300 fingers to the yakuza

Japanese company that manufactures prostheses, has chosen for itself unusual, but very sought-after area in the country - they make artificial fingers. Its main customers - the yakuza. In East Asia, severed pinky indicates membership in yakuza - it is through this dedication to go through all the new members of the Japanese mafia. Tradition also dictates stumbled or "lose face" Yakuza cut off his fingers, to atone for wrongdoing.

Over the past ten years, Shintaro Hayashi made dentures for Mafia members who want to conceal their involvement in the criminal world. At the beginning it specialized in the production of silicone implants for breast cancer patients and amputees, but later exchanged them for new clientele.

"I have seen a gradual increase in the number of people who needed prostheses little fingers. They need not have been produced in several sizes in factories dentures and unique handmade, requiring long hours of hard work, "- said 39-year-old Hayashi ABC News. Lack pinky says that man - a former or current member of the yakuza. The ritual, known as yubidzume is for members of the yakuza "pay" for the actions that are contrary to the yakuza code, for example, drug use, participation in fights or theft.

The little finger on his left hand cut off first, as part of a ritual when taking the gang, but many yakuza missing a few fingers. Shintaro Hayashi helps former members of the Mafia to hide its past, so that they can find work or current gang members to hide their belonging to the underworld at family celebrations and official receptions. One finger prosthesis is $ 3000 Handcrafted, it is almost exactly the cut finger.

Most customers visit Shintaro Hayashi clinic several times a year, since silicone implants wear out or require repainting. According Shintaro, about five percent of its customers are former members of the yakuza. Total Clinic has released more than 300 prosthetic fingers.

She says that her clients are divided into three categories: the former members who are trying to start a new life outside the mafia, the yakuza who want to go to the wedding of a child or a family event, and not to reveal their membership of a mafia, as well as men, which it send women to a clinic, worrying about their reputation. "Many men, to hide the absence of fingers or toes, holding his fists clenched. But there comes a time when you can not hide their lack of "- says prosthetist. Yakuza is a collective term organized crime syndicates in Japan. It is believed that in the ranks of the Japanese mafia more than 100 000 members, who are part of various groups across the country.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/42771-zhenshhina-vyrastila-dlya-yakudza-300-palcev.html