The most interesting for the Russian advertising festivals
After the publication of the list of student and "yangovskih" promotional contest website visitors encouraged us to make a list of "adult" festivals, in which the participation of Russian agencies brings or could bring the development of our advertising industry. In the short and the very long-perspektive.Po the participation of non-participation in professional forums and competitions it said it was all very much. The debate continues and will last almost forever. Editorial opinion that it is necessary. This development - to look out of the pan, get an objective assessment, to see what makes the whole rest of the world, set vector.
The list includes only large and relatively large Russian-speaking international festivals in North America and Europe (and one Asian), participation in which is allowed Russia.
They are placed in chronological order - from the most immediate to the most distant. On the conditions of participation, the deadline and the cost of filing.
11th European Festival AdPrint, like many festivals this year, extended the deadline for receiving works. Initially, the last day was to be on February 15 but whether sent to a little work, or simply did not have time, and now the time for filing expires March 10.
As the name implies, the festival is dedicated to only print and outdoor advertising. And from this it becomes clear why the seemingly close and purely European festival (it is held in Romania) Russia has no victories. Because prints with big ideas and a clear, inspired ekzekyushenom were never skate the domestic advertising industry. However, in recent years, the situation began to change, and participation in AdPrint not seem so crazy stunt.
The work, published since December 20, 2008 to December 20, 2009, accepted in three categories: Poster & Outdoor, Press & Magazine and Unconventional Media (ie printing, which can not be attributed to the first two categories).
Post one print costs 95 euros. If you participated in AdPrint in 2007, 2008 and 2009, then you have special conditions for participation in 2010 - part of the work can be stated in the Contest is free. Exactly how much depends on the amount paid. For example, if three applications at 95 euros each free can we add one, and if paid twenty five are free.
Winners will be announced after only 10 days after the deadline for delivery - 20 March.
International ANDY Awards
ANDY Awards is significant primarily for US and European creatives. At this award a long history (since 1964), earned over decades and the highest authority of the competition among the participants.
Work on the 2010 ANDY has not accepted - first deadline was appointed on January 8 and then extended until the 20th. Single application cost $ 325, the campaign - 375 in the category Interactive - 400 in Integrated - 500.
In the fight for the award, made in the form of a stylized head of a man involved with works created for customers in the period from February 3, 2009 to February 3, 2010.
April 7 already winners will be announced at the traditional event, Show & Party. Seminars and workshops on ANDY does not happen - a solemn distribution of elephants. That is heads.
Art Directors Annual Awards
Art Directors Club summarizes his creative years after ANDY. This year the awards scheduled for April 28.
On the part of the filing of nominations has already been closed, and in the category Advertising & Playground is still possible to have time to roll up until March 5, but will have to pay 35 dollars for each job. The cost of the application in all categories and even subcategories different - from 100 to 750 US dollars.
Member of the Art Directors Club for the competition to be completely sure, but members receive a discount on payment of its application.
The One Show
Contest advertising works on The One Show is divided into several parts - the One Show (the most interest to us), One Show Interactive (which summarizes the results of as many as four times a year), One Show Design and One Show Entertainment.
At this year's One Show slightly changed the rules for applications. It is connected with the scandal over Faika agency DDB Brasil for WWF, who was involved in the organizing committee of the festival respected by all. Now, each operation must be pressed first and last name representative of the client as well as his contact information. Will they communicate with the client about each job or only when there is a suspicion of feykovye is unknown, but in general the tendency to combat purely festival works can not but rejoice.
And, apparently, because it is necessary to check the work too long in the One Show closed filing already 3 months before the announcement of the results. February 12 was the deadline for submission of works and pencils will be given only to 13 May.
The cost of the application for One Show - from 300 to 700 dollars depending on the category.
PIAF - Prague International Advertising Festival
Because we are not very famous, but pretty close to the festivals can draw attention to the Prague International Advertising Festival. Brand new, still no one break in professional competition will be held in Prague from 19 to 21 May. Created for the purpose, as stated on the website, "to combine advertising and its creators at the epicenter of creativity, which at this moment is in the middle of Europe».
