10 reasons why Nikola Tesla can be called the greatest scientists in the history of insane
It is a pity that not all of his projects were realizovany
Nikola Tesla is considered to be great, but a notorious scientist. It can be termed as a genius and a madman, but in raw mind and wonderful imagination it can not be denied. Tesla invented thousands of ingenious inventions, but many of them, in the end, it would be impracticable or too dangerous.
1. Space luchey
Tesla was fond of the idea of free energy. According to his plan, the free energy can be obtained from nuclear energy or energy rays - it would provide almost endless resources at minimal cost. Most scientists believe the idea of the development of the free energy of pseudoscience.
Tesla believed that if he was able to build a working machine to use this power, the world would have forgotten all about energy issues. He believed that small particles are constantly moving around us faster than the speed of light, and if you build a machine capable of catching these particles, they can be converted into useful energy. He even received a patent for his idea, but in practice because it not embodied.
2. Electrodynamic induktsiya
Despite the fact that Tesla was a pioneer of AC, he dreamed of a world without wires. He proposed the creation of the World wireless system, which will be based Tesla Tower, which transmits electricity to the whole world without wires. The viability of the ideas he proved by showing zazhёgshuyusya Tesla coil bulb.
It was built in New York Wardenclyffe Tower. Unfortunately, the project cut off funding after the sponsor learned that energy Tesla wants to distribute to all free of charge. If you gave him to translate the idea into practice, then we could have the system fully renewable energy, eco-friendly addition.
Tower finally dismantled for scrap. Recently, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to light a bulb without wires from a distance of seven meters, thus proving the truth of Tesla.
3. Cold ogonTesla offered once and for all abandon the soap and water for washing. Of course, water and electricity are not compatible with each other, but microbes with electricity at war even more than water.
Under the influence of abnormalities known as "cold fire", the human body will be energized rapid AC 2, 5 million volts. Thus the person would have to stand on the metal plate. And it would seem as if a man shrouded in flames.
The method could be much more effective than the traditional soap and water. Tesla also claimed that this process - and even a cure: he could warm the person, give it a cheerfulness (and some more) and produces ozone. The project fell through - no one to sponsor him. Scientists do not constantly carried on sponsors.
4. Teslaskop
Tesla wanted to build a device to communicate with aliens. He claimed that with his teslaskopa several conversations with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligent life, but that's because no one checked.
In another teslaskop it can be used as a hyperspace generator: it converts the free energy of the cosmic rays in the energy that people can use. Also, it can transmit huge amounts of energy through space regardless of distance.
Unfortunately, Tesla's communication with aliens no one seriously believed - evidence of something he did not have. But he continued to insist on.
5. Ray smerti
While many of Tesla's inventions may seem dangerous, he hated war, so spent a lot of time and effort to work on a "death ray" - so he hoped to end all wars once and for all. "Death Ray" worked like a particle accelerator capable of firing powerful beam of particles at a distance of over 250 km. Tesla claimed that so it is possible to melt any engine and bring down any aircraft. On the creation of the accelerator had only a $ 2 000 000.
Its investor DP Morgan to give the idea of money declined. Government, too, money is not given, despite all the arguments scientist. The Russian government, however, showed some interest, and around it goes a lot of rumors - in particular, it is one of the versions of the Tunguska explosion.
6. Control pogodoy
Tesla believed that the temperature of the planet can be controlled, and anywhere in the world can create a fertile land, just by using certain radio waves to manipulate the Earth's magnetic field in the ionosphere and create huge standing waves. Then, using the waves supposed to manipulate wind, and hence weather.
Tesla received his "weather" the ideas many patents and allegedly proved that some of what he says works. Fans of conspiracy theories believe that recording Tesla got into the wrong hands and are now being used by bad people to control the weather.
7. The gun in the X-ray izluchenii
Tesla was fascinated by the discovery of Wilhelm Roentgen - X-rays. He began to experiment with X-rays, and even arranged a demonstration for the audience.
Often, he experimented with his friend Mark Twain - they tried to start using the directional X-rays damage the paper on the wall. Although ultimately a physicist and writer recognized this way is impossible, they had fun.
8. Variable tok
In 1882, Tesla moved to Paris and began to work for Thomas Edison. Edison has recently developed the concept of DC and believed that this will solve the problem of all mankind. However, how to direct current generator was not working, Edison and Tesla has promised $ 50,000 if he will solve this problem.
His part of the deal, Tesla performed - Ducky Edison received several patents. But the promised money Tesla never saw. This forced him to withdraw from Edison and founded his own company, where he began working on an alternating current, which had a number of significant advantages over DC.
Edison was furious - he spends his pupil some experiments! He did everything possible to discredit Tesla with his invention, saying that because this will burn houses and people die. But this time the idea of Tesla, fortunately, have taken root.
9. Lighting mira
What if it were possible to illuminate the whole world? Well, at least in the absence of darkness could be to reduce the number of major disasters. This is exactly what Tesla wanted to achieve when he began to develop a plan for coverage of the world. He wanted to use luminescence rarefied gas - according to his ideas, some gas particles emit a glow when excited by a power.
Tesla planned to aim into the upper atmosphere ultraviolet rays, the particles of low pressure began to illuminate the whole earth - sort of an artificial aurora borealis. However, Tesla plans no support.
10. Oscillator Tesly
Everything is made of atoms and each atom vibrates at a certain frequency. When the oscillation frequency of the mechanical system corresponds to the frequency of vibration of the atom resonance occurs. Example - a suspension bridge over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed when entered into resonance with a relatively weak wind.
Tesla took note of this, created a tiny machine that could destroy the building. When he experimented with his invention, there was a strange noise, and around steel sparks, and all the items in his lab started flied to a single point - the car. Tesla broke it with a hammer before the building collapsed.
When his joke was asked to destroy the Empire State Building, he seriously replied that his invention is necessary, appropriate air pressure and a little time to find the right vibration. The machine was called an oscillator. Incidentally, Tesla believed that it has healing properties - unless, of course, will be able to configure it the way you want.
via factroom.ru

