July 10, 1856 in a small Serbian village of Smilyan born Nikola Tesla - the greatest scientist and inventor of the twentieth century. According to some researchers, Tesla is one of two scientists-geniuses in the history of mankind (second - Leonardo da Vinci), ahead of his discoveries of modern technical achievements for hundreds of years.
Tesla's ideas formed the basis of such inventions, such as radio, internet, telephone, torpedoes, aircraft, rockets, flying saucers, lasers, air defense systems. He opened an alternating current, fluorescent light, wireless power transmission, built the first electric clock, a turbine engine on solar energy, he predicted the possibility of treating patients with high-frequency current, the emergence of electric, fluorescent lamps, electron microscope. Tesla - the author of more than 800 inventions patented although he only 300. Name Tesla was one of the most mysterious in the history of science. His ideas were so incredible, fantastic, that it seemed they came from the distant future. One of these - his theory of the ionosphere, which, as a giant reservoir of energy at the same time contains a huge comprehensive information resource. And it seems that Tesla was the first user of the space of the Internet.
Tesla was born in the family of an Orthodox priest. From 1862 to 1874 years, he attended primary and secondary school in Smiljan and Gospitse and then high school in the town of Karlovo. From 1875 to 1878 years he studied at the Advanced Technical School in Graz and finished his studies at the University in Prague. After his graduation he worked in a telegraph company in Budapest, then in the Paris office of the Continental Edison Company, but in 1884 he resigned because of the expected premiums for a number of useful innovations he was not paid. Then he figured out how to use the phenomenon of the rotating magnetic field. In 1885, Edison offered Tesla $ 50 000 for the improvement of the dc electrical machines. Tesla presented 24 options to solve, but again failed to pay Edison Award, saying that it was just a joke, and Tesla has left the company. In 1888 he sold the American industrialist George Westinghouse 40 of its patents, each about 25 000 dollars, equipped with its own laboratory for the study of high-frequency and magnetic fields, and received numerous patents, in particular, built a radio-controlled model of the ship. Thus it was laid the foundation of a wireless remote control system. In 1899 he moved to Colorado Springs, who later became famous thanks to his experiments. His sponsor was the owner of the hotel 'Waldorf Astoria', highlighted on the study of 30 000 dollars. May 1899 is well remembered by local residents. Thunder from the energy released could be heard 15 miles away. People walking along the streets watching the sparks jumping between their feet and the ground, and electrical sparks spring from a tap when anyone turned them in order to get a drink of water. Light bulbs within 100 feet of the experimental tower glowed. Horses received electric shock blows through metal horseshoe. The first start of the experiment was interrupted because of the burnt generator at a power plant in Colorado Springs, which has been a source of current for the primary winding of 'reinforcing the transmitter' '. Tesla was forced to stop the experiment. Decades later, this effect was studied in detail and later became known as' 'Schumann Resonance'. It was the first experience in the history of the transmission of electricity without wires over great distances. The device allowed him to generate standing waves that spread spherically from the transmitter, and then with increasing intensity converged at diametrically opposite points of the globe, somewhere around the islands of Amsterdam and Saint-Paul in the Indian Ocean.
June 15, 1903, at midnight local time, New Yorkers have seen the emergence of man-made lightning that lit up the ocean and reached a length of over 100 miles! The newspaper 'The New York Sun' 'wrote the next morning:' 'Those who live near the lab Tesla's Long Island is more than interested in his experiments with wireless energy transfer. Last night we witnessed strange phenomena - multicolored lightning personally emitted by Tesla, followed by ignition of the atmosphere at different altitudes and over a large area, so that the night instantly turned into a day. ... All the air for a few minutes was filled with glowing concentrated on the edges of the human body and all the participants radiated light blue mystical flame. Ourselves we seemed ghosts. '' Tesla was able to feed the current extracted from the earth during the giant vibrator 200 incandescent light bulbs, spaced 42 kilometers from his location.