In general, to see what comes of it, it is very interesting. And yet they do not even complete rules for participation on the site is not - promise to post exactly to the International Women's Day. Then declare Call For Entries. Accordingly, the deadline is also not yet found, contains only the final due date - May 14. But we know the cost of the application - only 100 euros for the first time.
9 general categories (video, audio, print, OOH, online, design, innovation, campaign and pro bono) and 2 special - the best advertising of beer (Czech Republic too!) And the Grand Prix. The jury will be headed by Tim Delaney, founder of the London-based agency Leagas Delaney.
CLIO Awards
The festival, which is comparable to the credibility of Cannes, and is largely a "Cannes outlook." Traditionally held in the United States in May, about a month before Cannes, and the works presented in it, no way inferior to the Cannes winners.
Russia has a Clio did not grow together, and not only because of the overall work, but also because of the fact that, in principle, to work our agencies hardly go. Apparently, the Russian creators prefer not to be sprayed, and just try to win Cannes. Yes, and go closer - the United States, although the east coast, far beyond France.
At this year's Clio will not have time. Receiving applications ended February 26.
The cost of one application ranged from $ 300 (radio) and 1000 (Integrated Campaign and Content & Contact). Not at all expensive, even given the best chance of ghostly Russian works to be selected at least in the short-list, which takes less than 10% of all applications. Not to mention the awards that receive less than 3% of submitted papers.
The award ceremony will take place on 26 and 27 May in New York. Information about accreditation of participants, but simply wishing to visit such an outstanding event, no.
D & AD
On the D & AD this year also did not get there. Acceptance of work completed, and we have to wait for the so-called Judging Week, which will take place from 18 to 22 April in London, and will determine the owners of numerous yellow and black pencils, and then on June 3 when the list of winners will be announced.
Golden Hammer
Latvian Golden Hammer festival is traditionally held with the active participation of Russia, which every year increasingly active. For two consecutive years, Russia leads in the number of applications, and in 2007 was second only to Latvia, the hostess of the festival. By awards we, unfortunately, are not leaders, but without the "hammers" do not stay.
Golden Hammer this year will be held June 10 and 11 in Jurmala, the acceptance of applications is closed. Price, of course, also is no, but there is last year: one video file of 190 euros worth two or three roller treated at 157, and four more - at 139 euros. The most expensive proposal, like all other festivals in the category Campaigns - 260 euros.
ADC * E Awards
The European branch of the Art Directors Club will begin accepting applications for its own competition on March 1 and will continue until May 7. Simultaneously with the announcement call for entries will be announced and the rules of engagement, and cost.
The winners were selected by the jury during the twentieth anniversary of the festival - June 11-12.
Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival
The most important festival event of the year in the advertising industry, defining trends and directions of formulating the situation and prospects. And choose the best ads of the world.
Deadline for work in the Cannes Lions 2010 is now coming to an end, and we are confident that those who wanted to, has long been all sent.
But just in case: the deadline on Film, Film Craft, print and outdoor advertising - this Friday, March 5. Cyber and Titanium accept work until March 19, and all other nominations - up to 12. Works must be made and launched from 1 March 2009 to 30 April 2010.
Radio, as usual, the most financially undemanding nomination - 270 euros. Post a job in Media, and in another five nominations worth 380 euros, the application in Cyber, Press & Outdoor slightly cheaper - 350 euros. New nomination Film Craft Lions driven around 300 euros a video, strictly Film Lions - at 620. And the most expensive nomination Titanium & Intergrated - 1150 euros. The winners will be announced from 20 to 26 June.
Congress in Cannes just watch and learn, too, definitely worth it. Though pleasure and not cheap. Register for the whole week will cost 2175 euros, for four days in 1760, a three - 1499.
Ad Stars
Ad Stars Festival takes place in the South Korean city of Busan (Pusan) and has international status. Work officially accepted all over the world, but the greatest popularity it enjoys the professional forum of the Asia-Pacific region. Although in the past year, there has been presented a lot of Russian works, some of them remained on the short list, but BBDO Moscow took two bronzes.
