WOMEN austerity in goodness. Simplicity.

Some people believe the common man stupid. But the simplicity - this quality saintly person, and it is necessary to distinguish where naivety, stupidity, and where - simplicity. A simple man of humility and respect for others and not pretentious to yourself. The more human ego, the smaller the simplicity. If selfishness permeates the mind, a person becomes proud, and then it hurts to listen to something with which he disagrees, he always tries to kill and to impose their point of view. There are two types of pride - is the lack of humility towards others, and pretentiousness in relation to itself. Cultivating the simplicity, we lose these vices, opens for other people, but do not attach great importance to their shortcomings.
Just like a normal person does not try to explain the dog that barking is not good at all in a row, just a simple man will not try to prove a foolish man, that is a fool, because it is useless. Simplicity means: I see stupidity, I see flaws, but do not attach any importance to them, is not emphasized to them his attention, I'm looking for the good in people and situtsii. Simplicity - one of the most important knowledge that can be obtained only for their lives. If a person has received a lot of knowledge, but did not become a simple life, then all his knowledge is zero.
Date: how to win his heart SECRET OF FOURTH - STYLISTIC
Date: how to win his heart THIRD SECRET - GLAM