Russian business is transplanted to the Tesla
Benefits and problems of owners of electric cars Tesla Electric cars are popular in USA and Europe, and in Russia, they are still exotic. Throughout the country was only 300 cars. However, it is not surprising. Tesla and expensive car ($75 000), and customs clearance and transportation from USA will increase the price by $20 000 — $35 000. Another deterrent is the lack of infrastructure for electric vehicles. Nevertheless, many Russian entrepreneurs and investors have already got the Tesla. "The secret" learned their experiences from the use of the electric vehicle. Dmitry Grishin, General Director Mail.Ru Group and founder of Grishin Robotics
A year ago, when I brought Tesla in Russia, she was one of the first. The staff was great interest in the new product. At first I was just showing her to everyone, later decided to give the opportunity to try it in action and spent a few test drives: those who work in Mail.Ru Group, could drive it on the special ground. The traffic police had often stopped to look at the car. It is now less common, Tesla became more.
Parking for electric cars in Moscow free, no need to look for Parking, and it's nice. But in General, we cannot say that the infrastructure for electric cars in the city develops.
Problems with the car. The only thing — in cold weather disabled the system recovery, which is inconvenient, but you get used to it.
I like the Tesla Model X. In principle, crossovers and SUVs are the preferred choice for Russian roads and a large family. I was thinking of buying and are waiting for the European version to test it.
Andrey Romanenko, QIWI's founder and shareholder Run Capital Become the owner of a Tesla is much easier than to buy shoes on the Internet. Make the order on the official website, are Deposit — 2000 Euro. Two weeks later inform you VIN number, and after two months the machine is delivered anywhere in Europe. No problem.
Not heard from anyone from Tesla owners about any difficulties he faced. Everything you need — the ground outlet for charging. This is the only thing that could cause issues and inconvenience. I enough of a charge in the garage and in the office. I don't think Tesla will be suitable for long journeys, electric cars are city cars, this is the second car in the family. But the distance of 150 km is easy. Moreover, in Moscow there are stations free of charge, although there are not so many.--vid1-- For the popularization of electric cars need a convenient and well-developed infrastructure, no this does not work. Yes, we have free Parking and free charging stations, but in Europe electric vehicles equal to public transport, they are allowed to move through dedicated lanes, and in the territories of protected areas. We need this as well.
Photo: Revolta Motors
Alexander Chachava, managing partner of the venture Fund LETA Capital , I bought a car of the company Tesla Motors, to bring it to me helped the company Tesla Club Moscow. A well-known fact that the best cheeses, seafood to Russia come from Belarus. Best electric cars too. The fact that non-certified in Russia new cars purchased from a legal entity to bring to our country is impossible, so I have the passport of the vehicle is printed "product of the Union state of Belarus".
Never day to someone on the road is not expressed to me his approval and joy: the signal thumb up from the next machine is nice. Driving a Tesla is not exactly feel like you live in a town with a callous and indifferent people, as some sometimes say about Moscow.
Partners and the business community asking a lot of questions, all the same: as charged, as far as how it is in the winter. A couple of times gave up and wrote in my blog the answers to most popular questions. The average attendance of the blog — 100 people a day, but these records are read 100 000 people. Interest in electric vehicles is huge, it can not but rejoice. I feel in some ways an early follower.
Of course, there are some inconveniences from the use of the electric car: there is insufficient infrastructure and the car is not yet so perfect as you want. Charge exclusively in the garage. The city infrastructure is not needed, but on the outbound highways it is not enough, in the 50-100 km from MKAD. On the street car in the winter for a week may decrease to zero. But I have always arrived where it is necessary, the maximum traveled 120 km from MKAD and without recharging quietly in couple of days returned to Moscow.
Tesla Model X I don't really like. Model S too, to be honest. Designers Tesla has room to grow. I like to drive a small car, perfect in size — the Audi A3 Sedan. Tesla Model S is a pretty long and wide American limousine, Tesla Model X — in General the bus! In length it is not much different from S, but is wider by as much as 12 inches just won't fit in any of the Moscow underground Parking. For American roads with giant pickups, it will work, but in Europe it will fail.
Dmitry Panchenko, Deputy General Director of IC "freedom Finance" In 2012, our company has offered its customers Tesla shares to buy at $32 apiece, the cars in Moscow were not, massive sales too. In that year, and annual bonuses to employees were issued shares in Tesla. Today, the price of Tesla stock on the exchange above $200 per share.
We decided to show our customers the car, in which they have invested. We bought a car on a legal entity, so with customs clearance problems. On the Russian border we were asked about 48% of the cost of a new car, there was no certificate that it's electric, and, accordingly, the zero rate we have received. Our company has a branch office in Kazakhstan, and therefore, we have registered Tesla there, the clearance was quite symbolic. Next on the Transporter brought him to Moscow — Russia and Kazakhstan are in a Customs Union, to drive a car in Russia can be unchecked.
I'm the CEO Timur Turlov now her lead. Apparently, the cops have so many exotic cars saw our not particularly interested in. For verification of documents does not slow down. Partners and the business community happy. The machine is just magical, powerful, acceleration 3 seconds to 100 km/h, quiet, very smart — manage all on the screen.
