Forbidden interview with Nikola Tesla, which was found only after 83 years, his thoughts amaze

“I Wanted to Illuminate the Whole Earth”: This amazing 1899 interview was given by Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla to American reporter John Smith of Immortality, Colorado. The famous physicist presented a new look at the world of electricity and the mysteries of being.

This material appeared in the public domain only after 83 years and excited thousands of minds. “No one has ever died on Earth,” said the genius. Below are some excerpts from a fantastic conversation. The most shocking discovery awaits you at the end of the article.

Reporter: Futurists claim that the XX and XXI century originated in the mind of Nikola Tesla. His lab split an atom. Created weapons that move the earth. They found dark rays in space. Tesla will be praised in the Temple of the Future. After all, people have comprehended the great mystery of Empedocles substances (water, fire, air and earth – approx. ed.) that can receive vital energy from the ethers.

Tesla: This is one of the key discoveries I have made. But I was defeated. I couldn't finish what I could.

Reporter: What is this about, Mr. Tesla?

Tesla: I wanted to light up the whole planet. I managed to power the entire land in Colorado Springs. We can produce enough electricity equal in strength to another sun. But our civilization is not yet ready to follow the path of dignity and goodness.

Instagram is able to master other types of energy of good. Same psychic energy. It can be found in the sketches of Mozart or Bach, in the works of genius poets. In the depths of the earth lies the forces of Peace, Goodness and Love. They appear in a flower that grows from the soil. In the food we grow, and in everything that makes us call ourselves human. I’ve been thinking for years about the impact this energy has on us. And I saw that the beautiful appearance and sweet smell of roses can heal, and the warmth of the sun can nourish. Being manifests itself in various forms. The scientist must find them in any form of matter. I'm looking for 3 things. I know I won't find them, but I won't stop trying.

World of Electricity: Three Things Reporter: What are we talking about?

Tesla: The first is food. I asked myself: what resource of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origin can feed hungry people? What wine will satisfy their thirst for people to finally realize their divinity?

The second thing is the destruction of suffering and evil forces that fill man’s being. Sometimes these diseases occur in the farthest reaches of space.

Instagram Third: Is There Excess Light in Our Universe? I found one star in the Milky Way. The laws of mathematics and physics say she could die. This star emits light in such low density that its size does not exceed an apple. Its mass is greater than that of the entire solar system. Philosophers and religious people assure us that man can become a second Buddha and Christ. I want to prove something even more incredible and crazy.

I know that gravity is enough to fly. My goal is not to build a flying machine; I want to teach man how to control consciousness on his own wings. I want to generate energy from the air. What we consider void is unawakened matter. Neither on Earth nor in any corner of the universe is there a shred of empty space. Black holes contain enormous resources of life energy.

Wikimedia Nature of Matter and Electricity Reporter: Your fans complain about some ambiguity in your statements. First you say that matter has no energy. Then say that energy permeates everything. Please explain.

Tesla: The thing is that energy came first, and matter came after it. Matter originated from an ancient primordial energy known to us as Light. From it came stars, comets, people, animals and the whole universe. Light takes on some physical form, so it is older than matter. All life is made of light. Remember, no one on earth has ever died. Energy is eternal.

Reporter: What does electricity mean to you?

Tesla: It permeates everything. At first there was only the infinite energy of Light. It produced matter and spread it in all the various forms that we can observe on our planet and throughout the universe. The true nature of Light lies in black, but our visual organs are unable to comprehend it. This is a true blessing to humanity and all living beings. Only one of the many particles of Light has a mass of types of energy: thermal, radiation, chemical, mechanical and as yet unidentified. Its orbit can control our planet.

Wikimedia Reporter: Mr. Tesla, you overly base everything on electricity.

Tesla: Exactly, because my essence is electrical energy in human form. You're electricity, too, Mr. Smith, but you don't realize it. It's the world of electricity.

Reporter: Hotel staff reported that during a thunderstorm you behave strangely: lock yourself in a room and talk to yourself.

Tesla: I'm talking to thunder and lightning.

Power of imagination and cosmic pain Reporter: Does your imagination seem more real to you?

Tesla: It's what gives birth to life. I have trained myself to control dreams, feelings and visions. My whole life has been in awe. And I owe my happiness to the imagination. Thanks to him, I have done so much over the years that this work would have been enough for at least 5 lives.

Instagram Reporter: You've mentioned some cosmic pain. What is that term?

Tesla: This is a disease that many of us do not even know. As well as other disasters, murders, hunger and misery. It is about what makes our lives nightmarish and illogical. This disease is not completely cured, but awareness can reduce its destructive effects.

When my loved ones experience pain from injury, I feel physical pain. Our flesh is made of similar material, and our souls are inextricably bound by strong threads. When you suddenly become sad, perhaps somewhere in the world died a child or a kind person. The birth of comets or the destruction of a star, we feel much more than we are able to realize. Contact between the inhabitants of the Earth of all kinds is even denser. Our thoughts and feelings make the flower more beautiful. By understanding these truths, we can heal.

Wikimedia World of Electricity: A Crashing Exposure Now Attention, Dear Reader. You just read a literary fiction from the first to the last letter. Tesla biographers conducted their own investigation. They scoured the web archive of old Colorado newspapers (the first year of issue was 1859). There was nothing like Immortality. Not found on Smith's staff lists or reporter.

In addition, the conversation with the inventor from 1899 can not be called the final in the life of Tesla. He passed away in 1943 and had previously given an interview to the New York Herald Tribune in 1929. And after 8 years, the scientist personally prepared theses for contacts with the press dedicated to his 81st anniversary.

So where did this amazing text come from? It turns out that this is a fragment from the play “Tesla, or the adaptation of an angel” by the Serbian playwright and writer Stevan Pesic. It was the final part of his work. In 1995, the play was released at the National Theatre of Belgrade.

In the libretto for the play, director Dusan Mikhailovich wrote: Pesich was an exceptional playwright, visionary and poet-lyricist. The drama about the visionary from Smilyan became his swan song. Here are elegantly intertwined science, poetry, fiction and philosophy. Pesic became a pioneer in world drama, creating such a successful play-interview.

You can also watch the 2001 movie Tesla, or The Angel Adaptation. And on YouTube, you can easily find a radio adaptation of this play from 1992. True, in Serbian.

Though fictional, this fantastic conversation does not diminish the dignity of the inventor Tesla. Thanks to his talent and visionary spirit, you can now read this article from your phone or computer and share your impressions in the comments.


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