Tesla Supercharger: how free gas stations are changing the world

In the picture below, an invention that will forever change the global automotive industry, and perhaps the world as a whole. Unique high-speed refueling stations, which are very actively building California company TESLA Motors around the world quickly and safely charge modern cars for free. Until yesterday, no one could believe it. Today, one such gas station quietly works not far from home. So how does that work?

To begin with, this is not an ordinary charger for an electric car. The TESLA Supercharger is a superfast charging station designed for the Tesla Model S and the 2015 TESLA Model X SUV. It is possible that the stations will charge the budget TESLA 3, which is expected to be on the market in 2017 at a price of $ 35,000. This gas station is located on the parking lot of a large shopping center, that is, the car is charged at the moment when the owner went shopping.

Over the past 2 years, TESLA Motors has already opened 453 such refueling stations worldwide, with a total of more than 2,500 terminals (columns). So what’s different from the traditional electric car refueling stations that are ubiquitous in California?

There are two main differences. It’s hard to believe, but charging at SUPERCHARGER station is absolutely free for the life of the Tesla Model S. A few years ago, potential buyers and owners who charged their TESLAs at home using chargers asked a reasonable question: How do you take a TESLA car on a long journey?

Then, to solve this problem, the owner and founder of the company Elon Musk announced the beginning of the construction of a global network of free high-speed refueling stations, which will be located along all major highways, at a distance of at least 80% of the charge from each other, and kept his word. Today, you can travel all over America on TESLA. By the way, the maximum range on one charge at the most expensive version of 410 kilometers. Up to 100 km / h the car accelerates in 3 seconds. For daily use, it’s certainly easier to charge your car at home at night when electricity is much cheaper. Each morning the charge will be full, although most users will have enough for a few days.

The second feature of the TESLA Supercharger is the charging speed, which is up to 16 times faster than traditional stations for electric vehicles and conventional home charging. According to the manufacturer, this cable produces up to 120 kW and delivers current directly to the battery, instead of the traditional charging circuit.

Charging the battery by half takes about 20 minutes.

The owner of the car said he often visits the mall, which has a TESLA Supercharger in its parking lot, as electricity is free and his car is fully charged while he is shopping or drinking coffee.

According to him, 100% charge can be obtained in less than an hour and a half, while his home charger allows you to charge the car completely in 8 hours, that is, overnight. It is not possible to buy Supercharger at home. Only standard portable chargers are designed for the home. Below on the dashboard, you can see that on the current charge, the car can already travel about 190 miles (300 km), and there are still 50 minutes left before the end of the process.

To date, TESLA has sold more than 70,000 of these premium cars worldwide. That's so much that some SUPERCHARGER stations are constantly queuing up. In this regard, the company even began to ask owners to use the stations only during long trips (as actually intended), and in normal times to charge cars at home. The largest market is of course the USA (43,000 units). In 2013, TESLA sold in the United States.18,000cars and significantly outsold all luxury classmates (Mercedes S Class)13,303 units.), BMW 7 Series (10,932.), Lexus LS (10,727.), Audi A8 (6,300 units.), Porshe Panamera (5421.). The largest market outside of America is the northern country of Norway, here the TESLA S has generally become the best-selling car in the history of the country, surpassing even the budget Volkswagen Golf in sales.

With this technology, traditional cars look archaic. In an interview with the New Yorker magazine, General Motors vice president Robert Lutz said, All the smart guys here at General Motors kept saying that you have to wait at least ten years to get a perfect lithium-ion battery. And the Toyota engineers agreed with us. And then, "Bah," out of nowhere, came TESLA. And I asked everybody, why did a microscopic California start-up led by guys who don't know anything about the car business do it and we didn't? It was like a crowbar that helped push through a long-stalled idea.”

There is not much left before the release of TESLA 3 cost $ 35,000. When do you think there will be free SUPERCHARGER gas stations in your city? Maybe they've already appeared. Then share your experience. Would you buy a car like that for $35,000?

In the second quarter of 2015, Tesla Motors sold 11,507 Model S sedans, a record for the company. During the same period a year earlier, the company sold 7579 Model S cars. This is a 52% increase in sales.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!

Source: californista.livejournal.com/22441.html


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