Terms manager

1. Head determines what a co-worker, and therefore its ability to determine his place and tasks.
2. The head nurse and not Mother Teresa.
3. The only task manager - team working to collect and determine the place and task of each lead this team to a working state.
4. The leaders are not born but become.
5. The head units, performers millions.
6. The team is going for the head.
7. With the change of manager, staff changes.
8. The larger head subordinates comply with a request, the more they hate him.
9. If you, as a leader, not encouraging result, and traffic to it - people do not make sense to get the result.
10. The head has no right to prevent crony relationship to itself.
11. The slave will never understand the head.
12. Only the manager understands what he leads his team.
13. There is no such employee, which would be one hundred percent practiced his salary.
14. The employee gets used to any level of earnings as a result of it becomes a little.
15. The fastest tool to test employees for lice is money.
16. If the head will delve into the problems of each employee - no time to work him or the team.
17. Clearly defined objectives to increase the efficiency of the employee.
18. The head of the slave differs courage to take responsibility not only for their lives but also the lives of their employees.
19. Slave comes to the team, to shift some of the responsibility for their lives on the head.
20. If the bulk of the staff at the weekend can forget about work and responsibilities, the head of it can not afford.
21. Even in a team of two people is determined by the head.
22. The value of an employee is determined by the quality of the results obtained by them.
23. The value of the head depends on the quality of the results achieved by the team, which he directs.
24. Predisposition to the ability to lead is laid in the child's upbringing.
25. The head fills the life of meaning.
25. If disappear leaders across the globe, people will die from hunger and strife.
26. Without head turns people into the crowd, run weakness.
27. Head, above all, must be a man.
28. The power of the head of his unshakable faith in choosing the right path.
29. Responsible for the task should always be only one person.
30. The head - the main person in the company. No leader - no company.