Owners Tesla S crossed America free
At the end of the journey John Glenn (left) welcomed the Vice-President of Tesla Manufacturing Greg Reychou.
A merikanskaya company Tesla Motors, which manufactures electrical pyatidverku Model S, has taken an unusual way to provide their customers charging on the road. Instead, trust in government, or third-party companies, the automaker itself deploys a network of charging stations express. What is important: the owners of cars Tesla could refuel them for free. The largest such network operates understood in the USA. So January 26, 2014 was a momentous event: the 62-year-old John Glenn and his daughter Jill completed on "Eske" the first of its kind journey from New York to Los Angeles, during which charges only on branded stations Tesla Supercharger, and hence, do not spend a cent on electricity.
8 photos.
The shortest route from New York to Los Angeles is 40 hours, the road passing through the station Supercharger, requires 60 hours without considering the charging time, well, John and Jill met the week (they started January 20). To overcome 3619 miles (5823 km), it took 1366 kW • h of electricity, which were obtained by 28 charging stations. Incidentally, the new 120-kilowatt rapid charging Tesla allows for half an hour to fill a battery "Eski" energy, which is enough for 273 kilometers. (Part of the "pillars" Tesla another 100-kilowatt, but in fact they are almost as productive.)
Little secret of rapid charging stations from Tesla - a shed with solar panels. During the day it works out the average and accumulates in the buffer batteries more electricity than take the owners to refuel electric vehicles. Surplus company gives to the overall power grid.
Tesla Company sold in the fourth quarter of 2013. 6900 copies of "Eski", as a result of which it became the most popular car connects to the network in the United States. Ability to travel outside the city for free is one of the points, to draw attention to the model. By the same token Tesla operates in Europe. Last year, she started the deployment of its network where charging stations (start was laid in Norway), and recently the company announced the opening paragraphs express charge in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. Now the number of charging stations Supercharger in the Old World has reached 14.
Posted in [mergetime] 1390938391 [/ mergetime]
In the US, Tesla now operates 71 fast-charging station. Given the geography of their position and given the fact that the older version of "Eski" (with a battery capacity of 85 kW • h), runs on a single charge up to 480 km, the network covers 80% of the population (left). Right - the plan of deployment of stations in 2015. By the way, in parallel Tesla promotes service hot-swappable battery, which takes only a minute and a half, but it is not free.
While all European Tesla charging stations are located in small towns. For example, in Germany it Wilnsdorf, Bad Rappenau, Eichstätt and jettingen. But all these points are selected so that the owners of the Tesla S electric cars could travel on them between Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich, Innsbruck, Brussels and Geneva. By the end of March 2014 half of the German population will live within 320 km of a charging station, according to an American company, and by the end of this year, Tesla network should cover most of Western Europe.
Posted in [mergetime] 1390938448 [/ mergetime]
Tesla charging stations in Europe today (above) and the plan by the end of 2014 (at the bottom).
It is worth remembering that the various stations charging electric cars in general are very common in Europe and the United States. The only alternative to travel by car with zero exhaust - fuel cell cars and, accordingly, hydrogen fueling stations. However, their prevalence is much slower than the electric filling stations. By the way, recently, Hyundai has gone the way of actual Tesla, the Californian offered to owners of hydrogen crossover Tucson FC unlimited free refills hydrogen.
Tesla charging stations in Europe today (above) and the plan by the end of 2014 (at the bottom).
It is worth remembering that the various stations charging electric cars in general are very common in Europe and the United States. The only alternative to travel by car with zero exhaust - fuel cell cars and, accordingly, hydrogen fueling stations. However, their prevalence is much slower than the electric filling stations. By the way, recently, Hyundai has gone the way of actual Tesla, the Californian offered to owners of hydrogen crossover Tucson FC unlimited free refills hydrogen.
Photo 1
In California, there are nine public hydrogen filling stations, there are still 12 in the territory of the companies or universities, and a couple of dozen to be opened in 2014-2015. In Germany, this project has been the subject of Clean Energy Partnership, driven by several automotive and energy companies. There already are 15 hydrogen stations (in Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe), by 2015 the number should increase to 50, and by 2023 th - up to 400.
Major projects for the development of hydrogen filling stations launched in Japan, Italy and Scandinavia, but so far the total number of operating stations in these countries in the tens. And this is an order of magnitude less than the number of public electric charging stations. The latter, incidentally, is the world's more than 50 million, with more than three thousand - a rapid charging stations of various types.
In Russia, the infrastructure of charging stations is poorly developed. But there are ambitious plans to expand the network. In addition, the company Ekomotors sold in Russia different kinds of electric, is now offering owners of shopping centers and cafes set free at charging stations ("slow", 16A). Under the deal, the owners of such points undertake to release free drivers of electric energy, they say, the cost of electricity will be 250 rubles a day, and a huge advertising effect. By the way, the price list Ekomotors listed and Tesla Model S 3, 9 million rubles (as asking for the base version with a battery of 60 kW • h). The car is offered through Ekomotors order from a warehouse in the United States.
Photo 2
A merikanskaya company Tesla Motors, which manufactures electrical pyatidverku Model S, has taken an unusual way to provide their customers charging on the road. Instead, trust in government, or third-party companies, the automaker itself deploys a network of charging stations express. What is important: the owners of cars Tesla could refuel them for free. The largest such network operates understood in the USA. So January 26, 2014 was a momentous event: the 62-year-old John Glenn and his daughter Jill completed on "Eske" the first of its kind journey from New York to Los Angeles, during which charges only on branded stations Tesla Supercharger, and hence, do not spend a cent on electricity.
8 photos.

