Znamenka took advertising MTS
MTS presents new federal tariff "Super Zero". Clip in support of the new tariff came into a television broadcast April 28, 2009 The creative concept developed by AMK Znamenka (ADV Group). "The new campaign continues to develop successful selling proposition MTS - the tariff" Super Zero "- the director of marketing communications MTS Eugene Churbanova. - Our offer is designed for a mass audience, and allows you to talk on the phone for a long time, without worrying about the cost of mobile communication ».
"In the video it played up the idea of envy for MTS subscribers, who now have the tariff" Super Zero "- says creative director Znamenka AMC Alexander Alexeyev
"Show hot summer cold in Moscow in the spring was quite difficult - says art director and director of the company Bazelevs Production Leo Gabriadze - so filming was moved to South Africa. To implement post-production (computer animation) was invited to the studio, "snail", which experts had to include all their imagination and skills to create an image of the Mole. Our colleagues coped brilliantly with the task - a funny mole was the "highlight" of the campaign! ».
via adme.ru
"In the video it played up the idea of envy for MTS subscribers, who now have the tariff" Super Zero "- says creative director Znamenka AMC Alexander Alexeyev
"Show hot summer cold in Moscow in the spring was quite difficult - says art director and director of the company Bazelevs Production Leo Gabriadze - so filming was moved to South Africa. To implement post-production (computer animation) was invited to the studio, "snail", which experts had to include all their imagination and skills to create an image of the Mole. Our colleagues coped brilliantly with the task - a funny mole was the "highlight" of the campaign! ».

via adme.ru