We put a powerful charge on the Parking lot of the office, it charges at a mileage of 400 km in about four hours, another less powerful charging is the CEO in the garage. The machine operates in Moscow and the region, and our two chargers is more than enough. published
Author: Anna Savina
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/11/18/tesla-ru/
A year ago, when I brought Tesla in Russia, she was one of the first. The staff was great interest in the new product. At first I was just showing her to everyone, later decided to give the opportunity to try it in action and spent a few test drives: those who work in Mail.Ru Group, could drive it on the special ground. The traffic police had often stopped to look at the car. It is now less common, Tesla became more.
Parking for electric cars in Moscow free, no need to look for Parking, and it's nice. But in General, we cannot say that the infrastructure for electric cars in the city develops.
Problems with the car. The only thing — in cold weather disabled the system recovery, which is inconvenient, but you get used to it.
I like the Tesla Model X. In principle, crossovers and SUVs are the preferred choice for Russian roads and a large family. I was thinking of buying and are waiting for the European version to test it.
Andrey Romanenko, QIWI's founder and shareholder Run Capital Become the owner of a Tesla is much easier than to buy shoes on the Internet. Make the order on the official website, are Deposit — 2000 Euro. Two weeks later inform you VIN number, and after two months the machine is delivered anywhere in Europe. No problem.
Not heard from anyone from Tesla owners about any difficulties he faced. Everything you need — the ground outlet for charging. This is the only thing that could cause issues and inconvenience. I enough of a charge in the garage and in the office. I don't think Tesla will be suitable for long journeys, electric cars are city cars, this is the second car in the family. But the distance of 150 km is easy. Moreover, in Moscow there are stations free of charge, although there are not so many.--vid1-- For the popularization of electric cars need a convenient and well-developed infrastructure, no this does not work. Yes, we have free Parking and free charging stations, but in Europe electric vehicles equal to public transport, they are allowed to move through dedicated lanes, and in the territories of protected areas. We need this as well.

Photo: Revolta Motors
Alexander Chachava, managing partner of the venture Fund LETA Capital , I bought a car of the company Tesla Motors, to bring it to me helped the company Tesla Club Moscow. A well-known fact that the best cheeses, seafood to Russia come from Belarus. Best electric cars too. The fact that non-certified in Russia new cars purchased from a legal entity to bring to our country is impossible, so I have the passport of the vehicle is printed "product of the Union state of Belarus".
Never day to someone on the road is not expressed to me his approval and joy: the signal thumb up from the next machine is nice. Driving a Tesla is not exactly feel like you live in a town with a callous and indifferent people, as some sometimes say about Moscow.
Partners and the business community asking a lot of questions, all the same: as charged, as far as how it is in the winter. A couple of times gave up and wrote in my blog the answers to most popular questions. The average attendance of the blog — 100 people a day, but these records are read 100 000 people. Interest in electric vehicles is huge, it can not but rejoice. I feel in some ways an early follower.
Of course, there are some inconveniences from the use of the electric car: there is insufficient infrastructure and the car is not yet so perfect as you want. Charge exclusively in the garage. The city infrastructure is not needed, but on the outbound highways it is not enough, in the 50-100 km from MKAD. On the street car in the winter for a week may decrease to zero. But I have always arrived where it is necessary, the maximum traveled 120 km from MKAD and without recharging quietly in couple of days returned to Moscow.
Tesla Model X I don't really like. Model S too, to be honest. Designers Tesla has room to grow. I like to drive a small car, perfect in size — the Audi A3 Sedan. Tesla Model S is a pretty long and wide American limousine, Tesla Model X — in General the bus! In length it is not much different from S, but is wider by as much as 12 inches just won't fit in any of the Moscow underground Parking. For American roads with giant pickups, it will work, but in Europe it will fail.
Dmitry Panchenko, Deputy General Director of IC "freedom Finance" In 2012, our company has offered its customers Tesla shares to buy at $32 apiece, the cars in Moscow were not, massive sales too. In that year, and annual bonuses to employees were issued shares in Tesla. Today, the price of Tesla stock on the exchange above $200 per share.
We decided to show our customers the car, in which they have invested. We bought a car on a legal entity, so with customs clearance problems. On the Russian border we were asked about 48% of the cost of a new car, there was no certificate that it's electric, and, accordingly, the zero rate we have received. Our company has a branch office in Kazakhstan, and therefore, we have registered Tesla there, the clearance was quite symbolic. Next on the Transporter brought him to Moscow — Russia and Kazakhstan are in a Customs Union, to drive a car in Russia can be unchecked.
I'm the CEO Timur Turlov now her lead. Apparently, the cops have so many exotic cars saw our not particularly interested in. For verification of documents does not slow down. Partners and the business community happy. The machine is just magical, powerful, acceleration 3 seconds to 100 km/h, quiet, very smart — manage all on the screen.
We put a powerful charge on the Parking lot of the office, it charges at a mileage of 400 km in about four hours, another less powerful charging is the CEO in the garage. The machine operates in Moscow and the region, and our two chargers is more than enough. published
Author: Anna Savina
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: secretmag.ru/articles/2015/11/18/tesla-ru/
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