Tse MTS. Eggs appeared in Ukraine
The company "MTS", which owns 100% of shares of UMC, said the launch of the July 9, a large-scale advertising campaign accompanying the withdrawal of the Ukrainian market brand "MTS».
As the CEO of the now "MTS-Ukraine" Pavel Pavlovsky at the presentation of the new infomercial Friday, rebranding cost is much less advertised in the media earlier $ 20 million.
Creative Agency developed JWT International.
Experts expect the rebranding of mass advertising, however, note that while the advertising campaign is targeted nature. MTS brand was used as a logo in the sponsorship of the shares in Kiev and some other cities (for example, a concert of George Michael in Kiev).
According to "Economic News" executive director of the Association of Outdoor Advertising Roman Palamarchuk, UMC already have a pretty good address program. "When URS deduced brand Beeline, there was a lot of non-standard external designs. Obviously, this should be expected from MTS ».
According to experts of the advertising market, the change of an established brand with a new UMC is quite risky. Regarding MTS brand, Mr. Palamarchuk noted that a certain part of the population does not associate it with "Mobile TeleSystems" and with "Moscow TeleSystems". "But for the Ukrainians this association is not always pleasant," - he added.
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As the CEO of the now "MTS-Ukraine" Pavel Pavlovsky at the presentation of the new infomercial Friday, rebranding cost is much less advertised in the media earlier $ 20 million.
Creative Agency developed JWT International.
Experts expect the rebranding of mass advertising, however, note that while the advertising campaign is targeted nature. MTS brand was used as a logo in the sponsorship of the shares in Kiev and some other cities (for example, a concert of George Michael in Kiev).

According to "Economic News" executive director of the Association of Outdoor Advertising Roman Palamarchuk, UMC already have a pretty good address program. "When URS deduced brand Beeline, there was a lot of non-standard external designs. Obviously, this should be expected from MTS ».
According to experts of the advertising market, the change of an established brand with a new UMC is quite risky. Regarding MTS brand, Mr. Palamarchuk noted that a certain part of the population does not associate it with "Mobile TeleSystems" and with "Moscow TeleSystems". "But for the Ukrainians this association is not always pleasant," - he added.
via adme.ru
Megaphone: Calls to 29 cents. With these buttons
BBDO West has developed a promotional video for the 2008 Mitsubishi Eclipse