Selection system works in a way, unique: first, all works submitted otsmatrivat and sieved so-called online jury - a group consisting of more than 70 creatives from around the world. And then off-jury chooses the finalists from hundreds of works of the winners directly at the festival.
Work on AdStars 2010 until 15 June, and the festival itself, together with the distribution of prizes will be held in Busan from 26 to 28 August.
And you know that AdStars most pleasant and attracts the most, though terribly complicates the lives of the jury? Participation in it for free.
Golden Drum
Golden Drum, another favorite international festival of Russian creatives will be held in October in Portoroz, Slovenia. And as before it is still very, very long time, no information about the Golden Drum 2010 on the official website there. We look forward to the summer.
Cresta Awards
Deadline at the Cresta Awards, one is not the most well-known international advertising festival, based in the United States, appointed for March 12.
In general, this festival, which despite its high level is still not up to the main events in the industry, very strange system of application and determine the winners. The strangeness of the calendar. In the shipping business is given only one month - from 15 February to 12 March, but the winners announced in late October.
The cost of a single bid of $ 295. If fed campaign, each work is estimated at $ 175. Claim work in the category Integrated worth $ 600.
London International Awards
The system of applying for LIA 2010 will earn this month - the exact date is not discussed, but most likely it will happen one of these days. Deadline is scheduled for June 14 and the awards ceremony on November 8. Nearly five-month pause between the end of the reception of works and announcement of the winners is caused, probably, a huge number of applicants has traditionally rewards and the need to double-check all applications for feykovye.
The period, which should have been carried out advertising campaigns, marked thirteen months - from 1 July 2009 to 31 July 2010.
As for the cost of the application, the LIA - the only festival that makes the difference between countries and continents. But this only applies to the currency. Africa offers advertisers pay strict US dollars, and Asians, and may be in pounds. Russian creators also have to pay for participation in the festival pounds. Least of all "costs" radio advertisements - 220 pounds for the movie, and 315 for the campaign. The most expensive part in the nominations and Integrated Campaign The NEW - 350 pounds.
In 2009, at the London International Awards received a bronze clip to Pepsi agency BBDO Moscow. True application filed and, therefore, took the award for Sound Design New York studio Yessian, which was engaged in sound in this clip.
Epica Awards
Epica, European advertising competition that is judged not creators and editors of trade publications, announces the winners by the end of November, and call for entries opens in the summer. So far, the official website of the festival is not a word about the Epica 2010 on conditions of participation, work deadlines and other things.
Eurobest, the European advertising competition, held in the late fall or early winter Organizing Committee Cannes Lions, at the hearing of all Russian advertisers after the sudden victory in the Young Creatives competition Ganin Pasha and Zhenya Danilov.
And this year, to Evrobestu we will focus on. Not only from the press, but also on the part of creatives, we hope.
Each year the city of Eurobest changes, and if in 2009 it was Amsterdam in late November, but this year the festival will be located in Hamburg and will be held from 6 to 8 December. Applications will be open at least two months before the actual event.
Cristal Festival
This familiar Meribel Ad Festival, which last year changed its name to bring to a common denominator with their "daughters" in China and the MENA-region. But the time and venue of the festival remains the same - the resort of Meribel in the Swiss Alps, the middle of December of each year.
Reception works for the festival in 2010, which is natural, it is not maintained. But not to miss - Last year, the deadline was November 6.
Mobius Awards
Quite old, but we have a little-known international festival, which is held in the United States. Although US agencies and do not take it more engaged, preferring to concentrate on Clio, ANDY and ADC. Most of all he loved the Germans - for several years the number of applications from that country exceeds the limit, and the awards they collected half of the total, or even more. Why is such a love of German creatives to Mobius - is unknown, but we can and try to make sense.
Deadline for applications is the same every year - on October 1. The winners were announced in early February.
The cost of participation will be known at the same time opening the call for entries.
via # image852105
The list includes only large and relatively large Russian-speaking international festivals in North America and Europe (and one Asian), participation in which is allowed Russia.
They are placed in chronological order - from the most immediate to the most distant. On the conditions of participation, the deadline and the cost of filing.

