Why do women leave men, even those who love
The reason - the only one! And the site in a hurry to share it with vami.Ya - Justin Shanfarber and I'm a marriage counselor. I work with men and women who help to get lost in a marriage. Although the problems are usually all seem to be different, men should know that if the problem is in them, then it is usually the same.
And for this reason they throw his wife.
Their heart breaks. But they do it. They gather in a fist all his courage and all their efforts. And left the men with whom they have common children, home and life. Almost always, it happens for one reason only.
Women leave because their men no more! Not in the sense that they do not exist at all. They simply are not present in their lives.
They work. Play football and computer games. Watching TV. Go fishing ... The list is long.
Men, we are talking about, are not bad people. They are good people. They are good fathers. They support their family. They are pleasant, likeable. But they take their wives for granted. They are not interested. Their wives do not have in their lives, although everything usually looks different.
I'm not going to condemn anybody. I'm not going to tell you what is right and what - no. I can only speak about what I see every day. And that's the problem.
Your wife is not your property. It is not obliged to love you with all my heart. This love should be earning. Day by day, moment by moment. Just as you earn money. You have to win it - not with money or social status, and their attention. She must feel that you care. She should know that her words and experiences are important to you. She needs to know that you are listening to it.
Do not nod politely and detached when it is something you said. Do not calm her monotonous "everything will be fine." Do not play the role of devil's advocate. Try to listen to it. A truly listen.
Chat with her full attention. If you take her hand, pay attention to the sensations in your hand. Pay attention to what is happening in the moment when you touch or hug each other. What happens in your body? What do you feel? Pay attention to your most subtle feelings and emotions. (This is sometimes called mindfulness).
But of course you are too busy for that. You do not have time for this. But what about five minutes?
Five minutes each day. I'm not saying that this should be enough to cook an extravagant dinner. I say that every man can find five minutes a day to devote all of them completely, without reserve, his woman.
I bet as soon as you try, you feel that no longer felt. You might even feel a whole new taste of life. And your marriage will be saved.
via lifter.com.ua/Pochemu-genshchini-brosayut-mugchin--dage-teh-kogo-prodolgayut-lyubit
And for this reason they throw his wife.
Their heart breaks. But they do it. They gather in a fist all his courage and all their efforts. And left the men with whom they have common children, home and life. Almost always, it happens for one reason only.
Women leave because their men no more! Not in the sense that they do not exist at all. They simply are not present in their lives.

They work. Play football and computer games. Watching TV. Go fishing ... The list is long.
Men, we are talking about, are not bad people. They are good people. They are good fathers. They support their family. They are pleasant, likeable. But they take their wives for granted. They are not interested. Their wives do not have in their lives, although everything usually looks different.
I'm not going to condemn anybody. I'm not going to tell you what is right and what - no. I can only speak about what I see every day. And that's the problem.
Your wife is not your property. It is not obliged to love you with all my heart. This love should be earning. Day by day, moment by moment. Just as you earn money. You have to win it - not with money or social status, and their attention. She must feel that you care. She should know that her words and experiences are important to you. She needs to know that you are listening to it.
Do not nod politely and detached when it is something you said. Do not calm her monotonous "everything will be fine." Do not play the role of devil's advocate. Try to listen to it. A truly listen.
Chat with her full attention. If you take her hand, pay attention to the sensations in your hand. Pay attention to what is happening in the moment when you touch or hug each other. What happens in your body? What do you feel? Pay attention to your most subtle feelings and emotions. (This is sometimes called mindfulness).
But of course you are too busy for that. You do not have time for this. But what about five minutes?
Five minutes each day. I'm not saying that this should be enough to cook an extravagant dinner. I say that every man can find five minutes a day to devote all of them completely, without reserve, his woman.
I bet as soon as you try, you feel that no longer felt. You might even feel a whole new taste of life. And your marriage will be saved.
via lifter.com.ua/Pochemu-genshchini-brosayut-mugchin--dage-teh-kogo-prodolgayut-lyubit
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