10 ideas of Nikola Tesla, opening new horizons for humanity
Nikola Tesla someone finds a genius, someone fraud. But in any case, a brilliant mind and imagination development is impossible to deny this man! Tesla has offered many innovative ideas.
Some of them found a real application, the others were named by his contemporaries mad or dangerous for mankind. The review Website Ten of the most interesting ideas of the scientist-dreamer.
1. Using cosmic rays h2> Among the numerous hobbies Tesla featured the idea of the development of free energy. For example, nuclear energy could provide almost endless resources at the lowest cost. Nevertheless, the idea of the development of free energy is regarded as pseudoscience by most researchers.
2. Electrodynamic induction h2> Tesla is considered the father of alternating current, but he dreamed of a world in which there will be a wireless network transmission of energy. To do this, he proposed the creation of the World wireless system, which will consist of Tesla towers that transmit electricity without wires all over the world. He proved the viability of their ideas on a visual example - demonstrating to the public the lit bulb, which was a meter away from a Tesla coil.
3. Cold Fire h2> «Cold Fire" - is when a human body is under the AC voltage of 2, 5 million volts, and the person should be on a metal plate. From the outside it looks like a man completely enveloped in flames. This method works because the conductivity of human skin, and as a rule it effectively than washing with soap and water. Tesla also claimed that using a cold fire man not only cleaned, but also gets a huge energy boost. This invention forgotten due to lack of funding.
4. Teslaskop h2> Another Tesla's inventions - a device to communicate with aliens. The scientist claimed that he was able several times to communicate with extraterrestrial life, using his teslaskop. Teslaskop also can be used as "hyperspace oscillator" by converting the energy of cosmic rays, which can be used by man. This device could transmit vast amounts of energy in the space excluding distances. However, few believed Tesla, because he did not have any proof of this theory.
5. Tesla Death Ray h2> While many of Tesla's inventions may seem dangerous, he hated the genius of war and spent a lot of time and energy to the creation of "Death Ray", which was able to prevent any war. Ray's death represented the particle accelerator, capable of firing a beam of energy at a distance of over 400 km. Tesla claimed that the beam can melt the engines and bring down any aircraft. On the creation he needed $ 2 million, but the inventor did not find the money. When Tesla tried to sell his idea to the investor JP Morgan, the bank turned him down.
6. Management of weather h2> Tesla believed that the weather on the planet can be controlled. And fertile agricultural land can be created in any environment through the use of certain radio waves locally change the earth's magnetic field.
7. X-ray gun h2> on the problem of X-rays worked many scientists, including Tesla. Using the original design Roentgen, Tesla continued his experiments with X-rays. At this time, Tesla's close friends with Mark Twain, who often visited him after his inventor cure constipation. Twain and Tesla experimented with a ray gun, invented by Tesla, trying to break through the X-ray beam sheet of paper. But to do so they have not succeeded.
8. AC h2> In 1882, Nikola Tesla moved to Paris and began working with Thomas Edison. Edison has opened a direct current, which, he thought, will solve the problems with electricity all mankind.
9. Electrification of the world h2> Tesla believed that it is possible to illuminate the whole world, will reduce the need for electricity. He wanted to use the principle of luminescence rarefied gas, which states that certain gas particles emit glow if they initiate energy. The inventor was planning to "shoot" a strong beam of ultraviolet energy to the top of the atmosphere. This was to cause the particles in the atmosphere to glow over the whole Earth, like the northern lights.
10. Tesla oscillator h2> Everything is made of atoms, and atoms vibrate each item on its own frequency. When the oscillation frequency of the mechanical system coincides with a natural frequency of vibration of the atoms, the system enters into resonance.
Some of them found a real application, the others were named by his contemporaries mad or dangerous for mankind. The review Website Ten of the most interesting ideas of the scientist-dreamer.