Formula executable instructions: How to instruct
Who is to blame?
"My sword — your head from his shoulders" is a key principle of management in our area for the last thousand years. But today, a simple repetitive procedure is largely automated, and in order to survive in the market, you need to instruct colleagues in the increasingly complex and incomprehensible task.
It would seem, on this subject, written many papers. But not in our traditions to take in the literature, when there are all hands on deck. Therefore, the experts have prepared for you a simple and capacious formula of executable instructions. It is not only a short sequence of steps, it is culture that can change to the best business and life itself.
The formula instructions
With no further ADO, let's get right to a simple sequence of actions.
Step one. Why is this assignment necessary?
Answer for yourself: why is the order right for my Department, area or business?
Step two. I'm waiting for the result?
Imagine how the result should look like the execution order, and formulate the result. There is a good exercise: make a wish on the execution of this order for "Golden fish" so that she was unable to deceive you.
Step three. Record the order of the verb:
1. Write the order with his own hands where at any moment to drop by and add a few lines. This is very important. In the process of the short entries are often changing the very essence of the order.
2. Start with a verb in the perfect form, for example: to Do, to Negotiate, to Decide, instead of to Do or to Discuss. In the text of the order should be specified useful result.
3. Use 5 words or more, write so that the instructions were clear and after two months.
4. Add separate description of this assignment our answers to the questions "Why" and "What's waiting" — this will be the criterion for acceptance of the results of execution of the order. These answers help the artist to navigate faster.
Step four. To ask the first step the contractor:
1. To offer to the contractor to determine and record the first step to fulfill this mandate. At this point it becomes clear how the contractor has understood the instruction and how he is ready for that task.
2. To use to record this step, the same public place where recorded and the order itself. The first enemy of a leader is personal notepads subordinates. Until all records are hidden in private notebooks, no one knows exactly how the contractor realized its goal.
3. To teach the team to record the first steps in the beginning of the week planning for all relevant assignments. To answer all the questions at once without the constant switching of the head.
How to use the result?
1. Check the result of the execution of the order and to tell the artist very briefly, as the result will be used further. This is a simple non-monetary motivation and a simple check of employee involvement.
2. Learn to check all the results at once in the end of the week with the team. This saves power head switching and helps everyone work together to define the following steps for each executed instruction.
That's the formula! Now, useful principles and techniques:
1. Imagine yourself as the executor of this order, when you write it. Imagine, after write down how it will be perceived in the mind of the performer. Note that the contractor does not have all of your knowledge and, most importantly, feelings on the subject of the order.
2. Do not send the order immediately. Take seven breaths, or at least count to seven, and then re-read the instructions. These minutes spent will save you hours and days due to the high quality execution of orders.
3. Instruction is an important part of a leader's job, but not the only one. Not to be captive to the formulation of perfect orders.
4. The Commission should leave the freedom for self-organization. We are to blame for that sits colleagues on the "chewed" tasks for the spinal cord. After this already no work is performed without close attention of the Manager.
5. Involvement is the most important organizing principle of the entire work, he goes beyond the formula of the order. In order for orders to be fulfilled on time and in accordance with the company's goals, employees must understand why it is necessary for them personally. This can be achieved through involvement in common to all values and goals. For example, to ensure stability, to achieve a decent result, to raise the level of comfort, to defeat a common enemy, to accept a professional challenge to make the world better in a particular aspect.
6. Any business should be called, at least for your own understanding. Do short titles for large orders and they are easier to pronounce in the discussion, to avoid confusion. Order valuable only if the employee understands it. Rate it, offer to summarize briefly in your own words the essence and identify the next step.
7. The instruction should not cause a stupor by the contractor even if the task is very difficult. From the title or description should follow a simple next step to get you to start right now.
8. The order will be fulfilled much more readily if employees understand its importance, it is clear why it is now necessary, what is the purpose and how it will be used the result.
9. Well worded the instructions a little to achieve results in the work of the team. Important structured process of planning, ongoing feedback, short stages, demonstration and self-analysis team.
And now the examples: seven types of instructions that are not exactly fulfilled in time
1. Orders that consist of two words: "Prepare report". What is the report? For whom, when?
2. Instructions that are written only in personal notebooks and not in a single public location. It is unknown what each wrote the same whether all understood each other.
3. Instructions that begin with the noun, not the verb, for example: "Letter of claim" product. What to do with this letter? To read? To write? Forward?
4. Assignments lacking clear priority for all. Marked with icons and colors to emphasize importance. Recorded in different places.
5. Orders that have been sent to the contractor with the message: "This is definitely a useful thing, but why is it necessary, he will understand."
How to remove scratches from glass — it's easy!
As smartphones prevent us from living
6. Orders that have been sent to the contractor without understanding that about should be the result: "Prepare a schedule for the new service". The plan with the money? With the complexity? For a presentation or for the contract?
