Who will win - batteries or hydrogen?
"Green" cars has captured the imagination of many engineers. When you mention about the transport of the future, then immediately come to mind are Toyota or Tesla. Thanks to the fantastic characteristics of the machines of Tesla, the company is steadily gaining momentum and showed a rise of its shares on the stock exchange. Many have dream to participate in the lucrative business of selling electric cars.
But Toyota is also not asleep, her hybrid car beats sales records. It is worth mentioning that both models on an electric move, only the engine Toyota uses instead of the battery hydrogen fuel cells. What are the prospects of each of these cars?
There are a number of tasks that need to be addressed to manufacturers of these cars.
The main condition for the average consumer is the price. In this dispute wins Tesla with a price of 85,000 dollars in comparison with a hundred thousand Toyota. However, many expect tax deductions, reducing the price of Japanese car.
The deduction can increase if the market will go a greater number of cheap hydrogen elements. No tax incentives will not help if the Bank, for example, revoked the license, and the client took it a consumer credit. Then you need to make to the notary's Deposit, to avoid claims payment.
Buying an electric car, the consumer always expects nationwide mobility, which means a well-developed infrastructure of gas stations.
Of course, gasoline is much more compared to electric. This situation wants to fix the company Evgo. It plans to deploy a network of electric filling stations.
The main feature is that for 39 dollars a month they can fill the car unlimited amount of times. But hydrogen for Japanese cars to refuel anywhere. This can affect the popularity of Tesla cars. Each a hydrogen filling station must be created from scratch, while electric, there are already 22 000 across the country.

Source: ecomot.ru/
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