What is the food raw foodists?

Rawfoodist any diet consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, which were not heat treatment. According to raw foodists, this food contributes to food much faster absorbed by the body, further enriching it with all the useful trace elements and vitamins. Eating the same food cooked in the fire, you are depriving yourself of the value and power of information products.
The main concept of the raw food diet is the process of consumption of solar energy, which is stored in fresh plant foods in the process of its growth. Fire also contributes to the destruction of the product, so after a meal becomes not full.
As for fruits and vegetables, it should be noted that in addition the presence of special enzymes, which play a significant role in the digestive process and the metabolism in general. Number of enzymes directly affects the longevity and health. The fact is that the more enzymes in the human body is, the faster the food is digested, and the investigator energy for its digestion takes less. In turn, the quantity of nutrients that enter the body increases. Sami raw foodists believe that living foods promote longevity, because the body does not clog.
Menu of any raw foodists also bans the use of food salt, sugar and any other spice. Raw foodists eat as well, and any herbs, vegetable oils, cereals, nuts, seaweed. And eat it all, you can not just intact, but also in different combinations.
In fact, the recipe for raw foodists are quite diverse. Here you can find and all sorts of salads, cold soups in their diet there is even the bread, which is quite different from the usual. Bread for raw foodists something like a cracker and create it out of herbs and seeds, in a special machine. And all the nutrients so the bread retains, as the process of its production is at a temperature up to 40 degrees.
Raw foodists also can enjoy and sweet for them make great cakes. The structure, which includes almonds, figs, peaches, raspberries, raw chocolate, coconut pulp. Raw chocolate beans cocoa mass is presented in the cake are not so many, so the bitter taste is not felt almost.