The mystery of Einstein

Testament Einstein searched for a very long time, and it is likely that it is still lying in the dusty archives of a research center or library. But the vast majority of historians believe that if the will of Einstein and there, it was according to the last will of genius burned and unwind together with his ashes over the expanse of the Atlantic.
Nevertheless, the myths surrounding the great physicist overgrown with new details. For example, it was argued that in the early 40-ies of the last century, the US military authorities somehow got the part of Einstein's theoretical calculations and decided to spend a very unusual experiment.
The Second World War demonstrated the importance of the radar. It coastal radars helped Britain win the "air battle" with the German Luftwaffe. Ostensibly so the leadership of the Scientific and Technical Center of the US Navy had a strange idea to create a "ship of invisibility." To do this, Einstein instructed to make calculations of the electromagnetic field of special configuration and very high voltage, which was almost a "roll up space." Then, according to the authors of the legend, the radar beam could not find tucked away in such an electromagnetic "cocoon" an object, whether it is a destroyer, cruiser or even an aircraft carrier.
According to another popular version, with the help of genius inventor Nikola Tesla created some "stealth generators," which established the destroyer "Aldridge". In late summer and autumn of 1943 there have been several validation experiments in the course of the project "Rainbow". And in November at the Philadelphia docks settled "Eldridge" and connected with it the power cables support vessel "Andrew Fyureset».
Legends say that after the equipment "Eldridge" ship enveloped some "greenish glow", pierced by many statistical categories, reminiscent of the famous St. Elmo's fire. Then connect the generators' Fyureseta "and radiance became dense haze, and then just ... disappeared destroyer eye observers and radar screens, leaving only its trace on the water and snatches cables. There were even witnesses who saw a similar vehicle for a few hundred miles away, near the naval base in Norfolk. After some time (here called ufologists and seconds, and minutes) contours destroyers again became visible. However, with his crew there was a real tragedy. Part sailors received severe burns of unknown origin, and many are simply mad.
Stories about the mysterious incident at the docks of Philadelphia quickly became the most incredible parts complemented the journey "Eldridge" on other worlds and dimensions, and the terrible fate of his crew. It seems to be subsequently with the sailors began to happen incredible things: they like ghosts dissolved and appeared in the air, losing all sense of time and space.
Another trail
Years passed, and as the declassification of the Office of Naval Research USA revealed very interesting facts. It was found that from 1943 to 1944, Einstein did spend some calculations for the Navy. Alas, further research in archives yielded very few results. First of all, could not find the main documents - logbooks "Eldridge" and "Andrew Fyureseta." Although, of course, these ships there and participated in the transport operations of the Second World War. Nevertheless, the story of their voyage in 1943 was shrouded in some mystery ...
Strictly speaking, that's the real information and exhaustive, although there was another trail leading to the work of an outstanding American inventor Nikola Tesla Serbian origin. However, by a strange coincidence, also the inventor of the manuscripts disappeared after his death. However, there remains work in which he described at length beam weapon of the future ...
Today, most experts, radio engineers and radio physicists, agree that the basis of the known beam guns Tesla lay the main element of radar and microwave ovens - the magnetron. This electronic device emits microwaves, which with the same success can help fix the traffic police speeding your car and warm up the dish in the microwave. However, a powerful microwave radiation is fraught with many dangers for the human body, and for a variety of radio-electronic devices. Incidentally, this striking factor is used in today's "electromagnetic bombs", disabling the enemy all the electronics, including computers and engine ignition systems.
By developing various schemes magnetron Tesla began after the collapse of its global project "world system." It was about the inventor of the energy flows and exchange information on a global scale and even built for this unique tower Tesla. Tragically, the next financial crisis has ruined his plans, but the idea is to create a device, "shooting" electromagnetic waves, it has remained.