11th European Festival AdPrint, like many festivals this year, extended the deadline for receiving works. Initially, the last day was to be on February 15 but whether sent to a little work, or simply did not have time, and now the time for filing expires March 10.
As the name implies, the festival is dedicated to only print and outdoor advertising. And from this it becomes clear why the seemingly close and purely European festival (it is held in Romania) Russia has no victories. Because prints with big ideas and a clear, inspired ekzekyushenom were never skate the domestic advertising industry. However, in recent years, the situation began to change, and participation in AdPrint not seem so crazy stunt.
The work, published since December 20, 2008 to December 20, 2009, accepted in three categories: Poster & Outdoor, Press & Magazine and Unconventional Media (ie printing, which can not be attributed to the first two categories).
Post one print costs 95 euros. If you participated in AdPrint in 2007, 2008 and 2009, then you have special conditions for participation in 2010 - part of the work can be stated in the Contest is free. Exactly how much depends on the amount paid. For example, if three applications at 95 euros each free can we add one, and if paid twenty five are free.
Winners will be announced after only 10 days after the deadline for delivery - 20 March.
International ANDY Awards

ANDY Awards is significant primarily for US and European creatives. At this award a long history (since 1964), earned over decades and the highest authority of the competition among the participants.
Work on the 2010 ANDY has not accepted - first deadline was appointed on January 8 and then extended until the 20th. Single application cost $ 325, the campaign - 375 in the category Interactive - 400 in Integrated - 500.
In the fight for the award, made in the form of a stylized head of a man involved with works created for customers in the period from February 3, 2009 to February 3, 2010.
April 7 already winners will be announced at the traditional event, Show & Party. Seminars and workshops on ANDY does not happen - a solemn distribution of elephants. That is heads.
Art Directors Annual Awards

