33 best prints year
Highlights at a glance Website, prints, 2011 in one of the winners materiale.V annual Cannes Lions gets a few hundred prints. Reviewing all of them and to delve into every interesting only to fans of the biggest advertising. The rest of the tire shake this "sheet" very fast and throw it beznadezhdnoe occupation. And thus miss the true masterpieces of the world of advertising: brilliant ideas, perfect copywriting, art direkshen and gorgeous illustrations.
CNN - News from the first lits
CNN: Obama
Rear view camera on Volkswagen - Rakes
Rear view camera on Volkswagen - Open
KIA - different temperament on each side
Brilliant advertising climate control in cars Kia.
Volkswagen - drive carefully!
Headache tablets Saridon
Advertising cancer GRU * and not to think of nonsense
MTV: Ce * s - this is not a random event. Protect yourself
Channel Brand Sports - Photography at the bottom rozhdeniya
Channel Brand Sports - Family portrait
Food package M Wrap: Ryba
Food package M Wrap: Chicken
Food package M Wrap:
Radio controlled cars Hot Wheels: Zapravka
The anti-arthritic pain: Osama / Bush
The anti-arthritic pain: Bettman / Joker
Mouth fresheners Listerine: What do you take into your mouth today?
Snickers: Muscled, jock, jock ... Gurbernator (Schwarzenegger) 10,362,366
Snickers: Botan, nerd, nerdy billionaires ... (Zuckerberg) 91,757,161
* John imny gel Durex: Sign much ugodno
Air freshener Airwick sensor prisutstviya
Volkswagen: Automatic parkovka
Car loans in Interbank: Because some impatient
Rent luxury cars. Prepare for the reunion!
Ice cream Freddo -
Candy Mars Celebrations - When you want to celebrate an event
We have selected the most interesting and fresh among print and outdoor advertising. Only the best.
View the winners of Cannes Lions 2011 is fully:
- All outdoor advertising
- All print ads
via www.adme.ru/cannes-lions-2011/luchshaya-pechatnaya-reklama-goda-280955/
CNN - News from the first lits

CNN: Obama

Rear view camera on Volkswagen - Rakes
Rear view camera on Volkswagen - Open
KIA - different temperament on each side
Brilliant advertising climate control in cars Kia.
Volkswagen - drive carefully!

Headache tablets Saridon
Advertising cancer GRU * and not to think of nonsense
MTV: Ce * s - this is not a random event. Protect yourself
Channel Brand Sports - Photography at the bottom rozhdeniya

Channel Brand Sports - Family portrait

Food package M Wrap: Ryba

Food package M Wrap: Chicken

Food package M Wrap:

Radio controlled cars Hot Wheels: Zapravka

The anti-arthritic pain: Osama / Bush
The anti-arthritic pain: Bettman / Joker
Mouth fresheners Listerine: What do you take into your mouth today?

Snickers: Muscled, jock, jock ... Gurbernator (Schwarzenegger) 10,362,366
Snickers: Botan, nerd, nerdy billionaires ... (Zuckerberg) 91,757,161
* John imny gel Durex: Sign much ugodno

Air freshener Airwick sensor prisutstviya

Volkswagen: Automatic parkovka

Car loans in Interbank: Because some impatient

Rent luxury cars. Prepare for the reunion!

Ice cream Freddo -

Candy Mars Celebrations - When you want to celebrate an event

We have selected the most interesting and fresh among print and outdoor advertising. Only the best.
View the winners of Cannes Lions 2011 is fully:
- All outdoor advertising
- All print ads
via www.adme.ru/cannes-lions-2011/luchshaya-pechatnaya-reklama-goda-280955/