Nikola Tesla is considered to be great, but a notorious scientist. It can be termed as a genius and a madman, but in raw mind and wonderful imagination it can not be denied. Tesla invented thousands of ingenious inventions, but many of them, in the end, it would be impracticable or too dangerous.
1. Space luchey

Tesla was fond of the idea of free energy. According to his plan, the free energy can be obtained from nuclear energy or energy rays - it would provide almost endless resources at minimal cost. Most scientists believe the idea of the development of the free energy of pseudoscience.
Tesla believed that if he was able to build a working machine to use this power, the world would have forgotten all about energy issues. He believed that small particles are constantly moving around us faster than the speed of light, and if you build a machine capable of catching these particles, they can be converted into useful energy. He even received a patent for his idea, but in practice because it not embodied.
2. Electrodynamic induktsiya

Despite the fact that Tesla was a pioneer of AC, he dreamed of a world without wires. He proposed the creation of the World wireless system, which will be based Tesla Tower, which transmits electricity to the whole world without wires. The viability of the ideas he proved by showing zazhёgshuyusya Tesla coil bulb.
It was built in New York Wardenclyffe Tower. Unfortunately, the project cut off funding after the sponsor learned that energy Tesla wants to distribute to all free of charge. If you gave him to translate the idea into practice, then we could have the system fully renewable energy, eco-friendly addition.
Tower finally dismantled for scrap. Recently, scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were able to light a bulb without wires from a distance of seven meters, thus proving the truth of Tesla.
3. Cold ogonTesla offered once and for all abandon the soap and water for washing. Of course, water and electricity are not compatible with each other, but microbes with electricity at war even more than water.