Art Directors Club summarizes his creative years after ANDY. This year the awards scheduled for April 28.
On the part of the filing of nominations has already been closed, and in the category Advertising & Playground is still possible to have time to roll up until March 5, but will have to pay 35 dollars for each job. The cost of the application in all categories and even subcategories different - from 100 to 750 US dollars.
Member of the Art Directors Club for the competition to be completely sure, but members receive a discount on payment of its application.
The One Show

Contest advertising works on The One Show is divided into several parts - the One Show (the most interest to us), One Show Interactive (which summarizes the results of as many as four times a year), One Show Design and One Show Entertainment.
At this year's One Show slightly changed the rules for applications. It is connected with the scandal over Faika agency DDB Brasil for WWF, who was involved in the organizing committee of the festival respected by all. Now, each operation must be pressed first and last name representative of the client as well as his contact information. Will they communicate with the client about each job or only when there is a suspicion of feykovye is unknown, but in general the tendency to combat purely festival works can not but rejoice.
And, apparently, because it is necessary to check the work too long in the One Show closed filing already 3 months before the announcement of the results. February 12 was the deadline for submission of works and pencils will be given only to 13 May.
The cost of the application for One Show - from 300 to 700 dollars depending on the category.
PIAF - Prague International Advertising Festival

Because we are not very famous, but pretty close to the festivals can draw attention to the Prague International Advertising Festival. Brand new, still no one break in professional competition will be held in Prague from 19 to 21 May. Created for the purpose, as stated on the website, "to combine advertising and its creators at the epicenter of creativity, which at this moment is in the middle of Europe».
In general, to see what comes of it, it is very interesting. And yet they do not even complete rules for participation on the site is not - promise to post exactly to the International Women's Day. Then declare Call For Entries. Accordingly, the deadline is also not yet found, contains only the final due date - May 14. But we know the cost of the application - only 100 euros for the first time.
9 general categories (video, audio, print, OOH, online, design, innovation, campaign and pro bono) and 2 special - the best advertising of beer (Czech Republic too!) And the Grand Prix. The jury will be headed by Tim Delaney, founder of the London-based agency Leagas Delaney.
CLIO Awards

The festival, which is comparable to the credibility of Cannes, and is largely a "Cannes outlook." Traditionally held in the United States in May, about a month before Cannes, and the works presented in it, no way inferior to the Cannes winners.
Russia has a Clio did not grow together, and not only because of the overall work, but also because of the fact that, in principle, to work our agencies hardly go. Apparently, the Russian creators prefer not to be sprayed, and just try to win Cannes. Yes, and go closer - the United States, although the east coast, far beyond France.
At this year's Clio will not have time. Receiving applications ended February 26.
The cost of one application ranged from $ 300 (radio) and 1000 (Integrated Campaign and Content & Contact). Not at all expensive, even given the best chance of ghostly Russian works to be selected at least in the short-list, which takes less than 10% of all applications. Not to mention the awards that receive less than 3% of submitted papers.
The award ceremony will take place on 26 and 27 May in New York. Information about accreditation of participants, but simply wishing to visit such an outstanding event, no.
D & AD

On the D & AD this year also did not get there. Acceptance of work completed, and we have to wait for the so-called Judging Week, which will take place from 18 to 22 April in London, and will determine the owners of numerous yellow and black pencils, and then on June 3 when the list of winners will be announced.
Golden Hammer

Latvian Golden Hammer festival is traditionally held with the active participation of Russia, which every year increasingly active. For two consecutive years, Russia leads in the number of applications, and in 2007 was second only to Latvia, the hostess of the festival. By awards we, unfortunately, are not leaders, but without the "hammers" do not stay.
Golden Hammer this year will be held June 10 and 11 in Jurmala, the acceptance of applications is closed. Price, of course, also is no, but there is last year: one video file of 190 euros worth two or three roller treated at 157, and four more - at 139 euros. The most expensive proposal, like all other festivals in the category Campaigns - 260 euros.
ADC * E Awards

The European branch of the Art Directors Club will begin accepting applications for its own competition on March 1 and will continue until May 7. Simultaneously with the announcement call for entries will be announced and the rules of engagement, and cost.
The winners were selected by the jury during the twentieth anniversary of the festival - June 11-12.
Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival

The most important festival event of the year in the advertising industry, defining trends and directions of formulating the situation and prospects. And choose the best ads of the world.
Deadline for work in the Cannes Lions 2010 is now coming to an end, and we are confident that those who wanted to, has long been all sent.
But just in case: the deadline on Film, Film Craft, print and outdoor advertising - this Friday, March 5. Cyber and Titanium accept work until March 19, and all other nominations - up to 12. Works must be made and launched from 1 March 2009 to 30 April 2010.
Radio, as usual, the most financially undemanding nomination - 270 euros. Post a job in Media, and in another five nominations worth 380 euros, the application in Cyber, Press & Outdoor slightly cheaper - 350 euros. New nomination Film Craft Lions driven around 300 euros a video, strictly Film Lions - at 620. And the most expensive nomination Titanium & Intergrated - 1150 euros. The winners will be announced from 20 to 26 June.
Congress in Cannes just watch and learn, too, definitely worth it. Though pleasure and not cheap. Register for the whole week will cost 2175 euros, for four days in 1760, a three - 1499.
Ad Stars

