22 reasons why people will never stop loving seals

We are in the Website does not need any reason to love seals, because they are delicious and flawless and without any evidence. But if anyone still doubts, here are 22 good reasons for all imbued with a deep sense of these animals.

They need our laske

And zaschite

They lyubopytnye

Especially in everything that concerns ptits

They love to be lazy as well as my

They care about is that we do not feel cold nochyu

They will always find a use korobke

They sleep in a funny pozah

And sitting tozhe

And they are able to do so

They can entertain detey

Very fond pomogat

And also interfere lyubyat

They are very druzhelyubnymi

Sometimes they want to stay in odinochestve

And sometimes they can not be without us and minuty

They are bold and besstrashnye

Although sometimes afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Quite a chut

They are regal and velichestvennye

Almost vsegda

They remember you malenkimi

And most importantly - they are always there no matter chto

More seals:
25 cats, know the science of sleep
18 evidence that cats - multi-faceted personality

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-zhivotnye/18-dokazatelstv-chto-koty-mnogogrannye-lichnosti-845960/