Ten extraordinary gas stations
Can you imagine what would happen if humanity still goes to the use of environmentally friendly cars only (solar, for example) of energy? Well, the environment, of course, it will be great. We will be healthier - the air will be cleaner. And disappear all gas stations. Great loss - most of them are difficult to attribute to the masterpieces of architecture. But some are also worthy of attention. It is about them we will talk about today.
1. Filling Jack Colker Union 96
The airport refueling in Beverly Hills.
This station is located in well-known place called Beverly Hills. The roof it looks as if it was meant for some other, more technologically sophisticated facilities. So it is: the fragment was originally the building structure was to be used in the construction of the airport of Los Angeles (which is in the same California), but then changed the plans of builders and petrol station has got an elegant roof.
Knitted station in Syracuse.
This filling can be found in Syracuse, NY. It is completely covered with knitted fabric. Author of the idea - the American designer Jennifer Marsh. She collected many pieces of the size of one meter on by artists from around the world, and sheathed their station. It turned out brightly and original.
Station lighthouse engineer Smith.
Yeah, in the creative approach of the authors of this concept - Robert E. Smith - not refuse. But I refuse to practicality. Painfully awkward and expensive to build and maintain such a dressing. Perhaps this is why the concept has not yet been implemented, although was created in 1928.
Functional dressing in Copenhagen.
In contrast to that described in the preceding paragraph, elaborate design can be mentioned unpretentious in appearance, but extremely functional and reliable refueling in the Danish capital. Established in 1937 by Arne Jacobsen, she continues to work to this day, and, most surprisingly - still look modern and technologically.
Los Angeles futuristic refueling.
This station, BP is in Los Angeles. Big delight the locals it is not - too pompous and futuristic looks. However, the tourists a different view, and now sparkling dressing becomes something dostoprimechatelnosti.
Los Angeles futuristic refueling.
Cowboy dressing in Seattle.
No, cowboys never had to refuel their vehicles with petrol: horses prefer hay, oats, and other plant foods. However, this did not stop Lewis Nasmyth still in the middle of the last century to style petrol station by "kovboyschinu" - a giant hat and boots. Until 1988, she worked in the refueling Seattle (in the northwest of the United States), now converted into an entertainment center, set in a park in a suburb of the city.
The concept of a gas station in the form of an airplane.
Here's a wild concept patented in 1930 an American, Charles D. Veri. The patent states that the station is "portable." How about Veri carry it, he planned that it will fly through the air - unfortunately, will remain a mystery.
It is not very filling.
In San Jose, California, you can see here is an unusual structure. And its purpose is difficult to understand - it's just two pylons and a carport. The fact is that before there was a gas station, built in the early days of space exploration with distinctive stylistic forms - aspirations forward and upward. Refuelling is no longer working, but the design left - looks.
Refueling, resembling UFOs.
This station is also located in California, but this time in Sacramento. It was built in the same years as the previous one, but in the form of something resembling an alien spacecraft. Such dressings in his time there have been many, but few of them have survived.
Really portable station
Portable refueling by Jean Prouvé.
This station was invented by Jean Prouvé, it is really portable. Simple and elegant, it can be easily dismantled and installed in the new location.
1. Filling Jack Colker Union 96
The airport refueling in Beverly Hills.

This station is located in well-known place called Beverly Hills. The roof it looks as if it was meant for some other, more technologically sophisticated facilities. So it is: the fragment was originally the building structure was to be used in the construction of the airport of Los Angeles (which is in the same California), but then changed the plans of builders and petrol station has got an elegant roof.

Knitted station in Syracuse.
This filling can be found in Syracuse, NY. It is completely covered with knitted fabric. Author of the idea - the American designer Jennifer Marsh. She collected many pieces of the size of one meter on by artists from around the world, and sheathed their station. It turned out brightly and original.

Station lighthouse engineer Smith.
Yeah, in the creative approach of the authors of this concept - Robert E. Smith - not refuse. But I refuse to practicality. Painfully awkward and expensive to build and maintain such a dressing. Perhaps this is why the concept has not yet been implemented, although was created in 1928.

Functional dressing in Copenhagen.
In contrast to that described in the preceding paragraph, elaborate design can be mentioned unpretentious in appearance, but extremely functional and reliable refueling in the Danish capital. Established in 1937 by Arne Jacobsen, she continues to work to this day, and, most surprisingly - still look modern and technologically.

Los Angeles futuristic refueling.
This station, BP is in Los Angeles. Big delight the locals it is not - too pompous and futuristic looks. However, the tourists a different view, and now sparkling dressing becomes something dostoprimechatelnosti.

Los Angeles futuristic refueling.

Cowboy dressing in Seattle.
No, cowboys never had to refuel their vehicles with petrol: horses prefer hay, oats, and other plant foods. However, this did not stop Lewis Nasmyth still in the middle of the last century to style petrol station by "kovboyschinu" - a giant hat and boots. Until 1988, she worked in the refueling Seattle (in the northwest of the United States), now converted into an entertainment center, set in a park in a suburb of the city.

The concept of a gas station in the form of an airplane.
Here's a wild concept patented in 1930 an American, Charles D. Veri. The patent states that the station is "portable." How about Veri carry it, he planned that it will fly through the air - unfortunately, will remain a mystery.

It is not very filling.
In San Jose, California, you can see here is an unusual structure. And its purpose is difficult to understand - it's just two pylons and a carport. The fact is that before there was a gas station, built in the early days of space exploration with distinctive stylistic forms - aspirations forward and upward. Refuelling is no longer working, but the design left - looks.

Refueling, resembling UFOs.
This station is also located in California, but this time in Sacramento. It was built in the same years as the previous one, but in the form of something resembling an alien spacecraft. Such dressings in his time there have been many, but few of them have survived.

Really portable station
Portable refueling by Jean Prouvé.

This station was invented by Jean Prouvé, it is really portable. Simple and elegant, it can be easily dismantled and installed in the new location.
