If the relationship should remain a secret, you should not be in this relationship

Regina Brett - American writer, twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize, which is known for its articles with reflections on life. And she knows what he's talking about. During his life, Regina suffered a lot: for 18 years, one to raise a child, 41 years won breast cancer, was able to succeed and make a brilliant career, and only 45 met their true love.
Website is a list of tips and the author's arguments about the relationship.
There was a period in my life - 20 years and almost 40 - when the men went through me like bread crumbs through a goose. In fact, I met with the same man, only the name has changed.
I realized it only when after the relationship with the one person I needed psychological help. It seemed that the young handsome guy who rolled up to me at work, trembles with the desire to meet with me. About three months he literally spinning around me. And just when I was ready to trust and remove its protection, he said that he could not go on a date with me on the weekend, because the city comes his bride. Someone who comes?
This is the story of my life. Why do I have to repeat it again and again? That evening, when I said I did not want to see him, I wept, prayed and cried out to the universe: «Why do I always attract unavailable men?»
The Universe responded: «Because you are afraid of free»
Physician, heal my very dark and deep wound, he gave me the basic rules of dating. Their initial letters make up the word « STOP ». She wanted me to keep in mind four things, and the first - the most important:
The Secret
The void
It was a great starting point. Eventually, I made a list of tips on the Relations:
Keep away from the reach of men. These include gay men, monks, those who live where you do not want to settle down, married, betrothed, and those who are afraid to tell others that I meet with you, so as not to scare off the other girls. There are no secrets. One of my close friend's husband changed over the years. It was not a novel, but a lifestyle. At the same time they were family therapy, "to work on their relationship." Husband masterfully portrayed the manifestation of lively participation in the classroom, never mentioned about the other, but one day he was caught red-handed, and that was the end of a marriage. Another friend of mine repeatedly returned to a married man, hoping he would leave her family and marry her. I kept saying to her: "If you marry a man who is unfaithful to his wife, then you marry a man who is unfaithful to his wife." The same rule holds true for men. If your girl does not tell his sister, mother, girlfriend or former that occurs to you, forget it. Were it not for the other secret airfield or garnish. If she can not be honest and says nothing about your connection, cast it. What do you want - an affair or a relationship? Beware of dependencies. If a person is addicted to alcohol, gambling, horse racing, crack, lotteries, sex, work and so on, then he unavailable. Beware of their inner need to find and heal the twisted soul. If you repeatedly choose just the right such that it is necessary to bring back to life, ask yourself why. If you think you can save him or her, think again. The first step of any 12-step program - admit their helplessness in this situation. Be attractive candidate. Everything that is given to you, use 100% . One guy I met said he was all like me, except that I am too religious. But is this possible? It is what, want me longer believed in him, and in less than God? That quality, which I appreciated more than anything else, it was hard to endure. I do not want to be with someone who can not stand me. And I want to someone who will appreciate. Tell the world what you want from the satellite. But first, explain it to myself. Noting all the husks: height, weight, income - leave it all and forget. Sit in the silence of your soul, go down into the depths of her and asked, "What do I want, really?" Make a list. At the end of write: "This or something better." And then take away somewhere far away in a box and forget. Do not look at the wrapper. wrapper, which is packed gift, usually does not give any idea of what's inside. Sometimes it is better content. The best gifts sometimes awarded without the wrapper. Do not ignore the small, bald and chubby, similar teddy bear men. Before you remove them from the list of applicants five-letter curse "cute", think carefully about what you really want. Not proglyadi good-natured with a tender heart, zasmotrevshis on a steep macho with cubes press. Tender Heart durable relief muscles. Ask any woman older than 40. self-perfection. Make your life is so wonderful, that will not matter whether it will be someone. Seize any opportunity to make new friends, meet new people, go on an adventure. Live the life of your dreams, but do not look for a man or woman of your dreams. As soon as you stop chasing a butterfly, she falls gently on your shoulder. Instead of looking for yourself and possibly, become the sole for yourself
via www.soulpost.ru/esli-otnosheniya-dolzhny-byt-v-sekrete-vy-ne-dolzhny-byt-v-etix-otnosheniyax/
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