The shortest route from New York to Los Angeles is 40 hours, the road passing through the station Supercharger, requires 60 hours without considering the charging time, well, John and Jill met the week (they started January 20). To overcome 3619 miles (5823 km), it took 1366 kW • h of electricity, which were obtained by 28 charging stations. Incidentally, the new 120-kilowatt rapid charging Tesla allows for half an hour to fill a battery "Eski" energy, which is enough for 273 kilometers. (Part of the "pillars" Tesla another 100-kilowatt, but in fact they are almost as productive.)

Little secret of rapid charging stations from Tesla - a shed with solar panels. During the day it works out the average and accumulates in the buffer batteries more electricity than take the owners to refuel electric vehicles. Surplus company gives to the overall power grid.

Tesla Company sold in the fourth quarter of 2013. 6900 copies of "Eski", as a result of which it became the most popular car connects to the network in the United States. Ability to travel outside the city for free is one of the points, to draw attention to the model. By the same token Tesla operates in Europe. Last year, she started the deployment of its network where charging stations (start was laid in Norway), and recently the company announced the opening paragraphs express charge in Austria, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands. Now the number of charging stations Supercharger in the Old World has reached 14.
Posted in [mergetime] 1390938391 [/ mergetime]
In the US, Tesla now operates 71 fast-charging station. Given the geography of their position and given the fact that the older version of "Eski" (with a battery capacity of 85 kW • h), runs on a single charge up to 480 km, the network covers 80% of the population (left). Right - the plan of deployment of stations in 2015. By the way, in parallel Tesla promotes service hot-swappable battery, which takes only a minute and a half, but it is not free.
While all European Tesla charging stations are located in small towns. For example, in Germany it Wilnsdorf, Bad Rappenau, Eichstätt and jettingen. But all these points are selected so that the owners of the Tesla S electric cars could travel on them between Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, Amsterdam, Zurich, Innsbruck, Brussels and Geneva. By the end of March 2014 half of the German population will live within 320 km of a charging station, according to an American company, and by the end of this year, Tesla network should cover most of Western Europe.
Posted in [mergetime] 1390938448 [/ mergetime]
Tesla charging stations in Europe today (above) and the plan by the end of 2014 (at the bottom).
It is worth remembering that the various stations charging electric cars in general are very common in Europe and the United States. The only alternative to travel by car with zero exhaust - fuel cell cars and, accordingly, hydrogen fueling stations. However, their prevalence is much slower than the electric filling stations. By the way, recently, Hyundai has gone the way of actual Tesla, the Californian offered to owners of hydrogen crossover Tucson FC unlimited free refills hydrogen.

Tesla charging stations in Europe today (above) and the plan by the end of 2014 (at the bottom).
It is worth remembering that the various stations charging electric cars in general are very common in Europe and the United States. The only alternative to travel by car with zero exhaust - fuel cell cars and, accordingly, hydrogen fueling stations. However, their prevalence is much slower than the electric filling stations. By the way, recently, Hyundai has gone the way of actual Tesla, the Californian offered to owners of hydrogen crossover Tucson FC unlimited free refills hydrogen.

Photo 1

In California, there are nine public hydrogen filling stations, there are still 12 in the territory of the companies or universities, and a couple of dozen to be opened in 2014-2015. In Germany, this project has been the subject of Clean Energy Partnership, driven by several automotive and energy companies. There already are 15 hydrogen stations (in Berlin, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe), by 2015 the number should increase to 50, and by 2023 th - up to 400.
Major projects for the development of hydrogen filling stations launched in Japan, Italy and Scandinavia, but so far the total number of operating stations in these countries in the tens. And this is an order of magnitude less than the number of public electric charging stations. The latter, incidentally, is the world's more than 50 million, with more than three thousand - a rapid charging stations of various types.
In Russia, the infrastructure of charging stations is poorly developed. But there are ambitious plans to expand the network. In addition, the company Ekomotors sold in Russia different kinds of electric, is now offering owners of shopping centers and cafes set free at charging stations ("slow", 16A). Under the deal, the owners of such points undertake to release free drivers of electric energy, they say, the cost of electricity will be 250 rubles a day, and a huge advertising effect. By the way, the price list Ekomotors listed and Tesla Model S 3, 9 million rubles (as asking for the base version with a battery of 60 kW • h). The car is offered through Ekomotors order from a warehouse in the United States.

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