Under the influence of abnormalities known as "cold fire", the human body will be energized rapid AC 2, 5 million volts. Thus the person would have to stand on the metal plate. And it would seem as if a man shrouded in flames.
The method could be much more effective than the traditional soap and water. Tesla also claimed that this process - and even a cure: he could warm the person, give it a cheerfulness (and some more) and produces ozone. The project fell through - no one to sponsor him. Scientists do not constantly carried on sponsors.
4. Teslaskop

Tesla wanted to build a device to communicate with aliens. He claimed that with his teslaskopa several conversations with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligent life, but that's because no one checked.
In another teslaskop it can be used as a hyperspace generator: it converts the free energy of the cosmic rays in the energy that people can use. Also, it can transmit huge amounts of energy through space regardless of distance.
Unfortunately, Tesla's communication with aliens no one seriously believed - evidence of something he did not have. But he continued to insist on.
5. Ray smerti

While many of Tesla's inventions may seem dangerous, he hated war, so spent a lot of time and effort to work on a "death ray" - so he hoped to end all wars once and for all. "Death Ray" worked like a particle accelerator capable of firing powerful beam of particles at a distance of over 250 km. Tesla claimed that so it is possible to melt any engine and bring down any aircraft. On the creation of the accelerator had only a $ 2 000 000.

Its investor DP Morgan to give the idea of money declined. Government, too, money is not given, despite all the arguments scientist. The Russian government, however, showed some interest, and around it goes a lot of rumors - in particular, it is one of the versions of the Tunguska explosion.
6. Control pogodoy

Tesla believed that the temperature of the planet can be controlled, and anywhere in the world can create a fertile land, just by using certain radio waves to manipulate the Earth's magnetic field in the ionosphere and create huge standing waves. Then, using the waves supposed to manipulate wind, and hence weather.
Tesla received his "weather" the ideas many patents and allegedly proved that some of what he says works. Fans of conspiracy theories believe that recording Tesla got into the wrong hands and are now being used by bad people to control the weather.
7. The gun in the X-ray izluchenii

Tesla was fascinated by the discovery of Wilhelm Roentgen - X-rays. He began to experiment with X-rays, and even arranged a demonstration for the audience.

Often, he experimented with his friend Mark Twain - they tried to start using the directional X-rays damage the paper on the wall. Although ultimately a physicist and writer recognized this way is impossible, they had fun.
8. Variable tok

In 1882, Tesla moved to Paris and began to work for Thomas Edison. Edison has recently developed the concept of DC and believed that this will solve the problem of all mankind. However, how to direct current generator was not working, Edison and Tesla has promised $ 50,000 if he will solve this problem.
His part of the deal, Tesla performed - Ducky Edison received several patents. But the promised money Tesla never saw. This forced him to withdraw from Edison and founded his own company, where he began working on an alternating current, which had a number of significant advantages over DC.

Edison was furious - he spends his pupil some experiments! He did everything possible to discredit Tesla with his invention, saying that because this will burn houses and people die. But this time the idea of Tesla, fortunately, have taken root.
9. Lighting mira

What if it were possible to illuminate the whole world? Well, at least in the absence of darkness could be to reduce the number of major disasters. This is exactly what Tesla wanted to achieve when he began to develop a plan for coverage of the world. He wanted to use luminescence rarefied gas - according to his ideas, some gas particles emit a glow when excited by a power.
Tesla planned to aim into the upper atmosphere ultraviolet rays, the particles of low pressure began to illuminate the whole earth - sort of an artificial aurora borealis. However, Tesla plans no support.
10. Oscillator Tesly

Everything is made of atoms and each atom vibrates at a certain frequency. When the oscillation frequency of the mechanical system corresponds to the frequency of vibration of the atom resonance occurs. Example - a suspension bridge over the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapsed when entered into resonance with a relatively weak wind.
Tesla took note of this, created a tiny machine that could destroy the building. When he experimented with his invention, there was a strange noise, and around steel sparks, and all the items in his lab started flied to a single point - the car. Tesla broke it with a hammer before the building collapsed.
When his joke was asked to destroy the Empire State Building, he seriously replied that his invention is necessary, appropriate air pressure and a little time to find the right vibration. The machine was called an oscillator. Incidentally, Tesla believed that it has healing properties - unless, of course, will be able to configure it the way you want.
via factroom.ru
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