Ad Stars Festival takes place in the South Korean city of Busan (Pusan) and has international status. Work officially accepted all over the world, but the greatest popularity it enjoys the professional forum of the Asia-Pacific region. Although in the past year, there has been presented a lot of Russian works, some of them remained on the short list, but BBDO Moscow took two bronzes.
Selection system works in a way, unique: first, all works submitted otsmatrivat and sieved so-called online jury - a group consisting of more than 70 creatives from around the world. And then off-jury chooses the finalists from hundreds of works of the winners directly at the festival.
Work on AdStars 2010 until 15 June, and the festival itself, together with the distribution of prizes will be held in Busan from 26 to 28 August.
And you know that AdStars most pleasant and attracts the most, though terribly complicates the lives of the jury? Participation in it for free.
Golden Drum

Golden Drum, another favorite international festival of Russian creatives will be held in October in Portoroz, Slovenia. And as before it is still very, very long time, no information about the Golden Drum 2010 on the official website there. We look forward to the summer.
Cresta Awards

Deadline at the Cresta Awards, one is not the most well-known international advertising festival, based in the United States, appointed for March 12.
In general, this festival, which despite its high level is still not up to the main events in the industry, very strange system of application and determine the winners. The strangeness of the calendar. In the shipping business is given only one month - from 15 February to 12 March, but the winners announced in late October.
The cost of a single bid of $ 295. If fed campaign, each work is estimated at $ 175. Claim work in the category Integrated worth $ 600.
London International Awards

The system of applying for LIA 2010 will earn this month - the exact date is not discussed, but most likely it will happen one of these days. Deadline is scheduled for June 14 and the awards ceremony on November 8. Nearly five-month pause between the end of the reception of works and announcement of the winners is caused, probably, a huge number of applicants has traditionally rewards and the need to double-check all applications for feykovye.
The period, which should have been carried out advertising campaigns, marked thirteen months - from 1 July 2009 to 31 July 2010.
As for the cost of the application, the LIA - the only festival that makes the difference between countries and continents. But this only applies to the currency. Africa offers advertisers pay strict US dollars, and Asians, and may be in pounds. Russian creators also have to pay for participation in the festival pounds. Least of all "costs" radio advertisements - 220 pounds for the movie, and 315 for the campaign. The most expensive part in the nominations and Integrated Campaign The NEW - 350 pounds.
In 2009, at the London International Awards received a bronze clip to Pepsi agency BBDO Moscow. True application filed and, therefore, took the award for Sound Design New York studio Yessian, which was engaged in sound in this clip.
Epica Awards

Epica, European advertising competition that is judged not creators and editors of trade publications, announces the winners by the end of November, and call for entries opens in the summer. So far, the official website of the festival is not a word about the Epica 2010 on conditions of participation, work deadlines and other things.

Eurobest, the European advertising competition, held in the late fall or early winter Organizing Committee Cannes Lions, at the hearing of all Russian advertisers after the sudden victory in the Young Creatives competition Ganin Pasha and Zhenya Danilov.
And this year, to Evrobestu we will focus on. Not only from the press, but also on the part of creatives, we hope.
Each year the city of Eurobest changes, and if in 2009 it was Amsterdam in late November, but this year the festival will be located in Hamburg and will be held from 6 to 8 December. Applications will be open at least two months before the actual event.
Cristal Festival

This familiar Meribel Ad Festival, which last year changed its name to bring to a common denominator with their "daughters" in China and the MENA-region. But the time and venue of the festival remains the same - the resort of Meribel in the Swiss Alps, the middle of December of each year.
Reception works for the festival in 2010, which is natural, it is not maintained. But not to miss - Last year, the deadline was November 6.
Mobius Awards

Quite old, but we have a little-known international festival, which is held in the United States. Although US agencies and do not take it more engaged, preferring to concentrate on Clio, ANDY and ADC. Most of all he loved the Germans - for several years the number of applications from that country exceeds the limit, and the awards they collected half of the total, or even more. Why is such a love of German creatives to Mobius - is unknown, but we can and try to make sense.
Deadline for applications is the same every year - on October 1. The winners were announced in early February.
The cost of participation will be known at the same time opening the call for entries.
via # image852105