"I'm lazy mother. And selfish and careless "

I'm lazy mother.
And selfish and careless. Want to know why? Yes, because I want my children to be independent, initiative and responsibility.
Working in kindergarten, I watched a lot of examples of parental overprotection. Especially I remember three years Slavik. My mother thought that he must always eat everything and then lose weight. I do not know how it was fed at home, but he came to us with a clear violation of appetite. He mechanically chew and swallow everything will. And it had to be fed, because "he has not yet know how!". So I feed it the first day and did not see any sort of emotion on his face I present spoon - opens his mouth, chews, swallows.
I ask: "Do you like porridge?" - "No».
This opens his mouth, chews, swallows.
"You want more?" - I present a spoon. - "No" - but still chews and swallows. "Do not like it - do not eat!»
Slavik's eyes widened. He did not know that so it is possible.
Slavik enjoyed first obtaining the right to refuse food and drank only fruit compote. And then he began to eat with the addition of what he likes, and remove the plate with the unloved. He appeared in the choice of independence. And then we stopped to feed him with a spoon because the food - a natural need. And a hungry child will eat itself.
I'm a lazy mother. I was too lazy for a long time to feed their children. In a year, I handed him a spoon and sat there beside him. In one and a half they have wielded a fork.
Another natural need - defecate. Slavik did it in my pants. His mother told us to drive the child to the toilet every 2 hours. "I have it at home itself put on the pot and keep as long as he does not do all the work." As a result, the garden has been waiting for a big kid that he, too, will be led to the bathroom. Without waiting, drenched pants and did not even know them off, ask for help. A week later, the problem was solved.
"I want to write!" - Proudly announced to a group of Slavik, going to the toilet.
I'm a lazy mother. On weekends, I like to sleep a long time. One Saturday woke up about 11. My son is 2 and a half years of watching the cartoon, munching a carrot. TV turns on itself, the disc also has found himself. A senior who 8 was no longer at home. He asked to go the day before with a friend and his parents in the film. I said that I was too lazy to get up so early. And if he wants in the movie, then let the plant itself and the Service collected. Wow, not slept ... Of course, I also wound up the alarm in the phone itself, listened as he was going, and closes the door, waiting for an SMS from another mother, but the child is left behind the scenes.
And I'm too lazy to check the bag, backpack for Sambo to dry his clothes after the pool and do the lessons with him (by the way, he learns without triplets). And take out the garbage to me, too lazy, so it throws out a son the way to school.
Once I have the audacity to ask him to make me tea and bring to a computer. I suspect that every year I will become lazier.
But the amazing metamorphosis happens to kids when Grandma is coming to us. Senior immediately forgets that he himself is able to do homework, to heat their own meals, collect portfolio. And even sleep in one room, afraid - to sit next to my grandmother! A grandmother we do not lazy.
Children not independent if it is beneficial to adults.
Author: Anna Bykova
Photo: pinterest
via www.pinterest.com/pin/103301385174931863/
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