10 surprising facts about Albert Einstein

March 14 date world celebrated the 137 anniversary of the birth of one of the most famous and popular scientists of our planet - Albert Einstein. Ingenious physicist was the author of about 300 scientific papers and 150 books! Curious properties of light quite an early age, he developed a large number of scientific concepts, including the theory of relativity and the theory of the photoelectric effect, for which he received the Nobel Prize.
In addition to these achievements, Einstein had a set of qualities that can boast not everyone. The scientist was in the forefront of the pacifist and anti-racist movement, opposed the use of nuclear weapons and criticized capitalism, defending the idea of a socialist world government, masterfully played the violin - but still differ enviable optimism and incredible immaturity and stubbornness
. Website publishes a selection of amusing facts about Albert Einstein, knew not all: we are confident that you will be interested to learn about the details of entertaining biography and heritage of this unique in all respects human
. Albert Einstein failed an examination for admission to the university. He had to wait a year before trying again. It is encouraging, is not it? However, at the school he studied brilliantly that dispels the myth that Albert had deuce in mathematics. Brilliant scientist hated socks. In addition, according to rumors, he was rather untidy man and not particularly fond of bathing. Well, we do not for the purity of love :-) fee Nobel physics went not to him, and his first wife - in compensation in divorce It was for that: Einstein strongly slighted wife in marriage, harassing. change it and even made a special list of conditions that it had to fulfill, not to be thrown together with the children. For example, Einstein's wife asked to close your mouth immediately, as soon as it wants the husband to perform his scientific calculations, keep it in the room spotlessly clean, not to demand execution of marital debt, delivering hot meals three times a day and not really catch the eye. The second wife of the scientist was his cousin, Elsa. This marriage was very happy, even though the outcome was tragic: Elsa died due to heart disease and kidney failure - after only two years after emigrating with her husband in the United States. In the United States he moved to Albert Einstein in 1933, hiding from Nazi persecution. There, thanks to its charm and sociability, he has got a large number of friends. One of his best friends was the silent film legend Charlie Chaplin. One of Einstein's sons suffered from dementia and ended his days in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of "schizophrenia". Albert Einstein was invited to take the post of the President of Israel. However, he politely declined. The pathologist who was engaged in opening the body of Albert Einstein, kidnapped brain genius physicist and secretly kept it in the bank for twenty years. In addition to the numerous films about the scientist, there are fantastic characters, the creation of which was inspired authors Einstein. For example, among them, oddly enough, - Yoda from "Star Wars" and alien ET. Einstein's theory about the principles of gravity confirmed only recently - after '61, after his death. The assumptions of the scientist about the nature of black holes and cosmic wormholes also found in the development of modern astrophysics. And the great physicist predicted "quantum teleportation" - a phenomenon on the basis of which made possible the development of quantum computers.
via newokruga.ru/uchene-svet-10-otnositelno-neozhidannyih-faktov-ob-alberte-eynshteyne/