5 little-known facts about the "child of light" Nikola Tesla

1. Nikola Tesla was born at midnight, between 9 and 10 July 1856 during a severe thunderstorm. According to family legend, during the birth the midwife became ill and she screamed that she was born "child of darkness," to which his mother replied: «No. He is a child of light ».
2. Most people are not able to appreciate the humor Nikola appreciated. However, just subtle irony pervaded his every act, especially felt among friends. Once Tesla invited to dine writer and poet Rudyard Kipling. Dine with him, Nicolas wrote a letter to her friend:
«My dear Mrs. Johnson, what harm has occurred with" prolivatelem ink "Kipling? He decided to invite me to dinner in a dark, unsightly hotel where I'm pretty sure the waiter will give me soup with hair and cockroaches. Sincerely, N. Tesla »
blockquote> 3. Many sources reported to the public earlier that Tesla and Edison feuded among themselves. But, in general, it is not. Relations between them were quite respectful and evidenced by many facts.
For example, at the beginning of his career, Tesla worked with Edison on the design of direct current generators, but abandoned the project because of its own. Tesla became interested in AC and worked with him to create an asynchronous motor. This fact gives us the right to consider Tesla and Edison's Steve Jobs and Bill Gates of times and.
Despite the "care" of Tesla, Edison was often at his conference, and even though that could not hear, he always sat away so no one noticed. Tesla is always noticed him and forced the audience to greet scientist. Edison, in turn, let Tesla in his laboratory when Nikola burned his own.
4. Nicola gave birth to a brilliant mind great ideas, but in practice they were really too "early" for the society of the time. During the development of the radio signal transmission over long distances, Tesla entered into a business relationship with JP Morgan to his means to develop a new communication system for traders on the exchange. Tesla planned to transfer information and collect all messages on changes in the exchange through his laboratory, decode them and pass them on to each of their personal frequency. This idea is now performs modern smartphones.
5. At the time of Tesla were many rumors. One of the most horrible was the fact that Tesla's laboratory was the machine to call the earthquake and he has more than once "Shatal" Manhattan. In fact, it was a huge high-frequency generator with a piston and platform, which could really strongly vibrate, which is why the whole building was shaking.
Tesla once said that the generator is so strong that "can knock out all evil from Mark Twain». It was another humor on the part of the scientist, who knew about the digestive problems of his friend the writer. But, not to be unfounded, he actually invited himself to Mark Twain and "drove" on the generator. According to rumors, after Twain fun immediately ran to the bathroom.
via diletant.media/articles/26140015/