The events of the morning of June 30, 1908, when over a vast territory of Central Siberia in the area between the Lower Tunguska and Lena approximately north-west flying a giant ball-car, which was later called the Tunguska meteorite, is also associated with the experiments Tesla power transmission over long distances . The explosion occurred at the height of the ball is about 5-10 kilometers and was accompanied by an earthquake, and a strong air wave. By the force it can be compared with the explosion of a hydrogen bomb or explosion while thousands of atomic bombs similar to those that the United States is completely destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Tesla experimented this time, special installations, broadcasting the energy of the planet and its ionosphere obtain via special receivers factories and airplanes.
The scientist tried to realize in practice the idea of the ionosphere - the conductive layer in the upper atmosphere. More in 1891, Tesla suggested the existence of cosmic rays coming from the sun. A short time later, he realized that the solar radiation at high altitudes should ionize the Earth's atmosphere, creating a conductive layer around the planet. Thus it was that the globe with high-altitude layer of electrically like a giant spherical capacitor. The idea was simple and at the same time is ambitious: to learn how to select it electricity, convert it and wirelessly transmitted to the remotest corners of the globe. Experiments of this kind, as well as a wonderful demonstration electric vehicle running on energy from the ether caused a sensation around the name of the scientist. In addition he personally repeatedly demonstrated the most incredible experiments with electricity and are often amazed contemporaries accuracy of the predictions. One day, he refused to let his friends from home and forced them to stay. In the morning it became known that the night train on which they intended to go crashed. That is to say, Tesla was aware of the accident in advance. In 1912, "Titanic" was going for the first and last voyage. But no one knew that at the last. No one but Nikola Tesla, who persuaded his sponsor, John Morgan and John Jacob Astor pass tickets and go in another boat. Morgan trusts Tesla handed over the ticket and was still alive. A Astor died on the "Titanic." But where the Tesla have known about the train crash, the death of "Titanic", about robots and computers of the interplanetary communications of the dates of the start and end wars? Tesla himself believed that the information comes from space. "My brain - only receiving device," - said he believed that every person has a "machine of cosmic forces" that it is organically included in the unified system of the universe.
Tesla's method - direct vision, a vision of the invisible through the imagination. And it is - not speculation or fiction, but something real, or - the perfect plan of what is intended to become a reality. Tesla was faced with a similar phenomenon even at a very young age. He just saw the different electrical circuits and devices - in detail and colors. So the first time he saw his induction motor and drew his stick in the sand. Tesla appropriated clairvoyant abilities, he had pronounced the gift of premonition. The inventor claims that could completely turn off your brain from the outside world. In this state it descended "flash of enthusiasm", "inner vision" and "attacks hypersensitivity." At this moment, scientists believe, his consciousness penetrated into the mysterious world of slim. Tesla believed that the dominance of certain brain rhythms in humans may open connectivity to other realities and getting out information. He experimented by connecting to his head the special unit and passing through your brain waves, introducing it into a state of trance. "I did not lose consciousness, - the scientist reported the newspaper" New York Times "- but always after a while after the procedure fell into a lethargic sleep." As a result of experiments, he concluded that the global synchronizer of all life on Earth is the ionosphere. Tesla believed that by acting on specific native Earth's ionosphere and changing its resonance characteristics, you can increase the susceptibility of information people develop the ability of people conscious connection to the "reasonable kernel of the Universe", enhance their spirituality and thus accelerate the evolution of civilization.
In the prewar years Tesla began work on secret projects for the naval department of the USA. This includes the wireless transmission of energy to defeat the enemy and creating resonant weapons, and try to time management. From 1936 to 1942 he was director of the "Rainbow" - Stealth technology, which took place in the framework of the infamous Philadelphia Experiment. Tesla foresaw the possibility of human and tightened the experiment, insisting on remaking equipment. However, in conditions of war it had neither the time nor the means, and the victim is considered inevitable. He soon left the project. "I am working more for the present, I am working for the future - Tesla told the gathering in New York reporters more than seven decades ago. - The future belongs to me! ".