system, in normal conditions of a modern city? After all, people often refuse to go to a raw food diet because of the belief that the operation is simply impossible to stick with it.
In fact cyroed eat 2-4 times a day, as well as people who hold the power of the traditional system. Tomorrow usually consists of fruit and juice. Most raw foodists at the same time adhere to the rules of a separate food, according to which mix fruit with any other kind of food - is undesirable. Even if you're used to breakfast in the workplace will not be difficult to take some fruits with you and eat.
Lunch should be nutritious. The need for calories and fat from raw foodists "recruited" mostly seeds and nuts. It is recommended to grind pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder to grind to a powder with the skin, in which a lot of nutrients. This powder is combined with a green salad, it gives it a piquant touch and nutritious. You can also add any raw nuts - average demand for seeds and nuts is 150 grams per day.
For dinner, you can also eat a fruit salad or vegetables, drink a glass of herbal tea with honey.
Variety of food
The impression of the scarcity of diet disappears after a few weeks of this diet. At any time, you can eat a handful of nuts or fruit, and meals can be very diverse. The desire to diversify the diet, eat with pleasure and change products at will and when the season syroedcheskom diet can fully realize. A huge number of fruits and vegetables that are in the normal diet we have or do not use at all, or as a dessert after a hearty lunch in this case are the basis of food and a variety of fruits is much more than meat or any other subject cooking products.
The diet of raw foodists are many trace elements, organic acids, fiber and other essential substances. In a modern city, adhering to full or limited in time, the raw food diet, you can get rid of some diseases, improve health, and to neutralize the harmful effects on the many negative factors.