Einstein - the motor trade

course, we are talking about Albert Einstein - the founder of modern theoretical physics, the author of the theory of relativity. His outrageous could not go unnoticed and modern advertisers. In addition, this historical figure with a near-perfect reputation and a great mind - a reliable guarantor of the advertised product. Here are some examples of how modern trade Einstein moves

Ukrainian Agency "Michurin" has developed a new creative self-promotion. It was necessary to show that the agency "Michurin" - a selection of the best training and the best ideas for customers. The solution was to "crossing" the rational mind of Albert Einstein with the kind of extravagant surrealist Salvador Dali. Sootvetsuvuyuschy campaign slogan: "When the mind encounters art» .

Advertising Sony Cybershot (http://youtu.be/9dLiZ7HbX5g) showed the viewer in what situations were made famous by a picture of Albert Einstein. To create a video was used iconic photograph of Einstein where he shows tongue. According to Sony, the physics necessary to mold mark on thousands of envelopes. And it was not a scientific correspondence.

Again, the image of "mad" scientist appeared in commercials - this time smartphone. But then advertisers played on the fact that, thanks to Einstein's discoveries in the field of particle became possible to study nuclear physics. And mobile phones advertised just boast the status of the cheapest dual-core (in the case of Highscreen Spark) and quad (Highscreen Omega Q) smartphone in Russia.

To promote the first Android-smartphone with a week without recharging Highscreen Boost and "smartfonoplansheta» Highscreen Alpha GTX with a huge screen and a quad-core image of the scientist combined with strong muscles. Apparently, to emphasize that advertised smartphones not only "brainy", but also powerful.

The unusual advertising campaign of the agency TBWA Singapore «Moustache make you another," was released in support of the search for drugs against prostate cancer. The advertisement used by such famous characters as SuperMario, Einstein and Gandhi - those who are hard to imagine without a mustache. Not enough except that Mikhail Boyarsky. I would be glad of such a brilliant physicist popularity in advertising? Hardly. Most likely, he would have not been the case - the minds of scientists live in a completely different dimension ...
Source: mirfactov.com/