7. Order, filled with obscure details that leave no freedom of choice at least in the small: "Monday in two hours will take the black folder, take the tram 15, arrive at and record all customer issues on the documents from the bag."published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_16996
"My sword — your head from his shoulders" is a key principle of management in our area for the last thousand years. But today, a simple repetitive procedure is largely automated, and in order to survive in the market, you need to instruct colleagues in the increasingly complex and incomprehensible task.
It would seem, on this subject, written many papers. But not in our traditions to take in the literature, when there are all hands on deck. Therefore, the experts have prepared for you a simple and capacious formula of executable instructions. It is not only a short sequence of steps, it is culture that can change to the best business and life itself.

The formula instructions
With no further ADO, let's get right to a simple sequence of actions.
Step one. Why is this assignment necessary?
Answer for yourself: why is the order right for my Department, area or business?
Step two. I'm waiting for the result?
Imagine how the result should look like the execution order, and formulate the result. There is a good exercise: make a wish on the execution of this order for "Golden fish" so that she was unable to deceive you.
Step three. Record the order of the verb:
1. Write the order with his own hands where at any moment to drop by and add a few lines. This is very important. In the process of the short entries are often changing the very essence of the order.
2. Start with a verb in the perfect form, for example: to Do, to Negotiate, to Decide, instead of to Do or to Discuss. In the text of the order should be specified useful result.
3. Use 5 words or more, write so that the instructions were clear and after two months.
4. Add separate description of this assignment our answers to the questions "Why" and "What's waiting" — this will be the criterion for acceptance of the results of execution of the order. These answers help the artist to navigate faster.
Step four. To ask the first step the contractor:
1. To offer to the contractor to determine and record the first step to fulfill this mandate. At this point it becomes clear how the contractor has understood the instruction and how he is ready for that task.
2. To use to record this step, the same public place where recorded and the order itself. The first enemy of a leader is personal notepads subordinates. Until all records are hidden in private notebooks, no one knows exactly how the contractor realized its goal.
3. To teach the team to record the first steps in the beginning of the week planning for all relevant assignments. To answer all the questions at once without the constant switching of the head.
How to use the result?
1. Check the result of the execution of the order and to tell the artist very briefly, as the result will be used further. This is a simple non-monetary motivation and a simple check of employee involvement.
2. Learn to check all the results at once in the end of the week with the team. This saves power head switching and helps everyone work together to define the following steps for each executed instruction.
That's the formula! Now, useful principles and techniques:
1. Imagine yourself as the executor of this order, when you write it. Imagine, after write down how it will be perceived in the mind of the performer. Note that the contractor does not have all of your knowledge and, most importantly, feelings on the subject of the order.
2. Do not send the order immediately. Take seven breaths, or at least count to seven, and then re-read the instructions. These minutes spent will save you hours and days due to the high quality execution of orders.
3. Instruction is an important part of a leader's job, but not the only one. Not to be captive to the formulation of perfect orders.
4. The Commission should leave the freedom for self-organization. We are to blame for that sits colleagues on the "chewed" tasks for the spinal cord. After this already no work is performed without close attention of the Manager.
5. Involvement is the most important organizing principle of the entire work, he goes beyond the formula of the order. In order for orders to be fulfilled on time and in accordance with the company's goals, employees must understand why it is necessary for them personally. This can be achieved through involvement in common to all values and goals. For example, to ensure stability, to achieve a decent result, to raise the level of comfort, to defeat a common enemy, to accept a professional challenge to make the world better in a particular aspect.
6. Any business should be called, at least for your own understanding. Do short titles for large orders and they are easier to pronounce in the discussion, to avoid confusion. Order valuable only if the employee understands it. Rate it, offer to summarize briefly in your own words the essence and identify the next step.
7. The instruction should not cause a stupor by the contractor even if the task is very difficult. From the title or description should follow a simple next step to get you to start right now.
8. The order will be fulfilled much more readily if employees understand its importance, it is clear why it is now necessary, what is the purpose and how it will be used the result.
9. Well worded the instructions a little to achieve results in the work of the team. Important structured process of planning, ongoing feedback, short stages, demonstration and self-analysis team.
And now the examples: seven types of instructions that are not exactly fulfilled in time
1. Orders that consist of two words: "Prepare report". What is the report? For whom, when?
2. Instructions that are written only in personal notebooks and not in a single public location. It is unknown what each wrote the same whether all understood each other.
3. Instructions that begin with the noun, not the verb, for example: "Letter of claim" product. What to do with this letter? To read? To write? Forward?
4. Assignments lacking clear priority for all. Marked with icons and colors to emphasize importance. Recorded in different places.
5. Orders that have been sent to the contractor with the message: "This is definitely a useful thing, but why is it necessary, he will understand."
How to remove scratches from glass — it's easy!
As smartphones prevent us from living
6. Orders that have been sent to the contractor without understanding that about should be the result: "Prepare a schedule for the new service". The plan with the money? With the complexity? For a presentation or for the contract?
7. Order, filled with obscure details that leave no freedom of choice at least in the small: "Monday in two hours will take the black folder, take the tram 15, arrive at and record all customer issues on the documents from the bag."published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/blacklionmag?w=wall-95325074_16996
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